
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 2: The Message

💥💥💥Vragon Clan 💥💥💥

Drio James and his son Craig entered into the Throne room to see the Elders standing on their feets as they waited for The Drio before they could seat down, The Elders bowed their heads and greeted the three hundred years old Drio.

" Greetings to you Elders, May I know why I am being summoned? " James asked as he relaxed his back on his Throne, Craig could be seen standing by his side the entire time, After all he is going to be the next Drio.

" We have received words from the Emperor of the Shirlian Empire, He demands your presence first thing tomorrow morning " One of the Elders whose name is Patricio said, He wasn't smiling at all.

" And if I may ask, Why? " James asked.

" We are one of the Seven Protectors of the Empire remember? The Emperor demands the presence of all the Drios of the Seven Clans and he specifically mentioned your name " Another Elder whose name is Alonso said.

" Very well then, I shall go first thing tomorrow morning with my sons, Craig is my heir and my twins are his generals, They are the princes of this Clan and they must go with me " Drio James said and everywhere became silent.

" Any question? " James asked.

" We all know that Craig is now worthy of being called the next Drio but what about the twins? They need to be thought the principles of warfare no matter the price, That's the law of this Clan " Elder Yamota said.

" I understand the principles Elders but they aren't ready for the training, I need to teach Craig to master his powers first before I teach my twins " James said and the elders scoffed at his words, The Elders were right.

" We don't really have the time Drio James, remember what happened to you after the war against the Cosmic Demon, Your immortality has been taken and you can be killed, Your sons are your successors " Elder Alonso stated.

" I know about that but the world don't, And without my immortality...I am still the most powerful warrior to ever exist " Drio James said and sigh, He looked at the faces of the five Elders and he deeply sighed.

" What has the priestess said about my current situation? " James asked.

" She demands more time, Nature is silent about the matter and time is running out, remember the chains of the Seven Demons is getting Weakened by the years and the Demons will be unleashed on the Empire " Elder Yarioshi answered.

" Fine, I will speak with her before my departure from this Clan first thing by sunrise, And Craig here will be in charge of everything until I am back, I will be taking my sons with me to the Empire " Drio James announced.

Immediately the Five Elders heard the announcement, they scoffed and whispered among themselves and that showed that they weren't happy about the decision of their powerful Drio who has been valiant in all his wars.

" Is there any thing you want to say Elders? " James asked in Confusion.

" Yes, my Lord, Craig is just a little boy who is still learning his skills and training, There is nothing he knows about governing the Great Vragon Clan, I beseech you to give the Regentship to her royal Highness " Elder Patricio stated and Drio James laughed.

" I would have decided that but I need my son to experience it once while I am away, Besides I have been teaching him how and ways to govern the Clan and he knows everything about the Clan and our diety, There is nothing to be worried about " Drio James said...

Meanwhile Craig who has been listening to what his father's said to the Elders made his joyous, He is eager to prove to the Elders that he is ready to govern, He has been seeing his father battle against warriors and he is learning.

" Very well my Lord, if that is your decision, Then we are ok with your decision...We will see what becomes of the Prince Craig while you are away " Elder Yamota said and The Drio smiled, He then remembered the Warriors that were captured.

" I was told by the Captain of my army yesterday that five warrior spies were captured and kept in prison, Where are they that I may interrogate them? " James asked and the Elders faced eachother before answering.

" We sent the commanders to fetch them already " Elder Alonso answered, Two minutes later, The Door opened and ten Vragon warriors drag the Spies who were already tortured in without mercy, and they brought the spies to the feet of the Drio.

" In all my life of being a Drio for this Clan as a successor, I have always spared the spies and thiefs that entered to steal our treasure and do you want to know why? I asked them one question and they will answer me "

" Who sent you? " Drio James asked.

" There is nothing in this world that will make us tell you, We are an Organization and we will die with our secret " One of the spies voiced out in pains, They have been ruthlessly tortured while in captivity by the Vragons.

