
Itachi Uchiha, now all hope is on you...

After defeating Kaguya, Sasuke plans to stage a revolution. He kills Naruto and then exterminates the five Kage who were in the tsukuyomi. He then becomes Hogake through force, keeping the world in awe with his rinnegan. Itachi wants to be resurrected to stop Sasuke, but Rikudo comes up with a better idea. Transporting Itachi back to the time when he first awakened Mangekyo at age 13. From that point on, he prepares for the finals by honing himself. Itachi in doing so tries not to break too much, the timeline...

uchiha_izuna97 · Tranh châm biếm
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Darkness... After that, the incredible story began. The night always seemed so beautiful and spectacular. Especially in the dark blue colors before dawn, or after sunset. After all, looking up at that clear cosmic-sky, one would kill time not in vain, but specifically enjoying the landscape of the very, created supreme. Today the sky was illuminated by a pure dark blue background, in which one could see a whole indescribable expanse of twinkling Stars. From the ground they are visible as small sparks, but up close, they are larger than even the sun itself. Much brighter is the moon. After all, it is closer to the earth and reflects in the form of white reflections of rays from the sun itself. All this scenery was visible from the vast battlefield, where the largest battle in the history of the Shinobi took place....


A sprawling battlefield strewn with the corpses of the heroes of World War IV... And those who survived are trapped in the eternal tsukuyomi. Shinobi wrapped in tree roots who revel in their dreams. It seemed that until a week ago, nothing like this could have happened. This place was a semblance of paradise. The moderately dense forest, the birds singing, the cool comfortable breeze. Everything could be here, endless supplies of water and food, granted by nature itself, one could live in it as well, though for life... Staying here, forgetting the rest of the world.


This continued exactly until two sides with different views of the world collided in this place. One of them was a guy wearing a purple cloak and a white mask with a rinnegan and mangekyo sharingan visible. His opponent was a young boy still in his sixteenth year.... Surrounded by an aura of yellow positivity. As well as a will of fire with the certainty of victory. But they were not alone on the battlefield.... Naruto's partner was Killer B. At the masked boy's side were six resurrected jinchuriki. Their clash was the beginning of one of the biggest battles ever, involving all the Shinobi from all the Countries....




In the end, according to Black Zetsu's plan, Kaguya was resurrected, taking Team-7 with her to another dimension. Black Zetsu, controlling Obito's body, also traveled with them to another world. Kaguya liked to call other worlds of existence, her personal dimensions. Meanwhile, on the empty battlefield of World War IV, the four Hokage gathered. They saw the lower half of Madara's body in front of them and tried to figure out what was wrong. Discussing the situation, they came to the conclusion that the tsukuyomi would not dissipate.... The Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, suggested using edo-tensei to summon and interrogate Madara, but the First Hokage, Hashirama, objected, since this technique requires a human sacrifice. Before the argument could get heated, it was interrupted by the sudden arrival of.... The strong and blue chakra that came out of Madara's body, taking on a human form, appeared in front of them. As it turned out, Madara carried the status of Sage, which facilitated him, for a time, to synchronize with the chakra of the great Sage of the Six Paths. As a result, Hagoromo Ootsutsutsuki had managed to find himself in this world again.


He introduced himself as the Sage of the Six Paths and the creator of Ninshu. The First Hokage was well aware of who the Sage of the Six Paths was, so it was astonishing to see his inspiration and idol, whom he had known since childhood. From those legendary stories his mother had read to him before she died, leaving him with the memory of the first Shinobi, mentioning the Sage. The Sage got straight to the point, saying that the four Hokage would play an extremely important role in this battle. That after defeating Kaguya, their contribution would be to help with the callback of Team-7. The four Hokage were saddened that they could not do more for them, but were nonetheless happy that they would be able to help in some way.


The Sage of the Six Ways, seeing their surprised faces. He took the opportunity to kill time and tell them the full story of himself and his children. About Indra's mistakes in betraying his faith in Ninsha, because of blind greed for power that clouded his mind. Hagoromo, who had foreseen such events even then, ended up entrusting his legacy to Ninshu Ashura without thinking for a long time. Indra did not accept this and started a war that lasted for generations.


