
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 23: Training Continues

Rhea took her son's to their bedroom after they were driven to sleep because of the torture or you can as well say that they fainted due to the excessive beating and torturing, Their bodies were all filled with bruises.

Rhea dropped Jade and Jace on their separate beds and James walked up to them and he healed their wounds immediately, No more bruises and he made sure than the pains still stayed but he healed only the physical appearance.

And they all went to sleep!

🌟🌟🌟The Next Day🌟🌟🌟

Jade yawned and he opened his eyes to see himself sleeping on his bed, He looked at his body to see that there is no more bruises on his body but when he made to stand up, He screamed out in pains.

He then understood that his father healed his skin but not the pains, He needs to learn how to control the pains, Jace slowly opened his eyes and he yawned, He turned to see Jade still lying down on his bed because he can't move his body.

" Jade, What's wrong? Why can't you stand up even though you are already awake? " Jace asked, He looked at his skin to see that the injuries and bruises are gone, He made to stand up like Jade did and he screamed out in pains.

" That's why I haven't stand up from this bed, Dad healed our skin but he made sure that the pains stays and he might even double the pain for us, This training is becoming too cruel of him " Jade said.

" Dad is known to be cruel but not to us Jade, I remembered when I heard that Craig hated our father when he was three years because of the torture but now they are best of friends, This training is harsh but not father " Jace defended.

" You are right Jace but what manner of training is this? I can't even move my bones because it's painful, I don't understand why father would give us this manner of training when he doesn't give it to others " Jade said and the door of their room opened up immediately.

James entered into the room with smiles on his face, His sons faced him and he could see them frowning at him and that made him to smile the more, He walked up to them and he rubbed their cheeks.

" Listen up boys, I am not a crueld Father and I am not a wicked to you two, This is just the training you will be receiving to make you a better warrior, I left the pains in your body so that you can overcome it " James said.

" But..but father, This is unfair treatment " Jade said.

" Life isn't fair son, Why should you two become a warrior when you can't convert every single attack of your enemy to energy and use it against him, You will thank me later after you have realized the truth "

" In two minutes Craig will be here to take you to the next training, I won't be there to stop him from using his full energy on you guys, Remember that you will need to convert the pains to energy but first maintain the pain and make it worthless to thy skin " James adviced and he left the room afterwards.

Two minutes later, the door opened up and Craig entered with a whip in his hand, The edge of the whip were sharp thorns that are very dangerous to the skin, After Craig sighted his brothers still resting their backs.

He smiled.

" Jade and Jace, It's time for your training...I will give you ten seconds to leave this room to the Training hall or I will drag and beat you until we enter the training room to continue the training of pain " Craig said.

" Countdown starts now, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One...Now " Craig said and they were already standing up, He whipped Jade in the back causing Jade to scream out in pains.

Craig whipped Jace in the head causing blood to gush out, The twins rushed out of their room passing through many corners until they entered the training room, Three minutes later, Craig walked in with the whip in his hand.

" This is the training ground where I was beating nearly to death by Father, I hated him for more than two years because I never understood why he was treating me with so much hate, I now understand that he is training me to be the best " Craig said.

" Are you going to torture us like you did yesterday? " Jace asked, He is already shaking in fear of been beating furiously by a being known as his Elder brother, He feared that brutal manner of training.

" Not exactly, This time you two are going to hurt yourself by your own hands " Craig said, He grabbed two dagger from the table and he tossed at Jade and Jace without caution, Jade caught the dagger but he injured him while Jace ducked the dagger before grabbing it from the ground.

" How are we going to hurt ourselves? " Jade asked.

" It's simple, You will stab your right hand with the dagger until I tell you to stop, I must see your blood being wasted on the ground and you must not scream or else your second hand will be stabbed as well " Craig instructed.

" Isn't this too cruel? How do you expect us to stab ourselves with a dagger, No one can hurt himself because of a training, That's too insane " Jace said and Craig smiled, He grabbed a dagger from the table and he stabbed his hand immediately.

Craig's right hand bled with the dagger still on it and Craig didn't even show a single atom of pain in his eyes, He drew our the dagger from his hand and he dropped the bloody dagger on the table and he then faced his brother.

" Do you now understand? Father has made me a pain resistanct being, I don't feel pain normal and average people do in this world, and that's because I received a brutal training like you are receiving now "

" Start stabbing yourselves now or you will be tortured in a way that will make you regret ever living " Craig ordered, Jade held unto the dagger but he couldn't stab himself, Craig saw this and he tossed Kunai knife at Jade's leg which caused Jade more pain.

After seeing what happened to Jade, Jace started stabbing his hand which causing him to scream out in pains, Craig heard the screams and he went straight to Jace and whipped him furiously.

" I warned you not to scream out " Craig warned.

He whipped Jade's back more Furiously and that caused Jade to stab himself, He held the pain unto himself not to receive another beating, He drew out the dagger from his right hand and he could see the hole it created.

Jade and Jace continued to stab themselves more Furiously than ever, They were holding the pains into themselves, trying not let pains out because of more beating, The pains became too much to bare that they both fell on their knees.

Craig walked up to them and whipped them hard on their backs, He whipped them furiously but they couldn't even thinking of moving their bodies talkless of standing up, Craig saw that they are already weak so he brought out food for them.

Immediately the smelled food, They used their little energy to grab and devour the food at once, After eating the food, Jace and Jade fell on the ground and they were driven to sleep, Craig put sleeping portion in their food.



🕘🕘🕘Ten Minutes Later 🕘🕘🕘

" Wake up you two "

Craig ordered and he whipped them hard, Jade and Jace groaned after receiving the whip on their back, They opened their eyes to see themselves sitting on a chair with their hands tied and their legs were tied.

" What is going on? " Jade asked.

" Well you two are to weak to continue stabbing yourselves so I decided to change the training, I promise you that this one will be alot better than the other ones you have ever witnessed in your life " Craig said and he laughed, He looked up to see that chains were holding the chair and they were on the air, Jade looked down to see a pool of hot boiling water and they became very very scared.

" Please don't do this to us, We are your brothers... Don't throw us into this boiling water, It is too painful " Jace pleaded and Craig smirked, He snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared causing the chairs to fall.

They were about to enter into the pool of boiling water when Craig stopped them in the mid air,

" You two still don't understand the training do you? This is the training of withstanding pains and Torment and to make your mind not to understand the pains, This will be the best tool to make you understand " Craig said and the chairs fell into the hot water.

Immediately Jade and Jace entered into the pool of boiling water, They were screaming out in pains and the more they screamed the more the pool became hotter than it has ever been before in history.

Their skins were slowly peeling off and Craig left the room immediately, A forcefield were blocking the twins from leaving the hot boiling pool, The pains is torturing their soul, body and mind.

They need to see pain as nothing in other to succeed and Advance to the next training, They still see pain as something, An Embodiment of physical Doom that makes the mind to react in an horrific way.

They need to know Pain is nothing but an unpleasant tool used in Torture!