" Throughout the Empire's coast and the fifty Clans, The Vragons has been feared by many and do you want to know why? We have been trained to bring out useful information from the enemies right from a tender age " Drio James said.

" I will let my son do the torturing " Drio James stated and he gave Craig the signal, Craig smiled and he unsheathed his sword from his back, He slowly approached the kneeling spies and his sword glowed blue.

" Who sent you? " Craig asked with smiles on his face.

" Kiss my ass you little bitch " The spy answered and Craig chopped off his right hand without mercy, The Spy screamed out in pains as blood flowed from his right arm, He swinged his sword and the left hand fell off immediately.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...you little bitch, Am gonna kill you " The spy roared in agony, Craig stretched forth his sword and he stabbed the spy in the right eye, He pulled out his bloody sword and the spy fell down dead.

" And now to You four, Who sent you? " Craig asked, The spies could be seen shivering in fear of the sixteen years old boy, Drio James trained Craig to be a killer from when he was six, He used to kill all the captives after a war.

" We..we...we..we..we.. can't tell " Another spy stammered in fear as Craig slowly approached him, Craig swinged his bloody sword and the spy right ear fell off immediately causing the Spy to scream out in pains...

" Tell me..." Craig ordered.

He stabbed the spy in his stomach which made blood gushed out of the spy's mouth, He twisted his sword inside the Spy's stomach the more before thrusting out his sword and the Spy fell down dead.

" It looks like they are very much prepared to die father, Something is hindering them from telling us what we need to know, I sensed black magic " Craig stated and The Drio could be seen thinking as he glared at the remaining Spies.

" I can feel that to and they are pretty much useless now, Kill them all son " Drio James ordered, Craig nodded and smiled, He twisted his sword skillfully and with one single strike, The remaining Spies heads fell off and their bodies were dragged out of the room.

" What did you say again that they stole? " Drio James asked.

" They stole the Orb of the Transcendent but we apprehended them, And they were using..." The commander was cut short by The Drio James who is still thinking deeply and The Drio faced the Elders.

" I don't really know why they want the Orb but I will figure that out very soon, This black warriors has attacked this Clan once before and that was two hundred years ago and now they are back for the Orb "

" Whatever that is in the Orb, It won't be good so I must keep it safe in my realm and I will not let this happen the second time, This time...I will know what and who they are " The Drio stated before dismissing everyone except Craig.

" Craig, I will be gone for two or more days, You know what I have been teaching you since, Do not fail me because you are the heir to my throne and the next Drio of this Clan, And I will begin the training of the twins when I am back " James said and Craig nodded.

" Ok, father...I will never let you down "

🏰🏰🏰The Shirlian Empire 🏰🏰🏰

💒💒💒The Emperor's Palace 💒💒💒

" We have delivered the message to the Seven Ultimate Clan my lord "

A voice could be heard from inside the Castle, the sound came from the Throne room where the Emperor is spotted relaxing his back on his throne with his subjects sitting on their chieftaincy positions.

" And? " The Emperor asked.

" They have all promised to be there, including the Drio of the Vragon Clan " The messenger answered and The Emperor smiled immediately he heard the Drio of the Vragon Clan, He has always admired the three hundred years old Drio...

" You can go " The Emperor ordered and the chief messenger who has brought the news bowed his head before existing the presence of the Emperor, Immediately the Messenger exited the premises of the Throne room.

" Drio James is coming? " One of the Elders asked in shock.

" I thought he is a stubborn and an arrogant man, I am sure that he is in a good mood that is why he agreed to come when you summoned the Drios of the Ultimate Clans " Another Elder stated and the Emperor smiled.

" What we all know is that he is coming to the Empire, Remember that the Arrogant man you mentioned is Four hundred years old and he is more older than any of you, And besides I would love to see him "

" He is my favorite Drio, He once taught my father the principles of the Kaioki Kaona, It would be my pleasure to see the Immortal warrior once again "