
Izuku's Wednesday

This story was firstly published on Wattpad and became really popular among the folks...But Wattpad deleted my account so I decided to re-upload this on Webnovel. It is a simple story of Izuku x Wednesday pretty crazy right? imagine what if Izuku Midoriya from MHA will study in Nevermore academy. izuku x harem(surprisingly)

Jumbo_Ignir · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

"I'm really worthless...."

Izuku Midoriya understood that he will never become a greatest hero in the world....what is even meaning in doing something useless.

He was born quirkless wich means he doesn't possess a supernatural power called 'Quirk'

Even tho after being told that he doesn't have a future in becoming a hero he didn't gave up he kept struggling till the end....being constantly bullied,abused and even beaten to a pulp but even than he didn't gave up.

But this was different situation. His idol...the person he was eager to become like,he rejected him. The number one hero All Might,the symbol of hope didn't gave him hope to become a hero.

"I'm sorry,kid. But I think it will be dangerous for a quirkless person to become a hero."

This was the line he said before parting with Izuku who was still standing on the edge.

"Maybe...I should end with it..." He said standing right on the edge.

His head feeling dizzy mixed with fear of death.

"Ah...." He groaned not knowing what to do.

Jump or stay alive? Here was the main question.

"Ahh....." Another groan untill....

He slapped himself hard enough to make nearby birds to fly away.

"Damn it! I won't die and give up just because All Might said that!"

Yes,that was the ordinary Midoriya we all know. He isn't that weak to die so meaninglessly.

How can he give up now of all times...now he decided to go straight and not back up.

"I will become #1 Hero and will enroll to UA!!!" He shouted with all strength of his lungs.






"I'm sorry Izuku but seems that we need to move out of Mustafu city." Inko Midoriya the green haired woman said with a bit worried look.


Izuku was truly out of words...today is probably the worst day in his life. First he was rejected by his idol All Might with his dream being crushed and now his mom is telling him that they must move out of the Musutafu,frankly speaking Izuku's face was pale as snow.

"B-But why?" He asked his mom.

"I'm really sorry dear but we must....your father said that we must move to another city."

"Why of all times it is now,j-just-"

Izuku didn't had a strong bond to Musutafu and not like he had any friends in here. The reason of him not liking the idea of moving out was in that,that UA was placed in Musutafu.

'How can I become a hero without education in UA?' He thought worried.

"I'm sorry,b-but there are good parts to it! This city is famous with its famous school Nevermore." Inko wanted to lighten up her child's mood.

"Wow! I..... Don't even know the hell is this school..."

"I know Izuku it's hard.....I know that you want to be a hero but there are times when you should do as your parents say."

Izuku obviously didn't wanted to move out of his city.

He didn't saw his dad for years and now he is calling saying that they should move to another city called 'Jericho'.

~Chapter 1: Two sides of same coin.~

The riding sounds of Midoriyas' car. It was light green Toyota Highlander with a bit scratched back door.

Izuku was staring outside the window seeing the picture of pure nature. It was a tough week. All Might didn't approved him as a fitted person to be a hero,Sudden news of him moving to another city wich means giving up on going to UA and to top it all the flight was pretty hard.

The distance between America and Japan isn't the closest... numerous change of flights the hard control of people and his mom trying to speak in English...but well it was more like Englishu rather than English.

"Hallo watashi wa Inko! Nicu to meet you!"

Izuku laughed a bit at his mom's English.

"Mom your English is best,haha...."

"Of course! I passed many of these Duolingo tests afterall."

Dead silence. Obviously this guy was speechless from his own mother's sentence.

"Alright Alright Miss Midoriya. You good."

Izuku joked about his mother's English while they both laughed. Inko gained what she wanted...and lightened the mood.

Izuku also was trying to convince himself that everything will be fine.

'Maybe this Jericho city isn't that bad....like these kinds of forests are rare sight in big cities.' Obviously trying to be optimistic Izuku hoped that everything will be alright.

While sitting in car Izuku let himself to take a little nap,afterall long term flight exhaust anyone,while dozing off he started to remember his dad which he didn't saw in a while.

He remembered his features. The white hair,red eyes and always being in strict black suit. He remembered everything. Him playing with Izuku,Being a lovely husband and the most outstanding part of him was skepticism about most heroes. It was like he despised many of them,but regardless he always approved Izuku's ambitions putting his own beliefs on second plan,that is a Hisashi Midoriya which Izuku remembers.

While snoring cutely his mother giggled seeing her son sleeping like a log.

"Don't worry,dear...you will love this city and your new school." The carrying mother said petting her son's curly green hair.