"Hmm, Ashura and Indra... This story reminds me a lot of Naruto and Sasuke. Their characters are exactly like them. Though if instead of Indra, Itachi had shown up as Ashura's older brother. I'm sure things would have gone very differently. Compared to Indroi, Itachi is fairer, more honest, more intelligent, as he would have supported Ashura's candidacy for the role of Ninshu by sharing his power with him. And maybe Rikuda Sennin would trust him with Ninshu's legacy. I know that Itachi is not only my best student, but also the best shinobi I know," the Third Hokage thought to himself. Itachi he knew Itachi very well, as well as about his abilities. Especially his philosophy, Itachi was only 7 years old when his philosophical thinking was equal to that of a senile Kage. As a human, early in his life, Itachi had already understood not just how the Shinobi world worked, but the world itself.


After finishing the story... The Sage sensed that Kaguya Ootsutsuki, had already left this world. She had been sealed by Team-7. Hagoromo, in turn, signaled for the twenty summoned Kage to summon all the tailed ones and Team-7.


Meeting them with a smile, the Sage began with the words, "Thank you for saving the world." From there, everything went on as in the first timeline. Naruto said goodbye to his father, Hashirama finished his conversation with Madara, the Third Hokage... Before his soul left this world, he managed to say, "Now the Will of Fire, rests on your shoulders, good luck to you..." - and disappeared with a smile. The Kage followed, vaporized, heading beyond the limits of the earth. Namely, to the real world beyond.




Itachi, meanwhile, was in paradise, lying by a large branch at the top of a huge tree. The place itself was similar to Konoha, but only slightly darker, with blue, white, purple, and orange Stars twinkling continuously. It was daytime here, of course, but sunny and rainy days seemed holographic. Itachi himself was dressed, in his black t-shirt, and dark pants. The clothes seemed more real here, for they had a bit of his real self in them. About the Fourth Shinobi War, he had watched from afar. He watched the entire earthly timeline from the so-called paradise through the crystal ball that the Sage of the Six Paths had given him.


Itachi Uchiha... A former member of the Akatsuki organizations, a criminal and murderer of many compatriots of his Uchiha clan. Also a traitor to Konoha, the village he loved. Many have no idea of his true motives, why did he do it? Only a few are aware of his true heroism. Itachi Uchiha. An infiltrated spy for the most dangerous organization in the shinobi world. A hero who sacrificed his clan and saved the world, not only between villages, but also between countries. The winds of reality always dispel lies. But in Itachi's case, it will happen soon. Even he doesn't realize that all his bad deeds will never be remembered. Since all of these things will never happen. His blood will cast away all his sins, after that he will hardly call himself, or consider himself an Uchiha.... The real story of Itachi, only begins now.


Here in paradise, he found himself after defeating Kabuto. Itachi's soul "Essence" left this world and ended up in a place resembling Konoha. Where he met the Sage of the Six Paths. Who also greeted him cheerfully, as if he saw Itachi as his idol.... Itachi was still reflecting on his recent arrival. But now, watching what was happening in the Sage's crystal ball. The Protagonist-Hero saw the actions of Team-7 as well, the way the Sage praised them. Itachi smiled lightly, tossing the ball aside. He continued to lie on his back, by the paradise tree near the Konoha-like hospital. Itachi continued to read one of his favorite Earth books, "Author unknown" but the plot is clear, called "Brother and Sister", where after losing his parents, his brother protected his little sister. In the depths of his desires, he always wanted a baby sister.




Itachi spent a year living in a paradise version of Konoha. Here he met many familiar faces. Even those who had left too soon, to this other world. Innocently dead children he also met... Itachi liked to make origami and draw in his spare time. It became his daily hobby that he never had time for in his Earth Life. He also often met boys and girls, a few of them came up to him, wanting to play. But they didn't realize they were dead. And Itachi, in response. He gave them his gifts in their little hands. The little girl an origami flower and the boy a paper shuriken. At the end, he gave them velvet hair with a smile. Then he went on his way to his "Paradise" business. He reflected on the fact that even before Conan, he knew how to make something out of paper. Though he hadn't been good at such tricks before her instruction, Konan hadn't been too interested in Itachi's hobbies because of his own affairs. But still, she thought it was extremely cute. Though she didn't know the real Itachi, like everything else from the organizations previous era.


