
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 25: The Tales

Zaibon could be seen standing inside the Dark Realm filled with Nothing, The Dark One's eyes appeared in the sky and it stared down at Zaibon, The Alphas of Darkness emerged out of the Dark portal they created.

" Why did you summon us Zaibon? " The Leader of the Alphas asked immediately.

" I think I have a way to Destroy James and the Vragon Clan all together, I was bored in the Empire so I decided to watch some training until I Listened to one interesting tactics to exact our Revenge " Zaibon said.

" And What may That Be? " The Voice of the Dark One boomed around the realm, The Alphas of Darkness relaxed themselves after hearing what Zaibon said, They are eager to know what Zaibon has in stored.

" Thanks for asking Dark One, The only way to Destroy the Vragon Clan is to take down James because he is their power source right? And now that James has become a mortal like I am, There is a possibility of poisoning him " Zaibon said.

" Hmmmm, that isn't a bad idea Zaibon, To Destroy Vragon and it's warriors, We must weaken James so that he won't be Powerful enough to stop his room " An Alpha said and Zaibon nodded.

" That's an amazing idea Zaibon but how is it possible to poison James? James may be mortal but he is still divine as always, An ordinary mortal deadliest poison can't work on him, He is strong enough to resist it " Another Alpha said.

" Fruigo Poison!! " The Dark One voiced out and everyone looked up into the sky.

" Yes the Fruigo Poison, Rarest and the deadliest that is capable of doing the job, It can't kill an Immortal but it is capable of causing the Immortal long lasting pain and suffering and when used on a mortal "

" It will be the mortal's Doom " The Leader of the Alphas said.

" I don't want James to die of poison, I want to poison him so that I can weaken his system and then when I manipulate the Empire to attack him, I will personally bring his head for we all to celebrate our victory " Zaibon said with smiles on his face.

" And speaking of Manipulation Zaibon, What about the plan? Have you figured out where the Seven Demons of Terror are being kept hidden and sealed " An Alpha asked from the Alphas of Darkness.

" Yes I have figured out their dungeons but the seal they used in sealing them was once unbreakable but the energy is dropping but it is still viciously strong, I can't seem to find the right spell to release them " Zaibon said.

" Don't think of releasing them yet, Find out the spell that will break the seal and set the Demons of Terror free by our command, We don't want the Cosmic realm to be aware of our doings, The Almighty is quite a dangerous man " The Dark One voiced out.

" Yes, My Lord! "

" And what about Karsas and his daughter? Is she perfect now? " The Dark One asked, The Eyes on the sky grew bigger and bigger until it covered them all, but they don't pretty seems to be afraid at all.

" She is not yet perfect and she has begin her training already, She will make the perfect wife for our Lord and it will be splendid " Zaibon answered,

Suddenly the DarkHold appeared before him, The Gigantic and Enormous Dark Book opened up by just a single touch, Zaibon's eyes widened immediately he saw what was in the chapter of the DarkHold.

" What happened Zaibon? " The Alphas of Darkness asked in unison.

" The DarkHold has showed me something that is very very odd, I am not in any position to tell you what the DarkHold showed me, It's a secret and I am bound to the DarkHold " Zaibon said and everyone nodded.

" Be calm for the Mortal world shall belong to us in no time and when we unleashes the Chaos, we become it's ruler and everyone will not breath without our permission and that's when the True Darkness is born " Zaibon said and he disappeared immediately.

🌀🌀🌀 Vragon Clan 🌀🌀🌀

Craig brought His two brothers to the training ground but there weren't in the training hall, They are now present in the river bank, James could be seen standing by the River bank with his eyes fixed on the sky.

" Father, They are here " Craig announced and James faced them with smiles on his face, Jade and Jace walked up to him and he then faced the sky once more with a deep sigh.

" Jade and Jace, You two have impressed by your improvements, You successfully merged yourself with the pains and converted it into an energy of Destruction, Now it's time to move to the next phrase " James voiced out.