As she was driving suddenly the car hood started to steam....as if possessed by devil the car started to turn round and left and in the end crashed onto nearby tree.


The loud sound of crashed car which stumbled onto a tree.

"Wh-What happened!?" Izuku exclaimed waking up.

"S-Seems that our car got out of control....a little."

Still half asleep he wasn't believing in what is happening at the moment. Minutes ago he was sleeping and now he sees there car completely crashed with a steaming hood.

"W-We need to ask for help." Izuku said calming down his mother.

"You are right...."

As Inko said that from nowhere to be seen the black like night car stopped near there car.

The black as night car looking like it got out from horror movie of nineteenth century was standing there while  with a steaming hood there Highlander standing unmoving.

Inko and Izuku quickly got out from car starting to observe situation. As copying there action the owners of scary car got out of car as well.

"Are you alright?"

The fat man with a moustaches and fairly black skin asked not at all amazed by the crash. By looks he seemed more Hispanic rather than American.

Beside the Hispanic man there was a blend white skinned woman in pitch black which was darker than there car dress with outstanding beauty and dark as night long hair reaching her waist.

Inko obviously didn't understood the single word the man said.

"We are sorry,our car crashed onto this tree." She said in Japanese.

"Huh?" The man clearly confused didn't understood a single word.

Izuku being a fluent in English decided to answer instead of his mother.

"Th-Thanks for carrying...we seem to be just f-fine just our car got out of control." Izuku said in English.

"Oh so you are tourists right?" The man said scratching his head.

"No,Gomez, they are Japanese people." Woman in black finally talked exposing the man's name.

For some reason the woman was strangely looking at Izuku....this made him uncomfortable, obviously.

"Y-Yes Japanese! Airplane came we get here go go to Jericho" Inko said with her broken English.


"My mom wants to say that we are moving in to the Jericho city."

Gomez a little bit surprised looked at Izuku with a bit happy eyes.

"That's wonderful! We are also going to Jericho....Look we are sorry that this happened to your car but maybe we could help."

Gomez...or at least this was the name the black haired woman said referring to the fat man with moustaches said.

Izuku translated Gomez's words to Inko.

"This would be really kind of you....but we are a little bit ashamed to ask for your help."

"Oh don't worry we are glad to help anyway,Lurch please help our guests."

The black haired woman flicked her fingers as the tall man with a bit rectangular head got out going towards Midoriyas' car and getting there laggage. By looks he looked at least two meters long,maybe that will be a huge height in real life but in the era of quirks this was quite common.

"W-Wow! He got our laggage as if it was a feather."

Izuku noted while Gomez laughed a bit.

"Hahaha! Lurch is a strong guy after all."

Emotionlessly Lurch put the laggage inside the car as welcomed Midoriyas to enter in.

"Please come in." Gomez said.

While entering Izuku saw a black haired girl with two ponytails. Her black hair was so dark that it almost seemed like black hole it was obvious that she was daughter of this kind people who helped them. Her eyes were dark,her clothes were dark and even her aura seemed dark. Emotionless eyes were screaming in loneliness however it fit her.

Izuku's heart seeing her skipped for a moment. It was clear,she inherited her beauty from her mother.

"Please, Wednesday,welcome our guests." Her mom ordered her as she just moved a bit.

Izuku sat near the girl in black while her mom sat in opposite of his sit.

"H-H-Hello...." He shyly raised his hands and said "My name is Izuku Midoriya"

The girl was silent,the only thing she did was nod her head.

"Wednesday,Wednesday Adams it's horrible to meet you." She said with face still as iron.

Her mother,the woman in black decided to start introducing herself.

"My name is Marticia Adams" She said putting her hand on her chest. Right after she started to point at her family members "This man with moustaches is my lovely husband Gomez Adams"

Gomez waved to Izuku and Inko while Marticia continued.

"You already know Lurch,our butler but also big part of family as well."

In response Lurch just made a 'Rawrgh' sound as of greeting Midoriyas.

"Also we have got son Pugsley,but he is in home....and you have already talked with our a bit over introverted girl, Wednesday."

"It's horrible to meet you." Wednesday responded quickly and strictly.

Izuku sweat dropped at her response as with smile answered to Adams' family.

"M-My name is Izuku Midoriya and My mom's name is Inko Midoriya....."

As shyly and as awkwardly Izuku introduced himself and his mother while she just nodded.

"You are quite shy Mr.Midoriya." Wednesday said while piercing him with her dark eyes.

"J-Just...." He scratched his forehead "I'm really shy around the opposite g-gender...."