The souls in paradise took the form that corresponded to their earthly appearance. It was at the peak of their mental powers. Itachi didn't fully experience the real world until after his temporary death. And he did what he couldn't do while he was alive, which was reading. Reading to develop his worldview, and to learn the philosophy that reinforced his own. And to discover secrets inaccessible to the living. In a relaxed way, he comprehended many things, for self-improvement, knowing that someday it would come in handy. Today, near the Konoha Hospital, he found a suitable tree. Where there was a great comfortable breeze blasting bliss right in his face. The Hero-in-Chief took a comfortable pose in it, lying on the tree with his back. He wanted to start reading his favorite book again. Itachi felt the presence of Rikudo Sennin himself. Rikudo Sennin himself appeared in front of him, formed from blue chakra.


-Rikudo Sennin, is something wrong?" itachi began, standing up from the tree and asking him with interest in his gaze. Since he realized that from the look in the Sage's eyes, something had definitely gone wrong. But... Main... Hero. was sure that whatever happened, it was a decisive event. For him, definitely. Heh...


-A lot of things, Itachi... - Hagoromo answered him sadly. Trailing off, his eyes opened, the pupils changing to a rinnegan pattern. Looking at Itachi, the Sage added, -You'd better see for yourself all the things I've been observing....




Hagoromo Ootsutsuki looked into the eyes of the Hero-in-Chief. Showed his memories of a later event in the Fourth Shinobi War. The one that Sasuke created after defeating Kaguya with his team. All the Kage had vanished. The only ones left were Kakashi without a mangekyo sharingan, Sage, who was in soul form but without his powers. Sakura, who was vulnerable to genjutsu. And Naruto... who thought he could handle his "so-called friend" alone. Everything happened according to the plot of the first timeline. Sasuke captures the nine tails with his rinnegan, summons Naruto to the Valley-End, where their battle was not over. Namely their first real battle. Naruto agrees, but on the condition that this battle does not involve Sakura and Kakashi.


-Indra's essence won't change without a fight... - The Sage said sadly, looking at Kakashi.


-Can I help in any way, just tell me how?" replied Kakashi confidently and decisively, to the Sage of the Six Paths.


-We can only pray," Hagoromo Ootsutsuki, dropping his last words... Beginning to lose the outline of his human form, becoming blue chakra again, and gradually disappearing. But the Sage manages to say," My time is coming to an end, but I'll keep an eye on them.




After a hard and grueling battle. Naruto and Sasuke have no chakra left. Naruto and Sasuke are both on their feet, striking with the last of their strength, falling and rising again. It would seem that the battle is over, but Kurama "Nine-Tails", having accumulated chakra, transfers it to Naruto. Sasuke, in turn, immediately absorbs it with his rinnegan. Before activating the chidori, Sasuke also added, "Goodbye, my best friend." Naruto... As if building up his will, interrupts Sasuke's attack. Delivering a crushing uppercut that his "Close Friend", flies off into the far distance, crashing into a rock with his head. Later, Sasuke, determined to end the fight, uses chidori, but Naruto uses rasengan. Suddenly Naruto feels a second breath of his natural chakra being added to his body. Then he uses a rasen shuriken. Sasuke amplifies the chidori with all his bright power. It turns bright white.


Earlier, when they collided as children, a huge black ball would appear. But now, it was just a big white explosion. Similar to the explosion of the Star. However, the lights and sparks did not affect the young shinobi, as they were in the center of it. Naruto was able to defeat the lying Sasuke with no problem.


-How can that be, you're a loser," Sasuke begins through clenched teeth, lying with his back against the statue of Hashirama.


