
I got the power!

As Jace woke he found that he was in a hospital bed, "thanks mom." he thought, but instantly he wondered why the was toxic waste in an open hole especially behind a school. so he called for a doctor."HEY! Is anyone there I have some questions!" he shouted.

just then some guy in a fancy suit walked out and said in a posh tone "And I have some for you to Mr . . . . um it doesn't say your name here." he said looking at a medical sheat. Jace thought for a moment about what to do the he got a brilliant idea.

"I'll tell you if you tell me if I am going to die because of that toxic waste and why there is toxic waste behind a school.

after a minute the man said simply "all will be revealed at my own hospital if you tell me your name."

it seemed like Jace had to say his name." my name is Jace, and now I'd like to know the answers to my questions." as Jace finished what he was saying the rich man left as some nurses came and pushed him away.

After a hour long drive ( yes he actually counted the seconds it took. ) they arrived at last he thought. Some strong looking guys opened the door at the back and picked him up as he looked around he saw people flying running super fast and lots more. He didn't know that people can have powers, and he wondered why he would want him he has no powers unless he just wants me to make me feel bad that I'm not cool, I'm unpopular and now I have no powers.

As he was looking around he didn't notice that he was just taken to the training ground room. Jace was then put down in front of the rich man "hello Jace you might be a bit wirded out right now but it's nothing to worry about, the main reason for your survival was because your special you and everyone here has a special gene that allows you to survive and absorb the the power from that goo."

"Yeah right, but you still have not answered my questions why the goo and why behind a school?"

the rich man walked off saying just stay there whilst he goes to get something.

After about 2 minutes he came back with a little metal disk and said "when I was about your age I cut my finger next to a nuclear core by accident and then a pipe leaked and the same goo behind your school came out and hit my cut but instead of killing me I healed and so I too a blood sample from me and 1000 others and three had the same-ish gene and I exposed them to the goo and one could fly one could run and one was like me. so I put holes filled with goo and cameras to find more like me. like you."