
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 18: A new warrior

All the warriors and villagers from the twelve province gathered themselves together on the Sudom Valley to begin the tournament, All Villages brought out two warriors amongst them to win the grand prize.

The Emperor, Council Members, Ministers and the Drios were all sitted on their powerful thrones but the Emperor's throne is the greatest, The Judges were all sitted on their chairs as they awaited the match to begin.

The Contestants were all numbered till it reached sixty, It's an all tournament match, Everyone will participate in one match and they have three hours to be done with the Ultimate Tournament or there will be no winner.

The Contestants can be eliminated by knockout and submission, Death means disqualification and it will results to be big punish by whoever the Emperor chooses to grant the punishment of the offender.

" Great warriors and members of the Shirlian Empire, My name is Colos and I will be the one to inspect and watch the battle from the ring, You can call me the announcer and the side judge of this Tournament...I thank you all for coming " Colos the announcer voiced out.

The highly powerful Lords children including the Emperor's daughter and the rest were sitting beside their father's but we're on a different angle, The Citizens cheered in happiness as they watched what is going on.

" Firstly before the tournament shall proceed, I would like to introduce, welcome and thank the greatest Emperor of the Shirlian Empire, He and his Ultimate wisdom created this wonderful tournament that will surely be a bliss to us all, Welcome the Great Emperor Karsas of the Shirlian Empire, The warrior of warriors, Ruler over all...He is the greatest!!! " Colos praised the Emperor and Everyone cheered as they applauded the Emperor.

" And below the Emperor are the Seven Drios of the Ultimate Clans, They are the defenders of the Clans and the only one who protects us from the other Empire's who wants to cause chaos and besides we have our Immortal Drio James " Colos announced and everyone applauded.

" Emperor Karsas, This your announcer is quite the type...He is good at announcing " James commended and the Emperor smiled, James hardly commends anyone at anything and that means he is really impressed.

" Drio James is right Emperor, This Colos of a man is good " Drio Votex stated.

" It's good to know that you all are enjoying this, This tournament has been the best idea to entertain you all because after this we shall feast like never before " The Emperor said with smiles on his face.

" Is it true? " Zaibon voiced out and the Drios faced him, Especially James!

" Is it True what Zaibon? You don't have to be scared, You are my prime minister after all " Emperor Karsas said with smiles on his face,

" Emperor Karsas, Is it true that you are going to grant that huge money to the winner and a position in the Council? " Zaibon asked, He smiled and he faced James who just stared at him with a sternful look.

" Well yes, It's not even a big deal, Two thousand gold coins is nothing to the millions I have, After all I am the richest Empire in the entire world " Emperor Karsas answered with pride, He then face the ring.

" Father, Father!! " Layla called out.

" Yes my little devil, What is it? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" When is the Tournament starting? I want to watch the fight and besides I want Emily and Curtis to seat beside me and Jade " Layla said, After seeing the confused look on her father's face, She pointed down to Emily and Curtis who were being the servers of drinks and wines to the rich.

" Oh I see, Those two Yirioashi Children, Can I ask you a question my little blood orange? Why do you like them so much? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" They are fun father, The Palace has locked me away from friends and I need friends I go down to the village to make friends and I met them, Emily has been good to me, She once protected me from a beer " Layla answered.

' I see, Then I will make them to be personally Layla's friends, She won't be so bored anymore and if they dare her, I will execute them immediately ' Emperor Karsas said to himself and he smiled immediately.

" Guards!! " Emperor Karsas called out and three guards rushed to him immediately.

" Yes Emperor Karsas, You summoned us? " The guards asked immediately, The Emperor ordered the guards to bring Emily and Curtis up and they put them so close to Jade and Layla but they weren't close like that.

" Thanks father "

" It's nothing my sweet goddess, Will you all begin the tournament already? My daughter is becoming impatient " Emperor Karsas ordered, All the judges and the announcer feared, Infact all the pauper citizens feared.

" Very well the Great Emperor, we shall begin now...Shall the Sixty Contestants emerged into the Ring " Colos announced,

The Contestants started entering the ring one after the other, according to the numbers that they were given, There will be no teaming up, One person will win the prize money and will go home as a Fearless and high ranking warrior.

An Opportunity no one will resist!

The Contestants continued entering into the gigantic and Enormous ring created by the Emperor himself, Jade held Layla's hand as she rested her head on his shoulder and they both watched the Contestants, Just all of a sudden!

" Hey brother "Jace called out as he tapped Jade on the shoulder.

" What is it brother? As you can see I am deeply busy right now, This warriors are becoming intense " Jade said with a angry look on his face, He calmed down after seeing Jace still smiling happily.

" Is that who I am seeing? " Jade asked in shock, He trailed his brother's eyes to see what he was seeing then he sighted the being his brother is smiling all this while, A formidable weapon of mass Destruction.

" What are you talking about Jade? What is going on? " Layla asked, Jade pointed to the being who is entering the ring as the last contestant, Layla coundn't recognize the being in one bit but she is eager to recognize him.

" That is Chad the Destroyer, Am I right Jade? " Emily asked and Jade faced her, His smiles grew even more wider after Emily mentioned his name, He nodded and gave her a thumbs up before facing his father.

" Father " Jade whispered and James opened his eyes, He has been closing his eyes seens to maintain his Absolute energy and power he has, The Power is to calm his nerves and he then open up his eyes immediately.

" What is it Jade? " James asked.

" Do you know that man? The last contestant of this tournament? " Jade asked, James could see how happy his two sons are and he decided to see who is making them happy, He stared at the last contestant but he didn't recognize him at all.

" I don't recognize him son, who is he? " James asked.

" Father as Emily just said, His name is Chad the Destroyer, He is an Unbeatable Ninja assassin this Empire has, He is a living legend and no one has ever missed his attacks, He is a strong and skillful one...I believe he is the Victor of this tournament " Jade answered.

" Hmmmm, My sons knows this freak and I don't know, Why do I have this kind of feelings that I will be the next for him to challenge because I am the most powerful, I need to know who could be this Powerful as my sons says " James said to himself.

Suddenly after noticing Chad, Everyone in the spectators arena started screaming his name high like he is some god, The Emperor frowned and he stared at the none ever smiling Chad the Destroyer whose being a legend.

" Who is this Chad of a guy? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" I believe his name is known as Chad the Destroyer, He once defeated a Drio of a Ultimate Clan before but I won't reveal his name, His skills are tremendous as they saw...I have never witnessed it at all " Drio Konin stated.

" Very well then, I shall want to know what's special about this Chad guy, Ring the bell and let's start the tournament " The Emperor impatiently ordered immediately, James smiled as Chad glared at him.

" Hmph, He intends to challenge me after he wins, How pathetic " James announced.

" The Tournament shall begin now but before I ring the bell, There shall be no killing and teammate is highly forbidden, Every man is on his own and I wish you all good luck and I hope one of you might win this " Colos said and he disappeared.

He appeared on the ring and he stared at the bell!

" Warriors are you ready? Spectators are you watching? It's time to bring everything down...Let the Tournament begin!!! " Colos announced and the bell rang immediately, The battle has begun and all warriors have waged war against eachother.