-I'm not a loser for a long time, but I'm still your friend," Naruto said breathlessly. The blond then holds out his hand continuing," Finish your revenge. Drop that arrogant ego of yours. And help me build a perfect life for all the people of Konoha when I become the seventh Hokage," Sasuke looked at his friend with a look of utter incomprehension. Sasuke looked at his friend with a look of utter confusion, and Naruto added, "Well, if Obito's words are true, and Kakashi sensei becomes the sixth Hokage.


Itachi watches this and thinks about how stupid Sasuke is. So many friends want him back, and he rejects them. And Sakura... The girl who loves him with all her heart, uses strong genjutsu. Although Itachi also thinks that he is also involved in the whole thing. After all, he didn't kill him when he was a boy. Because he saw him as a potential hero for the common people. Itachi would have had no trouble killing him as a child, or in a fight at the Uchiha Temple. He could also easily defeat him by being resurrected by the Edo-tensei. Though Sasuke didn't understand this, all in its entirety, and was unlikely to understand... For Itachi to spare his life, was the same as giving him his Emperor's legacy. But only now, after the ultimate heavenly philosophy.... Itachi is beginning to realize that family is not about blood ties. It's about those who are close to him, those who will love him to the end. And will never betray... The flow of nostalgic and impending thoughts is interrupted by the following images.


Sasuke, during this short conversation, still managed to stealthily accumulate chakra. It all happened very quickly. He swung his kunai sharply, "As a distraction," Naruto stepped back. Sasuke smiled further, for that was what he wanted. He used the rinnegan to get behind Naruto's back. And struck him with a chidori, from the back to the heart. Naruto dies thinking that he was so close to his goal, but still couldn't save his friend. And sadly did not become the Hokage....


Later, Sasuke absorbs the chakra of all the tails through Naruto's chakra channel and becomes the owner of both of Rikudo's powers. Sasuke declares himself Hokage and removes the eternal tsukuyomi by folding his two seals from both hands.




-I should have killed you first, though, during the massacre of the Uchiha clan," Itachi said coldly. He didn't feel anger or aggression, but rather disappointment. And he wanted to kill Sasuke, in order to preserve his honor and the best memory of him, for everyone in the shinobi world and for his friends... For seeing the current version of him, Itachi's disappointment was resolute. Standing next to the Sage, in the foggy windows of memories, the mangekyo owner, adds: - maybe then I could have saved you, truly saved you. From what you've become now.


-Even if Sasuke died, his Indra essence would still be reborn. Maybe even in other, more distant descendants," Sage finished sadly.


-What happened next? Were Kakashi or Sakura able to stop him? - Itachi asked with interest as he looked at Hagoromo.


-It may have been a year for you. But for that land, it's been ten years," Itachi wasn't surprised; he'd suspected as much.


A lot has changed in those ten years. Kakashi and Sakura see Naruto's corpse and Sasuke's eternal tsukiyomi. Kakashi, thinking that Sasuke is weak, attacks him without a second thought, but he is miscalculated. Sasuke kills him easily with his Susanoo arrow, piercing Kakashi's stomach area. Kakashi can't use Kamui anymore, as Obito has taken the sharingan with him. Sakura was the only one left on the battlefield. Her first action was to cry. She began to cry, looking at the dead Kakashi sensei and the corpse of Naruto. Sasuke appears in front of her and for some reason offers her the choice to serve him or die. Sakura responds by trying to kill him. The love she once had for him was knocked out. Her second action was extremely trivial, namely to smash his face into ashes with her blue fist. But the attempt failed. She herself did not realize how the Sword-Kusanagi had entered her stomach. Upon examining her enemy she realized that Sasuke with the rinnegan had become a monster. Team Seven had finally fallen.


Then Sasuke became Hokage, using his influence, and the power of fear. After all, few could stand up to his rinnegan. That's why he became the world dictator of the five villages.


