
Kazimierz's Duo


So where do I begin.. Alright to recap on what happened. Me and my buddy Adam was playing Item asylum and fooling around In our private server. I played as Hale and he's Mihawk. We kind of just fought each other to get a better at the JGN's abilities. And of course me, I just spammed M1. He had to keep distance due to hale doing much better against other JGN's.

Pretty sure during that time there was a sudden bright flash. And I felt a great pain for maybe a moment. That was so unbearable that I still remember how It felt even though I was sure It was just for a quick moment. Like really quick, maybe 15 milliseconds.

And that was pretty much It. That's how we both may have arrived here. Actually I almost didn't recognize him If It wasn't for the fact we recognized each other's avatars. "Hey dude. You know where we are?" I asked.

:Dessmond and Adam Prime:

"We just got here, of course not." He responded.

"Didn't hurt to ask. Maybe you found out something during that time frame."

"but.. Obviously were In an alleyway first of all. And second that's the exit." I pointed.

"Hmm... I'll go out ahead. It won't do us good with your tank size sword." I point at the Enormous sword on his back, people would most definitely freak out upon seeing that. Even more the fact he can almost hold it effortlessly.

"Fine I'll wait here."

Now I moved through the litter of the alleyway. Now I don't want to point out this worlds hygiene.. But It seems they don't ever clean there alleyways. Because It smells Incredibly shitty.

Nearing the exit of the alleyway. I thought of what I'd find, either I'll find steampunk like society, or maybe a futuristic world of superhumans. Either way we'll fit right just In If that Is the case.

I peek out to find my expectations shattered. Not In a bad way. I'm actually relieved It wasn't both. It seems to be a modern city with Animal people. One thing I do seem to notice are knights. Like their everywhere. I don't how to describe their appearance, but It seems to have a design similar to that one furry helmet thing. aside from that, It has opening on the side to give way for there animal ear.

I return back and explain to Adam. "Alright... To explain what I foun-"

"Go on."

"I was just about to explain It. Anyways, I found an entire modern city. And they still have knights. I think they held swords but I didn't see."

I see him look back at his sword and reply. "I'll fit right In then."

"Maybe... But I didn't see any of em hold a sword like that. That's gonna be a surprise."

"Also pretty sure they had animal characteristics. So I'll fit evenly among the crowd." I say as I point at my bunny ears.

"Hey, I got horns." He responded. His finger responding to his black deer horns.

"I guess that counts." I rub the chin of my helmet.

"Stay behind me. I'll exit first and you follow behind."


We head towards the outside of this shitty alleyway. And were met with a bustling city. Surprise to say the high-rise buildings didn't surprise us. If this wasn't another world. Because usually another world means a medieval fantasy world.

And It was quite a golden sight. Like It was literally that. The light from the sun gave a golden glow on the cities building. Adam carries his sword on shoulder Instead of his back. Even though he did have It on his back. I think his just trying to act and look cool.

We traversed the city and we didn't get far before we started catching eyes of people. I can see them whisper to each other and point at my friends sword. Even the knightly guys look at astonishment.

The metropolis sight reminded of earth. It wasn't something they were unfamiliar with. But they were glad that they were at least In a place that resembled modern day cities back on earth.

I then realize something. I then bump Adam on his arm. "Were homeless and we don't have any cash." I say bluntly.

He stops and so do I. He turns to look at me. "That's... not good."

"Anyways... We can maybe... No." Desmonn thought of murder or robbery for a moment. Desperate people comes desperate measures. He was a catholic and the thought of murder didn't sit well for him. Beside he was thought well about morals and ethics.

They wandered aimlessly, getting some reactions from the citizens of this city. Some even came up to them directly to take a picture. One thing they didn't realize was how to tall they were. They stood like 1 foot taller than this person. They guessed they stood 6'1 or 6'5 feet tall.

They really failed to notice such a height difference they now had. Dessmon's eyes drifted to one of the electrical poles. It had a bunch of posters that started with 'Now hiring.' 

Of course non of this weird posters that had Jobs both of them hadn't heard before. One thing they found was a poster referring to needing a partner to train with. Considering all the Knights they found walking around. They decided this was a much better options than going blindly to Jobs they haven't even heard or have an understanding of.

They grab the poster and looks where the hell they would find this person. "Find us at Str. XXXX. We should probably ask where this Is."

Asking pedestrians and citizens around they would arrive at the meeting place. Making sure It was the right place, they knock on the door to ask If It was the Indeed the correct place. Because It looked a bit fancy and only someone rich would be living In.

With a small knock they hear. "Coming!" after that they wait for a little before someone opens the door. "Who Is I-" She Immediately stops upon seeing the two Individuals In front of her. They stood tall, one had bulging muscles and had helmet and an Iron plate strap on his chest. The other one carried little to no armor, but Instead carried a giant sword that's taller than him. She was able to notice the other was a cautus and the other maybe someone from sarkaz? She couldn't confirm but he had horns at least so she could tell.

She was hesitant at first before one of them pulled out the poster. "Oh you want to be trainers here?" She asked, a bit unsure.

"Yes.." Dessmon replied. Unsure on how to reply properly he stopped. This was awkward for him who was mostly an Introvert. "Yes.. Milady?" He said awkwardly.

"I see... Come In then!"