" Father, Is it another form of torturing and chaos just like Craig inflicted on us, Isn't that cruel? " Jace asked in anger.

" I am not being cruel but good to you my sons, Do you think the path to being the greatest warrior is easy, Others train their children in a merciful way and that's why none can dare face Craig in a battle "

" He learnt through the hard way " James added,

" Just like Jace asked, Are you going to torture us or what father? " Jade asked and James smiled, He waved his hand and a mighty water formed hand emerged out of the sea in front of them.

" No son, You two have passed the pain process and it's now time to understand the true extent of your Clan's potential, The power of Nature and I will teach you how to master it at free will and you will do exploit " James said and the water formed hand dissolved immediately.

" Are you ready sons? " James asked and The twins nodded in excitement, They only know how to use the Nature but can't summon it very well, Especially using the Nature's RINGAN element and skills.

" We are ready father " Jade and Jace said in unison.

" Good, now there are six types of Elements, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning and Ice and this Six Elements of Nature have their special RINGAN Force which amped them much more better than ever "

" The Mangekou RINGAN Is Fire, Ocrortos RINGAN is Water, Delano RINGAN is Earth, Juriano RINGAN Is Wind and you will understand the remaining two when the time is right, Your mother told me how she taught you two the Elements "

" You two were wise enough to understand the basics of Nature's Elements and It's time I teach you the Elements RINGAN before you can learn the Transformation RINGAN and so on, Firstly...I need you two to perfect the RINGAN I just mentioned " James said and the twins nodded.

" If you don't mind father, I will be watching from here just to laugh my ass because this two I call my brother's will fail " Craig said with an hysterical laughter.

" Very well, Jace...You will begin first " James said and Jace nodded.

" Ok father, and don't you get blown away brother because I will unleash this Elements to my full potential " Jace bragged as he step forward and he positioned himself well for the RINGAN, the RINGAN always have a position.

" Yeah, Yeah brother...Father, Which Element should he begin first? " Jade asked as he faced James, James could be seen in deep thinking for two minutes before he faced them with smiles on his face.

" Begin with the Fire Element " James said and Jace nodded.

" Very well Father, It's time to unleash the Fury..... MANGEKOU RINGAN!!! " Jace roared and his eyes burned with never ending flames, Fire shot out of the ground where Jace stood causing Jace to scream out in pains and the Fire vanished immediately.

" Hahahahahahahaha, Look who was bragging two minutes ago, You didn't even understand the true form of a RINGAN right? I studied the ways of the RINGAN Users during that tournament and i understand it " Jade bragged.

" Well well, Don't you just stand there and Brag Jade, Do it " Jace said angrily, He could hear the laughter of Craig even though he far from where they are.

" Please allow me you loser, Such a joke brother... Don't get too jealous by my progress " Jade said and he step forward while Jace moved backwards, He positioned himself for the RINGAN and he smiled.

" MANGEKOU RINGAN!!!! " Jade roared and fire bursted out of the ground few metres away from where he is, His body caught flames but it never burned and he moved his hands skillfully causing the flames to rise up.

" Wow!! " Jace exclaimed in shock.

" SUMMONING RINGAN, FLAMING BALLS!!! " Jade roared once again and the flames which emitted out of the ground merged together and they formed two great flaming balls which floated on the air.

" This is impressive Jade, How did you do it so easily? " James asked in awe, Jade smiled and he caused the flaming balls to vanish into nothing and everything returned back to normal and that made Jace jealous.

" It's simple, The Harishama warriors used The RINGAN and I watched their position and everything, And I understood that RINGAN isn't the force which the source emerges from but it the force which ampes the original force " Jade said and Jace nodded.

" Jace, Watch and learn from your brother...You will need to understand the basics of the RINGAN and you will use it as good as Jade and Jade, You will still need to showcase all remaining three Nature's Elements " James said and Jade nodded.

Jade's face beamed with smiles, He stared at his brother's jealous face and that made him more happy than ever before!