After five years, Sasuke decides he must live forever. And even begins to share Orochimaru's ideas. Who became his right-hand man. Snake Sannin didn't accept the demotion from mentor to assistant, so he rebelled against Sasuke. The Shinobi Alliance supported him. Sasuke realizes that his purple-army of "Shinobi with purple armor like samurai" is too small, against the Shinobi Alliance. Therefore, he has no choice but to activate his eternal-tsukuyomi again. However, he has overestimated himself, for he is not Madara. Sasuke himself succumbed to the eternal tsukuyomi's influence. This was because he only had a rinnegan in one eye. The whole world was enveloped by this terrible technique. The planet lost stability, the faults causing the earthquakes that shook it. The cause was the chakra of the sleeping people in the eternal tsukuyomi. After all, their chakra, this time, had not been absorbed by anyone. Kaguya could at least keep her balance. But Sasuke was so weak that he was trapped in his own eternal tsukuyomi. The planet began to crumble and break apart in its wake. And the souls began to go to heaven.... That's the story Hagoromo told as he looked at Itachi. And even showed the full picture of the apocalypse.


-Bring me back to life, Rikuda Sennin, I can stop Sasuke. I've studied Paine for ten years and I know a lot about the rinnegan. That's why I can stand up to Sasuke as well," Itachi said in a confident and calm voice. But he didn't consider the fact that there was nothing left to save, because the world was finally destroyed, and this was not a coming illusion, but one that had already come true.


-I doubt very much that you'll be able to save the world that Sasuke ruined. And Sasuke's dead now. But I have a much better idea... - Hagoromo replied, and closed his eyes, looking thoughtfully at the blue "Paradise" sky.


From behind the two Wise Men, several figures came up behind them. They were Sakura, Kakashi, and Naruto. Itachi turned his attention to them. They were dressed, in their own everyday outfits. In all his time in paradise, he had never seen them once. The Sage, meanwhile, continued:


-My idea is this," Hagoromo began, Itachi turning his attention to him and listening intently with the others, "I will send you back to that day. When you first awakened the mangekyo sharingan. You will begin to train and prepare for the moment when Sasuke awakens his rinnegan. Learn every possible technique, and surpass not only me. But also my mother. But know this, Itachi. You can't kill Sasuke so soon," Hagoromo Ootsutsutsuki said with sentimental sadness. After all, he knew that choosing between the human world and someone like his son, he would not hesitate, as well as in principle Itachi, who surpassed even the Sage of the Six Paths in determination. Rikuda himself, he continued - at the very least, he should not die before his due date. It is only because Indra's essence will be reborn anyway. He must be killed only with the awakening of his rinnegan. As unfortunate as it may sound, it is the only way..... - finished the Sage confidently.


-But why me? Obviously, Kakashi or Naruto would be a better fit. After all, they've been in contact with Sasuke a lot more than I have, especially at the epicenter of the Fourth War," Itachi replies, turning his gaze to the side of Team Seven.


-Itachi, we've all spoken to the Sage. Each of us will have to continue to play our part, even in the second timeline. We'll all help out there, keeping the timeline going. But only you can deliver the final blow," Kakashi replies, scratching his purple mask slightly.


-And I've seen your attitude toward the villagers, your views on the village, your attitude toward the children. I'm sure you won't let any of this happen. You're determined enough, because you saved the village once before by slaughtering your own clan and sacrificing your reputation. You won't let Sasuke become that monster," Sakura spoke with a slight smile, looking at Itachi. Who she rarely saw, but managed to learn everything about him. Also mentioning Sasuke with sadness and disdain. Judging by all the times Naruto told her about Itachi. Sakura decided that Itachi was the opposite of his main antagonist....


-I wanted to try my hand as a time traveler myself, databayo. But Old Man Rikudo said I didn't have the determination or willpower. Still, Sasuke is my friend, no matter what," Naruto lowered his head and added, looking at Itachi, "but you can do it! I believe in you, you said yourself that I've gotten stronger. But that overlooked how special and honest you yourself were.


Instead of answering, Itachi looked to his left and crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze taking the form of a smile with his eyes closed.


-Aren't you tired of watching," Itachi said with a slight smile in his voice. Obito Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki emerged from the forest. The Konohovans noted Itachi's espionage skills. After all, they didn't notice the extra ears themselves, "Neither did the Sage."