As me and Adam follow her Inside we realize just how truly tall we were. To get the Idea of our situation, we both had about half a foot of space between our heads and the ceiling. Even worse for Adam, having a sword taller than him. The sword would very much likely hit the walls If his not paying attention and moving his entire body.

We arrive at a training area or maybe something? Idk. So we let her explain.

"This our training area, this is one of many."

The sounds of training dummies being impacted and the yells were something we heard. We both took a good look around at the place, taking in all of the sights. There were a few areas that held little activity, and there were a couple of larger areas which seem to maybe geared towards bettering one's multi-target awareness and to effectively fight all of these targets.

We don't seem ready for this. Of course not our physical body, but our mind mentally. Were fucking citizens not mercenaries or soldiers. And also Introverted citizens. We haven't honed our physical bodies before so were gonna look obviously Inexperience.

Although this was a training center or facility. And we can maybe hone our skills through trial and error. Will look very clumsy and out of place when fighting. Very anxiety Inducing and embarrassing with prying eyes watching you.

We continue on our way this time we find ourselves outside. It was quite nice, nothing too out of the ordinary. Training dummies and wooden for people to train with. And as I stand there In a firm stance, I wonder. What's the species of this woman? The ears she had poking out was unfamiliar. Though I think this city has one Major species living In It. Because she seems to have the same ones as those I met wandering around.

"Yo Adam." I said, getting his attention.

He looks at me, tilting his head and responding. "What's the problem?"

"What do you think Is her species? Or animal traits?"

"Hmm... I absolutely have no Idea. A wolf or dog Is out of the question obviously. Due to the fact the ears are not even nearing resembling that of a dog."

"I can agree on that."

Soon she moved, she stopped a bit further away and turned around to face us. "If you want to be my training partner. You'd have to beat me first." She stated. She got the attention of some trainers and students.

We look at each other and reply. "Umm do we fight evenly or do we just both rush you now?" I asked.

"Whatever you want It to be." She said.

We sense arrogance on those words. And we could feel It's effects. "She's being cocky Isn't she?" I see Adam beside me grip his sword tightly.

"Her arrogance... Let's teach her a thing or two about losing." Feeling confident. Both of us do have an understanding of our each of our strengths. Adam has the Mihawk JGN's abilities powers. So he specializes In crowd control and can easily dispatch a weak single target. But when fighting an enemy with a larger health pool In the game It has a harder time, I don't know how It'll handle this In reality when it's no longer bounded by In game mechanics.

And Hale on the other hand. He could take on most of the JGN's no problem. Unless he can't hit jackshit. Now that I think about, are their other people besides us? If so, where are they? And do they have the same situation as us? Item asylum stuff and powers handed to us? Wait.. what about the bosses?

I snap out of thought as we both hear a voice. "Am I suppose to wait all day for you to move an Inch from the place your standing?!" She shouted.

"Let me solo her." Adam says. I swear he can be egotistic sometimes but his a nice guy.

"Fine, I'll let you cook."

Adam moved, slowly approaching his opponent. While he was a giant he shouldn't be able to weave around much right? Well for people who carries a tank size sword. Why bother weaving when you can just take down the obstacle along with it.

Then he swung. "Heavy Swing..." He muttered seeing If It'll work. He swung his sword as fast as possible, along with It he left a giant slice mark on the wall, dumbfounding the person about to hire them. The people who stopped and are now watching them had a look of surprise and horror, realizing this was about to be their new trainers or Instructors.


'Shit...' Whiplash said In her thoughts. She might have skills but It might not work against someone who just swung his sword from afar and destroying the part of the wall behind her.

She then sprinted to her left. She can't find a way to attack this Adam without being hit In the process. Adam this time swung downwards shattering the floor. Though this created a terrible terrain for him to maneuver In the process..

Now using the rubble to her advantage she ran across pass him. Thinking he couldn't maneuver or run, well she was correct about that. The giant sword weighed him down. But that doesn't mean he didn't have anymore options.

She saw him bent down and then he flew. For a few moments she watched him, as she didn't expect this at all. Then she realized what was happening. Quickly sprinting away she looked back at him getting closer to her by the second. Now doing a frontal jump, she was able to dodge the giant blade from piercing her moments before.

As Adam came crashing down back to earth. The spectators and Whiplash who was just gaining her footing observed her opponent. He stood up unfazed. Whiplash looked really shocked per say, at that height he should had been Injured. But he didn't, he stood up nonchalantly.

As If that wasn't enough, her Injury was starting to hurt. So she had no choice. 

"I forfeit." She said. She raised her hands up. Her opponent was just way stronger, her techniques and skills were no use. The audience watching the spectacle, expected her to put more of a fight but that wasn't the case. They cheered for her non the less, for at least holding out for that long.

But It didn't seem like she was unhappy. Rather she's glad that she had the chance to hire people like them.


Adam smirked. A clear smug across his face as he defeated his opponent effortlessly. Dessmon swears both them should spar later and train to get a better understanding on the new abilities they've acquired. 

Never know when they'll find an opponent of equal strength. Dessmon understands that should they kill another person, they can never go back. He understood that, he doesn't want to kill anyone but a naive thought that was. Time will come where he has to make a quick choice.

For now he'll train with Adam and teach the students on what he learned himself with fighting Adam. He should get something to wear on his arms, not a good Idea to block with bare hands against armed opponents.


Did the fight make sense? I tried to my best to make It reasonable at least to give whiplash a fighting chance.