Red as tomato Izuku made the Adams family to become as quite as Lurch for a moment.

"Ha!" Gomez shouted as his shout transformed into uncontrollable laughter "Hahahaha! I love this guy,he is really naive!"

Gomez was laughing while Marticia smilingly handed him and his mom cups of water.

"Thanks!" Both mother and son answered in unison.

"Hmm..." Wednesday thought for a moment "You are strange." She said emotionlessly getting her face near Izuku's.

Obviously he backed a bit with reddish cheeks.

"I-I'm strange?" Izuku responded with cheeks still red as cherry.

"Sorry our daughter,Izuku,she is just too straightforward." Marticia glanced at Wednesday with a strict look while Wednesday rolled her eyes over.

"Lurch, remind my parents that I'm not talking with them." Wednesday crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks.

"Oh my little spider, I'm also happily sad with you but it's needed."

Marticia and Wednesday seemed to not get along well with each other while Izuku and Inko noticed that.

For Izuku it was quite another story. He always got along with his mother,even now when he was forced to give up on his dream he didn't blamed her,in fact he didn't blamed anyone in his loss at being weak the only person he blamed was he himself.

"E-Excuse me....is there any problem between you two?"

"Nothing much just my parents wants me to study in the place they were studying before."

Upon hearing that Izuku's eyes twitched.

"A-Are you talking about Nevermore?" He said waiting for an Answer.

The whole Family looked at Midoriya Izuku.

"Yes,in fact I was kicked out from my previous school."

"R-Really? How?"

Wednesday looked at Izuku nonchalantly as looked at her nails.

"I threw the carnivorous fish inside the male pool and in the outcome there were several casualties and one alive boy who lost his left ball."

"..." Dead silence....Izuku didn't knew what to say or how to respond now "That's a joke right?" He looked at Adams however they were silent "A Joke right??"

Wednesday's corners of lips got up a bit which made her smile more evil rather than kind.

"In fact I did a great job. It will be a fatal wound to society if human like that guy will reproduce and give off offsprings such as them."

Izuku was a bit surprised.

"C-Can't say you are not right but at least you could have given them chance I believe people can change if chance is given."

"Chance? It is rather a useless word,chance is something trivial and not too reliable I will say. But I understand one thing..." She made her face draw near to Izuku's "You are way too innocent from which I can assume that you want to be a....hmm.....hero? But you can't for some reason right?"

"Wait how do you-"

"Your eyes. They look as if of innocent rabbit's but in this gray world rabbits are destined to be pray for such a reason I also don't believe in your capabilities of becoming a hero" Wednesday was mercilessly piercing Izuku with arguments.

"Wednesday, don't you think it's way too rude to say this?" Gomez finally decided to intervene into his daughter's conversation.

"Rude? I believe that saying truth is nothing but a good will rather than hide yourself in the society mask called politeness."

Izuku's eyes were hidden with shadow from his hair he was silent.

"Haha..." Izuku laughed as his laugher became intensive "Hahaha!"

"What's the matter? Why are you laughing?" Clearly confused Wednesday didn't understood the reason of Izuku's sudden laugher.

"No,haha just the way you said this was so normal." Izuku said wiping the tears of joy from his left eye "Perhaps you are right and I don't have chances in becoming hero but even if there is still belief in me I will surely become one."

"I don't understand." Wednesday tilted her head.

To Wednesday's question Izuku answered with simple "I haven't failed,I just found 10,000 ways that won't work" word.

"Hm? Thomas Edison?"

"Right. Thomas Edison faced 10,000 fails but everyone of them led to appearance of new ways to discover something new. In simple I won't give up if you will bring me 1000 iron proofs that I won't become a hero or even if you bring 100,000,000's of facts."

Izuku's eyes weren't the ones which he had before,they were more confident and surprisingly he didn't stuttered once during saying his speech.

For Wednesday however that was the first time when someone instead of being enraged by her words got even bigger motivation on making himself better. This all was so bizarre to Wednesday but she widened her eyes in disbelief near her eyes she saw a person so similar yet so different to her.

Upon closing her eyes she thought 'Quite an interesting guy isn't he?'


Hello~! I'm the author of this strange fic. As you can see I'm back from my vacation and understood something while writing... Wattpad is a bitch! Wattpad blocked me and deleted my f*cking account...I was just getting popular...I nearly reached 3k followers and each of my fic had at least 70k reads which is actually good for Wattpad but now...sigh...


My fics doesn't have a certain goal. They are just way too focused on harem. But the thing which we all forgot is that books and novels should make people to learn something. So I won't sleep day and nights and will try to make this story even more interesting