
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 21: It's time for your training

The next day, Drio James carried his sons in the Carriage, He has already said his goodbye and his sons did the same, Only Jade seems to be sad by their sudden departure, Jace wants to head home and hug his mother once again.

They started their journey, with thousands of Vragon warriors following them from behind, They were all on their horses and with the Carriage being at the center, No on can easily get pass the warriors talkless of attacking the Carriage.

It will be suicidal to do so.

" Father, Why are we going home today? Can't we go two days after today? " Jade asked and James smiled, Jace is already asleep because he understands that the journey will take hours and when he is awake, They will be home.

" Well I am taking you two home to begin your training, There are many things that you don't really understand, Time is not on my side and it won't be long before the inevitable occurs " James answered.

" What happened father, Why is time not on your side and besides you can pause time, Remember the Cyrokan " Jade said and James smiled, Jade and Craig are the only two that are serious with warfare.

" You won't understand now son, When the time comes, You will understand what I have been saying since " James answered, He snapped his fingers and his hand caugh fire, The flames didn't burn his hand a single bit.

" Whoa Dad, How did you do that? " Jade asked in suprise tone.

" It's nothing special son, Every Ultimate Clan has a power source and ours is Nature, Why we are so fierce and powerful is that every single member of the Vragon Clan has one element in their Control "

" It can be fire, water, air and land, The Divine that brought forth the Elements of Nature has being our god all this while, It is also said that he is the one who physically blessed Alumod the Conqueror " James said.

" Wow, Are you sure father? " Jade asked in suprise.

" Alumod the Conqueror is an ancestor of our Clan, Two thousand years ago and he is the Creator who forged this Clan, I am just a warrior who arrived four hundred years ago and I became the most feared warrior ever "

" Do you want to be like me, A brave and powerful warrior, Who is known as a great legend, A skilled warrior in battle and I have mastered two hundred martial arts skills and techniques, And I might be also divine " James said.

" Wow divine, You mean a god? " Jade asked in shock and James nodded, James smiled at the sleeping Jace who still doesn't show much interest in learning how to battle, He wants all his sons to be a vibrant and warlords.

His time on this world is coming to an end shortly!

🕘🕘🕘Five Hours Later🕘🕘🕘

The Warriors woke their Drio up telling him that they have arrived at the Clan, The gates were open and they entered immediately, Drio James who has been sleeping together with Jade opened his eyes.

He looked around to see that everyone is ok and there is nothing bad that happened, The Villagers were waving at him and he waved back, It took them twenty minutes before they arrive at the Castle.

Two warriors opened the door of the Carriage and Drio James climbed down immediately, He smiled after seeing his wife Rhea standing before him with smiles on her face, She has been expecting him since.

" Jade, Jace..wake up we are home " James voiced out, He lifted his sons and placed them on his shoulders, Rhea walk up to him, hugged him before finally planting a pleasurable kiss on his lips and that made him more happy.

" My darling, I have missed you so much " James said.

" I have missed you even more, I have been training with Craig and I can say that he fights like you, He is an amazing warrior and a good leader but a little bit violent in his doctrine " Queen Rhea said.

" Honey, you don't need to praise him for me to know that he is a great warrior, And besides I trained him myself so what's the big deal " James said, He snapped his fingers and the luggages appeared immediately.

" Take the bags in right away and arranged the boys room, They need to sleep soundly " James ordered and the Servants nodded, He and Rhea both entered into the Castle with happiness and they were discuss when Craig walked in.

" Father!!! " Craig called out, James looked down to see Craig on his knees and he is bowing before his father, James and Rhea both laughed out loud after seeing it, James swiftly lifted his son up.

" Craig, you remember that I told you not to bow before me anymore, You are my son and the heir to this throne, No one is taking it from you so you don't need to always prove that you are worthy, remain as a rogue warrior " James said and Craig smiled.

" Thank you Dad, So how's the twins? " Craig asked.

" You know I am quite proud of you as the firstborn, You teleported all the way from here to the Empire just because your brothers were in danger, That makes me know that you love family more than the throne and we will celebrate about it " James said.

" And besides the servants will take them to their room, They are still sleeping and son, We need to discuss something concerning your two brothers, I think it's time we teach them how to fight " James said and Craig nodded.

" Yes Dad but first, The Elders wants to see you " Craig said and James nodded, Rhea rushed to set her eyes on her son's while James and Craig went to meet the Elders in the Throne room, Immediately James entered.

The Elders stood up and bowed before James, James smiled and he walk up to his throne and relaxed his back on the throne, Craig stood beside him as the next successor, That's the law of the Clan.

" Greetings Elders of this Clan, It's an honor to set my eyes on your faces once again, The Empire has been blissful but nothing is more blissful than seeing all of you now " James said and he ordered that the Elders may sit and they did.

" Drio James, We are all happy to hear that you have arrived and we are happy to see you, Your son Craig has been a blissful and a peaceful Regent since your absence, He surely deserves to be the next successor " Elder Yamota said.

" It's good to hear that from you Elder Yamota, I expected the best and I got it, So tell me...Is there any attack or what happened since my absence? " James asked, His eyes were fixed on Craig who cleared hi throat to speak.

" Father, The South Mellionius bandits heard that you were in the Empire and they sought to raid the Clan of its finest but they were all stupid, I attacked and defended the Clan " Craig said and the Elders nodded in agreement.

" So are there any captives amongst them? " James asked.

" I managed to spare ten amongst the one thousand bandits they brought, Five were captains so I interrogated them but they were too stubborn to tell on their organization, I just had to torture them but leave them alive until you came " Craig answered.

" Hmmmm, if they can't tell on their Organization, I guess there won't be need of Keeping them alive, Burn them all " James ordered and Craig nodded, James law is to burn his enemies alive, They will be sentenced to death by burning.

" Is there anything that you all want to say? " James asked.

" Drio James, There is something that I will like to say, We all know that you aren't Immortal and one of your sons, probably Craig will become an Immortal being soon enough, Why don't you train your twins to be Craig's war companion " Elder Patricio stated.

" Hmmm you may be right Patricio, I have made my decision to train my sons in the ways of the warfare but I am not sure that they will be Craig's companion in wars, They might just create their own Clan " James said.

" I am going to make sure that all my descendants are warriors, Craig has followed in my footsteps and he become this strong and powerful, It's time to make Jade and Jace strong and powerful as well "

" They will be their own powerful warriors, I don't care about the Prophecy and If they are to become a Villian, They will be the most powerful Villian that has ever lived and will ever exist in this world and the next " James said.

" By Sunrise, The Training begins!! "