
A Dream?

Meldrum woke up and was greeted by the fact that the silhouette was gone. He was confused at the sight, very well having expected to not wake up ever again or the silhouette would follow him forever. However, Meldrum got over it and was glad he had his old life back. He walked down the stairs and tried to make some breakfast but quickly came to know he couldn't grab or hold anything. He was confused and tried to grab a scythe but couldn't hold it. He wondered if he was lucid dreaming and tried to control the world or pass through solid objects, but he couldn't perform either tasks. Meldrum started to panic at this new revelation that he wasn't lucid dreaming but couldn't grab or hold any objects. He wandered around the barn searching for answers. He went high and low, checked every corner, and scanned every room but nothing was out of place. He proceed to leave the barn and remembered how he first saw the silhouette at the cornfield and decided the answer would be there. He walked outside but quickly checked the lake to see if there was any other living organisms with him. The reason he did this was due to his thinking that if the fish were gone, he would not be able to go to the town he sells his produce to as living things except him would be gone. To Meldrum's displeasure, the fish were all gone. There was a chilling silence that was painful for Meldrum to listen to but he proceeded to the cornfield. As he stepped into the cornfield, Meldrum saw the silhouette, and they had locked eyes again.