
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 16: It's understandable

James rode his horses with his army down to the Yirioashi Village, Causing the Destruction of buildings and properties, The Vragon Warriors slashed the village warriors that tried defending their Village's people.

Women and children were slaughtered on the road, James has ordered for the Destruction of the Village and both the people, Meanwhile the Emperor and the six ultimate Drios were watching the Destruction from far.

James climbed down from his horse with his ancient sword in his hands, He swinged his sword and chopped off a head immediately, Ducking all the attacks...James wiped out the thirty warriors that attacked him.

" Gather them all, I will judge them " James ordered,

The Vragon Warriors created a barrier to burn the warriors that attacks them, The village warriors were been slaughtered without mercy, A single Vragon warrior caused the death of twenty warriors.

The Vragon warriors gathered all the villagers together, Both children and women weren't exceptional, The men were separated from the women and the women were separated from the children as well.

" Listen to me and listen to me very good, You are going through this pain now because of your Chief, He attacked my sons and he wanted to kill them, Don't worry he is dead and you all will receive my judgement " James spoke out.



" Your magesty, Aren't we going to do something about this, James will burn this Village to the ground " Drio Obeton asked as they continued to watch, The ruthless massacre of the Yirioashi Village.

" No Obeton, I have been looking for the best excuse to wipe out this Village myself, They are too close to my palace and I am happy that James is doing this, It's a sin to touch James family " The Emperor said.

" So we are to sit on our horses and watch this massacre? " Drio Fugai asked.

" Yes, that's what I am asking you to do, Let James erase this worthless garbages out of Existence, They are even stupid to lay their filthy hands on my daughter, I would have destroyed them myself " The Emperor said.

" Very well then your magesty, We shall watch and adore your graciousness, And I have always wondered how James execute people, He is responsible for the destruction of more than ten thousand clans " Drio Votex said.

" Let's all be still and watch " The Emperor ordered and silence ensured, They continued watching as The Vragon warriors dragged more villagers out of their hiding spots for the judgement of James.



" I have always wanted to turn a new leave, to abstain from Destruction and Chaos I always unleash but you all have really made me mad, firstly I will show you how hurting a child of mine feels like " James said.

The Vragon Warriors light the torches and gave one to their Drio which is James, Drio James give a signal and they dragged a little boy to James and James caught hold of him, James poured acid on the boy and light him up.

" You shall watch your sons burn to ashes and chaos, I will have to unleash the Destruction on your people for the last time " James stated, He watched the little boy burned to death and he smiled as the boy screamed.

James pointed his fingers to a little girl and his warriors dragged her out, James brought out his sharp dagger and he opened up her mouth and he cut out her tongue immediately before stabbing her in the skull.

" Do you enjoy this? The real feeling and taste for Destruction? " James asked, He directed his dagger to the head of an old woman and she died immediately, Screams filled the air as the Villagers were all afraid of dying.

" Now lemme be wipe out half of you all now " James said,

The warriors divided all the men, women and children into two groups, James brought a coin from his pocket and he flipped the coin, Immediately the coin touched the ground and it shows the right group.

He gave his warriors a sign and they wiped out the villagers on the right side, Heads rolled and the screams became intense, Throats were being slitted open and bodies dropped down dead without mercy.

" And for the remaining villagers, I am going to sell you all into slavery, Who am I kidding, Kill them all " James ordered and the warriors striked, His men strucked down the entire village and burnt their bodies in ashes.

James mounted on his horse and he is being followed by some of his warriors and they arrived at the Emperor's palace, the guards opened the Gates up and James entered with his warriors behind him.

He climbed down from his horse and he gave the rope to one of his warriors, James entered the castle through the door with the guards bowing down before him, James climbed the stairs swiftly to see Zaibon talking with his children.

" Father!! " Jace shouted.

" You are here already father, What happened to the Village? " Jade asked, both boys ran to their father and hugged his legs, with smiles on his face...James bent down and lifted up his sons on his shoulders.

" I am here sons, Don't worry about the Village..I have taken care of everything there so you don't need to be scared anymore, I have sent all of them to the unknown " James answered, He sensed the dark auras again and he faced Zaibon.

" Greetings Drio James, It's an honor to meet you face to face " Zaibon voiced out with fake smiles on his face.

" Who are you? " James asked.

" My name is Lord Zaibon and I am the Chief Minister to his magesty the Emperor, I am sure he must have introduced me to the Drios but you didn't care to know " Zaibon said and James nodded, He didn't care to know.

" You see familiar to me Zaibon or whatever you are called, Are you a MaliKian warrior? " James asked with a suspicious look on his face, He saw the mark he inflicted on the MaliKian prince back then.

" Of course not, I am from this Empire who luckily got the high position, I have heard about this MaliKian warriors you are talking about and I believe I heard that you wiped them out two centuries ago " Zaibon said and James smiled.

" I destroyed them alright and I don't have the time to tell you how fun it is and I want to warn you on something Zaibon, Do not go close to my sons again " James warned and he continued walking until he reached his room.

" Sons, you can go now...Daddy is coming " James said as he calmly dropped his sons on the ground, He opened the door and The twins ran inside happily, Zaibon was about leaving when James called him back.

' What now? '

Zaibon turned back to see James approaching him, He managed to release the fake smile once again even though he wants stab James in his heart with a dagger for watching James burn down his people.

" Hi, James you called me back? " Zaibon asked, James grabbed Zaibon by the neck and he lifted Zaibon up and slammed Zaibon hard on the ground, He lifted Zaibon up again and he landed a bone breaking punch to the chin of Zaibon and he tossed him hard on the ground.

" Ouch, Argggggghhhhhh...Why did you do that? " Zaibon asked as he tends to his wounds on his cheek, Then James grabbed Zaibon the shirt and he lifted him up with ease, James stared at Zaibon and he smiled.

" Did you still think that you can be deceiving me huh? I know you are the Prince of the MaliKian Clan and I don't know how you manage to survive and live for two hundred years but if you dare go close to my children "

" I will finish the work and assasinate you without a mercy attached to it " James warned, He tossed Zaibon hard on the ground and he headed for his room when Zaibon called him back amidst the pains.

" You don't know what is about to be unleashed James, I will make you pay for your sons very soon James, Very soon "

" Your children will be the last to die like you did to my siblings, I will carve out their hearts and feed it to your helpless wife and then I will rape like never before, She will be my sex toy while your skin shall be my clothes " Zaibon said and James smiled.

" Hmph, Seems like my Destruction has turned you into an outrageous monster, I don't know what your plans is but I will be expecting it " James said and he opened his door and he entered immediately.

" James has already seen me and he knows who I am, I need to inform the Dark One and the Alphas of Darkness this instant " Zaibon said to himself, He walked up to a close window, He opened up the window and he transformed into a crow and he flew away immediately.