
Sen no Sakura: Hope for the end of the World

Thousand Cherry Blossoms, Blood Dying for Evil's Death (Sen no Sakura, aku no kyūshi ni somaru chi)

A pink odachi, from the back side of the blade to the hilt, the sharp bit of the blade however was blood red.

The story comes from a forgotten heroic legend, Sakura the Inevitable.

A man, who hasn't left the mountains he was born in, training everyday with his sword, his only companion was a cherry blossom that didn't die nor break no matter how much Sakura striked.

One day, he saw the sky blacken, thinking it was an ordinary but rare event, he continued his training under the cherry blossoms.

The 1st day, he heard screams of fear and agony, but bandits were not rare around him and he did not care about those who are weak.

The 2nd day, he saw the trees loose their bright green leaves and rot, but he ignored it for only his cherry blossom was truly important.

The 3rd day, he saw the sky fall, the blue sky rippled and disappear into darkness despite the sun being present, he ignored it because he never gazed at the sky as much as he gazed at his cherry blossom.

The 4th day, he found the nearby water to be empty, the rivers were dry and the forest was eerily silent, he ignored it once more simply because he still had plenty of water to last a year.

The 5th day, the smell of corpses finally registered into his sense of smell, he tried to ignore it, thinking that the bandits were only messy and lazy to rid of the corpses, they would rot by themselves he thought. However the seeds of doubt had already planted themselves within him.

The 6th day, he for the first time was alarmed, he knew something wasn't right, he observed his surroundings and looking at the sky once more, what he saw brought him terror, a pair of eyes were staring at him, eyes as large as 4 of the hot orb of light in the sky combined, it's mouth was as big as the sky, roaring at him as it spoke.

"Ye, being of this desecrated world, why art thee still alive?"

Sakura stared at the gargantuan beast in front of him, he swallowed his fear and spoke back.

"Because I'm a man of the mountain, only my cherry blossom is of worth"

The beast grew silent... seconds later it spoke, challenging Sakura and his so called worthy tree.

"If this world eater destroyed thy tree, thou shall not die and watch as thy reality is eaten"

Sakura agreed, he had nothing to fear. His cherry blossom was unbreakable, it was something that stuck with him his entire life, of the cherry blossom did not give up on him then he shall not as well.

"Thee stand in the presence of the world ender, thy world was ended by I in merely 6 days, however, thy life is an itch, the world ender will not let a soul live in it's wake, state thy name for thou shall not live past the 6th day"



The world ender did not bother with any more meaningless chatter, he dove straight for the tree, his head larger than the world and Sakura standing behind the cherry blossom.

However, he soon found it to be a mistake, the tree survived his onslaught, a pink barrier with golden hints shone and covered the area, his skin was marred and his teeth equal to nothingness were shattered.

The cherry blossom wasn't just a cherry blossom, it was the reincarnation of the only world the beast could not end.


Shocked by the cherry blossom, he found himself vulnerable, a twig from the tree broke out of the tree itself and flew to Sakura.

Knowing it's intention, both the world ender and Sakura battled, the world ender was dragged to the realms of limit and the man was elevated to the status of a God, the 2 fought, a beast and a man, the clash lasted until the moment the sun rise from the east, with the absence of the sky, it's yellow light deemed to be only chaotic.

Finally, at the 7th night. Sakura used the experience he has amassed on his entire life as a man of the mountain, each second, minute, hour and day, all the weeks, months and years.

The twig transformed, a katana of pure pink, the soul of his cherry blossom enveloping the blade, the silence spreading throughout the desecrated world.

"Stain my blade with your blood! Hope for the end of the world!"

Sakura slashed with all his newfound might, creating a dazzling pink slash that grew in power as it approached the world ender.

"Insolence! Yggdrasil! This moment is the time I finally devour you! Cataclysm of Existence"

A hole, coated with the woes of uncountable devoured worlds, it did not suck Sakura but the tree, sapping it of it's life, a thematic view.

A pink slash wave emanating good, a hole in the fabric of space emanating evil.

Both clashed and the end of the story was never known.

Some said that the good won and killed the world ender before the tree was sucked dry, the tree restoring the world to its former life.

Some said that the evil succeeded and with the death of the tree, he gained back his power and spared the man for granting him the chance to grow even fearsome.

However, the most believed ending was that both Sakura and the world ender fatally wounded and sucked to near death both the world ender and the tree respectively.

The blood of the world ender staining the tree, corroding it, while the world ender was purified and absorbed into the sword, the man, Sakura was left with the last creation, a pink demonic odachi, with tips stained of blood, a perfect fusion between good and evil. The man known as Sakura used his omnipotence and went back in time to fix his sins of ignoring the world, the world continued on, forgetting the man turned God who continues to watch the world, the Gods, and anything that can threaten his peace under the cherry blossom.

Sen no Sakura, a demonic holy sword, the only one of it's kind that despite being a forgotten legend is an EX Anti-World Noble Phantasm that can leave Ea in the dust.

It only has a 3 requirements, to have the blood of Gods, to be chaotic good, and to have the understanding of the consequences the sword can reap.

"Sen no Sakura"

"Hope for the end of the world"

"Cataclysm for existence"

"Thousand Cherry Blossoms, Blood Dying for Evil's Death"

A single effortless slash from this sword can destroy a country.

A meaningless but serious slash can destroy half of Earth.

A swing with meaning and effort, WILL destroy the Earth.

A true slash, one with the responsibilities and goal in mind, one where he accepts the evil and good of using the sword–

–Will destroy the universe.