
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 24: It's just Unknown

After seven days of training repeatedly, welcoming disastrous torment and torture by their Elder brother Craig, Jade and his twin brother Jace has successfully completed the first round of their training session.

It took them four days before they could master pain without crying or feeling pain, They sat inside the pool of boiling water for three hours without even screaming in pains, They received twenty thousand strokes of their brother's whip without flinching or groaning.

After reported that they have passed the first step in the training of pain, The next round was mastering pain and turning it into an energy and which they did, They had to punch a powerful and authentic metal for four straight hours without stopping.

They were starved without food for three days until they have mastered the art of not noticing hunger, Who can imagine royalties like Jade and Jace receiving this manner of training which is supposed to be giving to slaves.

After seeing the progress in his sons, James ordered that the maids and servants give his sons the food that they desire, Jade and Jace were locked up in their room with their belly's filled with food, Their skins were healed back to its normal state.

🌟🌟🌟 Meanwhile 🌟🌟🌟

James could be seen sitting on his throne with his wife and his first son Craig standing before him, There are no council present in the Throne room, All are in their abode living their best lives as always.

" Father, What is the next phase of their training? They have mastered pain already " Craig asked, James gulped down the sweet content in the glass cup he held, He smiled as he sighted Rhea and Craig standing before him.

" As we planned, The next phase is to teach them to use Energy blasts and to control our signature move, Nature " James said.

" But father, Aren't we supposed to teach them how to use a sword or how to use a dagger or how to kill a man? " Craig asked and James nodded, He tossed down the glass cup which shattered into pieces.

" We are but first, The plan of the training is to teach them how to master the arts of pain and then use pain into Energy, Then we will teach them how to use Energy blasts because it is compulsory "

" Why is that father? Don't they need to have skills of warfare? " Craig asked.

" What is there is having skills of warfare when a mystical being can strike you with just a single energy blast huh? You don't speak when I am speaking Craig, Know your position and stay where it is " James warned.

" Yes Father "

" My Son I understand what you are saying but your father is right, this present age there is no need for skills when beings are emerging with magics and Ancient skills of the gods, Divinity is becoming a reality and We must stand by it " Rhea said and Craig nodded.

" Don't worry son, After I train them how to use Energy forces and how to activate the Elements RINGAN, I will teach them the sixty five martial arts skills of battle and chaos that I have mastered, I will make them just like you my son and when they are grown up, They can go and create their own Clan themselves " James said and Craig nodded.

The one reason he loves his brothers too much is because they are not a threat to the Throne, His father has already announced Craig as the heir and his little brothers don't even have a single interest in the throne.

" Yes Father, We can all be allies...The Three brothers that no man can challenge " Craig said and James nodded,

" Yes my son and besides you are still not through with your training yet, There is still one thing that you haven't even learnt at all " James said.

" And what may that be father? Tell me so that I can learnt it " Craig demanded and James smiled.

" Divinity!! " James said as he rised up from his throne, He could see the confusion on his son's face and that caused him joy, James held Rhea's hand and they both went out of the throne room together.

" Father, what is divinity? " Craig asked.

" Figure that out yourself son, When you understand it and that's when the teaching shall commence and as for now, It's time to start teaching your powers the Energy Projection, Manipulation and Ultimately Control " James said and he winked before leaving the Throne room completely with his wife by his side.


It's being already nine days since Chad was made the Grand General of the Shirlian Empire's Empire and he was given a great castle and no one understands why the sudden push by the Emperor...Even Zaibon is confused.



" Yes, Yes, Yes...You are doing it good "

Beside the Emperor's Castle, A building was built up and the training has already begun, Layla, Emily and Curtis could be seen training with daggers, Their mentor Chad could be seen showing them the steps of using a dagger.

" You three are six years old but soon enough you will be an independent being who won't be needing protection, I choose this role and I am going to teach you all the Techniques of fighting a man " Chad said.

" This will teach you " Chad said and he grabbed a dagger from the table before him, He tossed the dagger behind him without looking and the dagger hit the direct spot where it is meant to hit and everyone opened their mouths in shock.

" Wow, that's cool " Curtis said.

" I know it is and you three can even do better, I became a hired assassin when I became ten years old, My father was murdered brutally and his head was cut off and displayed on the Gates of this Unknown Clan, I wept for two months until my depression was over when the thought of exacting my Revenge came into my head "

" It took me two days of planning before I completely pulled it off, I planted a dangerous poison into the waters of the Clan and when they drank it, They all fell weak and ill for two days and the gates was opened for me " Chad said and Layla raised up her hand.

" Yes Layla, Do you have any question? " Chad asked and Layla nodded.

" You said you poisoned them right? Isn't poison supposed to have killed a man within some minutes, hours and not days? " Layla asked.

" Good question Layla and yes it is poison and what you don't know is that poison is either toxic or less toxic but it kills, There are too many types of poison and the poison that I gave them is to cause them pains first " Chad said.

" Sensei Chad, Please continue " Emily stated and Chad nodded.

" Thank you Emily, And as I was saying, I poisoned them and the poison took them for two days and they were all screaming out in pains, That night I returned back to the Clan with my mask on, I grabbed the dagger of my father and I slaughtered all of them "

" Ouch!! " Curtis said.

" Including the Children? " Layla asked and Chad nodded.

" Yes including the children, I went house to house and butchered everyone including new borns, I carved out their hearts and chopped of their heads after slaying them, I ate their hearts and hunged their heads on the Drio's throne " Chad said.

" Did you kill the Drio and his family that day? " Emily asked.

" Yes Emily, I massaged and had sex with the Drio's wives and his daughters before I killed them off, I raped all the maids before killing them ruthlessly, That was night began the great day for Chad the Destroyer " Chad said.

" So why are you telling us this story? Is there any advice or something that you want to tell us in this story you just narrated? " Curtis asked and Chad smiled, He grabbed a sharp sword and he sliced the air with it, He skillfully twisted his hand with the sword in it and he smirked, He stabbed the sword on the ground.

" There are lessons that I need you to learn from this my history and that is too learn how to fight, My father was killed in my front and I couldn't do anything but cry, I was beating ruthlessly until I passed out "

" If I had the opportunity to learn how to fight as you all have now, You can defend yourself and your family and that's what I want to make you, A Defender and an All righteous warrior who will defend this Empire and save it " Chad said.

" And do you know what? " Chad asked and they all nodded.

" I am going to make you three killers, Killers of the wicked and Evil, You all are going to be Destroyers like me or should I call it the Protectors " Chad said and they all smiled at the idea of Chad.

👺👺👺 Meanwhile 👺👺👺

Zaibon who has been watching the training of the Princess out of boredom smiled, He caused the Orb he is using to watch the show to vanish into thin air and he started massaging his cheeks with his hands.

" This Chad Story has given me the best idea to exact my revenge, If I can't attack the Vragon Clan with my warriors because it is impregnable while James is still completely alright, I can poison him and weaken the spell "

" Trick the Ultimate Clans that has grudge against The Vragons to wage war and slay them immediately, I need to find the better poison for this cause " Zaibon said to himself, He snapped his fingers and he disappeared immediately.