-You never cease to amaze me, Itachi-san," Hoshigaki Kisame entered the conversation with a smile. He was dressed in a Mist ANBU uniform and gray armor.


-So what did you decide?" Obito asked with a mildly interested look. He was dressed in Jonin's outfit, as he'd always dreamed of it.


-I don't know, are there really no more candidates?" Itachi said, seeing the hope in everyone's eyes. But he decided to change the subject, not to answer their direct question, "It's strange that I haven't seen any of you in a year.


-It was my decision," Rikudo began his speech, "I originally chose you to be the Hero-in-Chief who would remake the first timeline. But I wanted to give you a year of rest, from all the hustle and bustle and negativity of the harsh reality of your earthly life. That's why I kept them away from you. They could have blabbed, especially Naruto," the Sage said with a slight smirk, looking into the face of the blond-haired hero.


-I'd keep my mouth shut. -Yeah. You're all just afraid that I'm going to take all the glory for myself. - Naruto shouted angrily, making a funny face. Naruto shouted angrily, making a funny face, but in response he got only a sad look from Kakashi and an angry look from Sakura. 


-Maybe Obito would be good for this? He'd be even more useful, with his kamui and knowledge of what's to come," Itachi said, looking at the Sage. Then he turns his gaze to Obito.


-No Itachi, I must be present in the second timeline as the villain I once was... - he sadly responds to the genius' words. Obito continues, -This will be the first step in getting Sasuke to reveal the rinnegan. Without that, unfortunately, the timeline will not overlap with the current one.


-He's right," Shisui replies, climbing down from the tree where Rikudo and Itachi began their conversation. Even before they came down. Itachi was happy to see his best friend. Even though he knew earlier that he was watching all of them. Shisui, was also dressed in ANBU gear, just like Kisame Hoshigaki, but only with the Konoha symbol. Looking at all the positive faces, and transferring his gaze to Itachi's face, Shisui begins his speech... - You've always found a way out, out of even more difficult situations. Even when you were eight years old... I was even jealous of you, but I'm proud of you now. Just for being your friend in the first place.


-Well, what's your answer now?" asked Rikudo again. With a questioning yet confident look.


The others looked at Itachi's decision like it was god's day. Sakura thought about the fact that the friendship between these two ANBU shinobi. Was even stronger than Naruto and Sasuke's. "Itachi and Shisui, I never cease to admire." Sakura dropped a thought in her mind. Kakashi in turn knew that if Itachi said yes, Sasuke's fate was already sealed. Naruto wanted peace, but deep down he knew that Itachi knew best how to achieve it. Obito was happy to be in the company of good people, but the outcome was not important to him. What mattered was that he was with them all. Kisame, on the other hand, was glad that in another timeline they would be paired again. But sadness enveloped him. That Kisame wouldn't recognize the present, at least not enough for him that Itachi would remember everything for all of them. And maybe Kisame will know soon. Shisui Uchiha... It was a sin for him to doubt his best friend. He died happy knowing that he had put everything in Itachi's hands. In the back of his mind, Shisui hoped that in the second timeline, he would already trust him with both eyes. Itachi guessed what was on everyone's mind, so he didn't hesitate to make a decision:


-I agree... - Itachi replied confidently.


-Good luck Itachi,‖ Shisui replied with a slight smile.


-Save the world,‖ Obito said proudly.


-Rewrite the story for the better, Itachi-san," Kisame asked in his usual manner.


-You can rewrite not only history, but everyone's attitudes toward you, as well as your friends. As well as all of us. We believe in you," Sakura said sincerely, dropping a tear.


-You were different... You were on another level... I always knew that," Kakashi added confidently.


-Stop Sasuke. But still, first and foremost, try to change him without killing him-. - a smile and a plea from Naruto.


-Thank you all for your support. I promise I'll do everything in my power to change the outcome of the world. Even if you won't be there like you are now...'' - Itachi finished, smiling slightly. After all, he knew that they all, could become even better, but it would not be possible to change their characters. He was glad for that.


