
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 14: Ultimate Beginning

" ZAIBON!!! "

The Voice of the Dark One schooled the realm vigorously, His two pair of red shining eyes could be seen staring down at Zaibon from the sky, Zaibon who was on his knees all this while slowly rised up to his feet and he looked up.

" Yes my Lord, I know that you want me to tell you all what is happening the Empire, I am still figuring out a way to unseal those sealed powers " Zaibon said, Lightning strucked down from the sky and three beings appeared before Zaibon.

Immediately Zaibon sighted the beings, He fell on his knees and bowed before them immediately, The Three beings who looks like Ancient beings or Deities smirked after seeing Zaibon worshipping them.

" Great Alphas of Darkness, Why hath thou here? " Zaibon asked as he worshipped them!

" Zaibon, We are here to speak to you directly...We all know that the Dark One has been giving us the information for the Ultimate Doom but you are forgetting something " The first being spoke out after two minutes.

" And what may that be Alphas of Darkness? " Zaibon asked.

" You were chosen by the DarkHold to become the Dark Priest and that means you are responsible for everything that concerns the Mortal Realm, The gods ruling the mortals doesn't care about the realm but we do "

" Time is running out and we need to unleash the seven Demons of Terror, We don't have much time " The Second Being said, All three beings who are recognized as the Alphas of Darkness stretched forth their hands and a scepter appeared.

" This is gift from the Immortal world of Darkness as the Dark Priest, It's a scepter of great powers to command whoever you want to, But trend with caution... Remember that the soul of the goddess of war still wanders in the mortal Realm " The third being said and he directed the Scepter to Zaibon.

" Alphas of Darkness, I am sorry to disappoint you but it won't be now, There will be a tournament and the worthless mortals will be disturbing our plans, But as assigned by the Dark One "

" I shall seek to take the powers of James sons " Zaibon said.

" Ah, James the great right? A man who forfeited his position to enter the mortal Realm and dominate, I don't know what has gotten into him but I don't really care, He will be annihilated once the plan is completed " The First being said.

" And speaking about his sons, James has two sons which are twins and a grown up who is by now sixteen years old in the Mortal time, Which one of them powers are you planning to steal? " The Second Being asked.

" The Twins great Alphas of Darkness, Craig is already matured and he will be difficult to defeat, James has taught him the ways of warfare already " Zaibon answered and the Alphas of Darkness bursted into overwhelming laughter.

" Sorry Zaibon but it isn't possible, James Children powers can't be taking away by anyone except Him Alone "

" What? Why is that great Alphas of Darkness? " Zaibon asked in Confusion!

" No one sealed their powers away, They just have the benefits of divinity since their father was once a full fleshed deity, The Former god of Nature! " The Alphas of Darkness answered in unison with smiles on their faces.

" It's that so, Then shall I assasinate them because they are already worthless to our cause? " James asked.

" Of course not Zaibon, Do you wish to keep your title as the Dark Priest? Then don't do stupid things, James already sense your Darkness and he will still figure it out and he will know the plans and by then it will be to late "

" Killing his sons will only trigger his rage and by triggering it he will know we are here and then he will take us down by all cause, Remember how Destructive he is " The Alphas warned and Zaibon nodded.

" Then what should I do? " Zaibon asked.

" Until the Ultimate Tournament is over, Just watch and observe while we observe too, And monitor the twins, One of them will become evil and deadly and the other will become good, We need the Evil one on our side " The Alphas said and Zaibon nodded.

With just a snap of their fingers, They vanished into the sky and Zaibon looked up into the sky, He now sensed the presence of the Dark One and that made him to smile, He grabbed the scepter from the air.

" You have received a power from the Alphas of Darkness themselves, Do not fail! " The Dark One warned and Zaibon appeared inside the Cave as usual, He looked at the scepter with never ending smiles plastered on his face.

" Hmmm, Let's see what this baby can do " Zaibon stated, The Orb on the staff glowed and a portal appeared immediately, Zaibon entered into the portal and he found himself in his room in the Empire.

The Orb glowed once again and he created the portal, Zaibon entered into the portal and he appeared inside the Cave again, He slowly walked out of the Cave with the scepter in his hands and he passed through many guards.

Zaibon walked out of the Cave after receiving too many greetings from the Black warriors, He caused the scepter to glow enormously and his eyes glowed as well.

" Appear!!! " Zaibon ordered.

All the black armoured warriors from every were in the world appeared in the Dark Forest, The sky turned dark and a powerful force forced all the warriors to their knees, Zaibon glared at his scepter to see that there are over eighteen thousand soldiers present in the Jungle.

" You all are wondering why you are on your knees in this jungle right? I will tell you why and then I will bring forth my rules and I will make you all a better army than ever before " Zaibon said and the warriors faced him.

" I have decided to remove all the commanders of this Dark force for good, I am here to grant you all the strength to be a warrior army, I shall make you all have the strength of a thousand men and you shall be victorious "

" And that's if you all declare me your General for good, I want an army who are willing to bow to me not that I must control their minds to do that " Zaibon said, He smiled as he watched them all bow!

" Zaibon, I will not allow you do this " A man voiced out from the crowd, by his warriors outfit you could tell that he is an high class warrior in this army, And he has the commanders seal to control the army.

" And who are you? " Zaibon asked.

" I am Monterog and I am the commanding general of this Army, We are a high class mercenary organization and I won't allow you to take my pride and forcefully remove my power as the Commanding general " Monterog said and Zaibon chuckled.

" A mere mortal with such boldness, I see, I sense no fear in your body but you don't even have a single power, All you do is to rely on your physical strength which is still worthless, Join me and me my comrade and I shall grant you the strength of a thousand man " Zaibon said.

" But...but..we are.." Monterog was about saying when Zaibon interuppted.

" You are no longer the black force but the Demon Force, Having the strength of a thousand men shall you dominate over everything including the Empires, You can have the spoil because none of those things borders me " Zaibon said.

" Very well then, Make me thy Comrade " Monterog stated, Zaibon nodded and his staff glowed, Monterog body glowed as he felt much more powerful, His fighting skills even became better and he smiled.

" Now bow!! " Zaibon ordered!

" I am not sure about that Zaibon, I have made you given me this incredible strength but I don't intend on serving you, Sorry but you gotta have to die now " Monterog stated, He unsheathed his sword and made to attack!

He directed his sword at Zaibon in other to stab but Zaibon stopped the blade with just one of his fingers and he caused the sword to turn into ashes, Monterog launched his fists attack but Zaibon deflected everything.

" You don't understand anything do you? You are just a mere mortal who need to be exspounge, After all I have you this power to see what your reaction will be and you made my assumption correct... Thank you " Zaibon said.

" And now, It's time to go "

Zaibon stated, He caused the scepter to hang in the air as he slowly approached Monterog, Zaibon stopped the incoming fists with his palm, He clenched his fists tightly which caused Monterog to scream out in pains.

" You don't really know what you are dealing with, Now it's time to be erased from Existence " Zaibon whispered, His eyes glowed green and he really a substance from his mouth into the nose of Monterog.

Immediately Monterog slowly vanished into nothing until he forever ceased to exist!

" It's time for the Awakening of the Demon Army!! "