-We can be even better there. Remember... It's up to you, and only you. Goodbye Itachi and good luck to you... - Kakashi said goodbye for everyone and continued, "Don't lose your confidence... - Itachi nodded with a smile. He had never lost confidence after all.




Night had fallen, and the first timeline was coming to its end. The Sage of the Six Paths and Itachi were now standing "At the Paradise version of the rooftop, Hokage Residences". From there, many blue Star lights and dark space could be seen. The stars there were also visible from the planet Earth. But Itachi rejoiced at the fact that they were on a white Star themselves right now. How ironic... The wise man standing opposite Itachi decided to begin:


-Mixing something in time takes a lot of power and chakra. Hagoromo began confidently, then added, "If I tap into Heaven and the power of the Star, I can find a part of the universe where space is already distorted. I can find a part of the universe where space is already distorted. Our star Heaven is just passing through it. Are you ready Itachi?" asked Rikudo. Itachi nodded confidently. Hagoromo with his rinnegan, opens the wormhole and adds his final speech... - Once you enter it just think of the time when you were 13 years old. You don't have to calculate everything, the universe will pick the exact time and speed for you, from the windows of space. In order for you to travel through time.


-Are you sure everything will go according to plan?", Itachi asked, looking at Hagoromo.


-In my ten thousand years as a human being, I've learned an important detail... - That the universe is alive. It's alive because of the Elder God. Someday you'll realize it yourself, better than me... - replied Hagoromo confidently. Itachi realized that all his words had not been spoken without reason. By the look in his eyes he was telling the truth, Itachi knew when people were telling the truth, the Sage was no exception. After the phrase "Elder God". Itachi had a sort of de-ja-vision. Rikudo himself, dropped a couple key words," But remember.... You mustn't alter the course of temporal events too much. It's possible that Sasuke won't awaken the rinnegan. And Indra and Ashura's war won't end smoothly. You should only change the course of events by killing Sasuke in the end. Try not to change events too much. Sometimes, and even rarely, the price can be worse. Change the timeline only when there's no other choice...


-I understand, thank you for clarifying Rikudo Sennin-. I give my word, on the honor of my name. That I will improve the world, and save order on the planet. Thank you for your trust, but know this. That the world has already been saved. - Itachi confidently began to make his promise, adjusting the sleeves of his black T-shirt. He sounded like a true, eternally-youthful Dark Emperor. There was no limit to the Sage's admiration. Shifting his gaze once again to his own blue, wormhole Rikudo adds:


-Here comes the time warp. I'm opening a time wormhole. And remember, your current body won't go there. You'll go back to being a 13-year-old boy. And your mind, your memories, your soul. They will be shaped like blue sparks until they enter your body and merge with your 13 year old body," Hagoromo looked at the Stars and looking at the Hero-in-Chief he said confidently, "I didn't doubt you, I know you can save everyone. When I said the word, "Elder God." I noticed that interest, in the history of existence. I realized that Kami-sama is not the strongest leader in our omni-universe. I believe in the existence of the Supreme One, may he help you on your long journey. Good luck to you.


-I won't let you down. I'm sure we'll meet again. I wish you knew about me. But the important thing is that I won't forget the current timeline. The next one will be even better than the one in the first timeline. After all, the second timeline has just begun, Heh... - Itachi finished with a slight smile to comfort the Sage's doubt. And the latter smiled back, escorting him with a glance on his way....


Following the Sage, he saw that... Itachi entered the wormhole and began to take on the appearance of matter resembling Iona Lightning. It looked as if Blue Lightning had entered Konoha. After the wormhole closed, the Sage knew that the first timeline would soon begin to fade away.


The Sage of the Six Paths spoke one last word before the wormhole finally closed. But in a slower tone, to the last tones of the blue wormhole, "Itachi Uchiha, now all hope is on you...".

  Prologue Commentary.

  The story begins with a prologue. There are some skipped passages here. I skipped them in order to finish them on the far chapters, as a Flashback. Heh...