
Chapter 11

Sia's POV

Priya left with Rahul ji leaving me with this irritating man. Well I can't blame her, she just got married to her love but why doesn't this irritating man go away?

Irritating man??? Are you kidding ?? He is charming and very, very handsome. Inner Sia said.

She always speak against me. Idiot soul of mine.

His eyes were on me all the time and it was making me conscious." It's ok, Mr. Kapoor, you have so many guests here. You would have to meet everyone. You may take your leave. " I said very politely.

" Oh!! But you are Priya's guest and she is very special to all of us. So I need to take care of you. " He grinned at me.

" I can take care of myself. I won't get lost in the party." I said sweetly but it was dripping with sarcasm.

" Oh I am sure about the fact that you can take care of yourself. Miss feisty warrior. But I am here. " He said with a smile.

I wanted to give him another slap.

" Sir please it would not look good that a boss is taking care of his assistant. " I said with an over sweet smile.

" Then you can take care of me. I hope nobody would mind that. " He smiled again.

Ughhh... he is so irritating...

" But sir, you don't.... " I was saying it when I saw that he looked in a direction and that smile vanished from his face and he looked extreamly angry. He started walking very fast in that direction. I was curious as hell so I followed him.

We saw that a man was talking to Priya near girls restrooms and was holding her hand. She was looking shocked. Rohit reached there in no time and started beating him.

" I told you to stay away from her. How dare you come here? How dare you talk to her?? " he was shouting.

I tried to stop him but he was furious. I looked at Priya, she also tried to stop him but all in vain.

" Sia, please call Rahul... " She said and I rushed out to find him and finally saw him talking to one of his friends.

" Please come, Priya is calling you... Rohit is... very angry... He is... having a very... heated argument... with a man." I pointed towards the direction they were in. They rushed there and I followed them.

Rohit was punching him. Priya was standing near Rohit, trying to stop him from fighting but he was outrageous. Rahul ji's friend caught that man and Rahul ji caught Rohit . It was really difficult to control Rohit.

" What's going on Rohit? Why are you so angry and what is Anuj doing here?" Rahul ji was confused and getting angry with every passing second.

" Anuj, I think I told you to stay away from us, what are you doing here? " Rahul ji shouted.

" What?? I got an invitation from you. I am here because I was invited. " He said, touching his jaw with his palm where Rohit had punched.

"It was a misunderstanding, my PA sent all the invitations I didn't, now you better leave" Rahul ji was trying to control Rohit, he was unmanageable. I have never seen him like this.

Rohit's POV

I got myself free from his grip and started punching and kicking him again. " How dare you come here? How dare you talk to her? How dare you come near my sister? How dare you touch her with your filthy hand? Now get lost before I kill you, never show your dirty face to us again." I said and then realised that bhai heard that too. He was red with rage by now.

" Was he trying to talk to Priya? Did he touch her? I will kill him. " Bhai was angry as a raging bull now.

He rushed towards him but Mehul caught him very tight and told Sia to call security . Bhai was trying to get out of his grip but I also hold bhai as I knows that he gets mad when he is angry.

I was trying to solve everything on my own as I didn't want him to know anything. I would not have told him anything, it just came out of my mouth in a fit of anger.

Anuj got up from the floor and his nose was bleeding and his lip was also cut. He pointed towards bhai and said, " I will see you later Rahul, you were supposed to marry Leena but married Priya. I saw you at the airport, you were hugging each other and now you pretend to be in love with Priya. Want to have a girl in both arms?? Wow!! great man... I was just trying to show her that she deserves better than you. You are still in love with Leena and have a relationship with her. "

" That's not true... I am not in love with Leena. I never was... and I'm not two timing Priya." Bhai shouted and looked at Priya. She was upset.

" I have proof to prove my point... I have pictures of both of you from airport hugging and kissing each other and this picture was clicked just 2 days back." He just showed it to Priya and I .

Priya saw the pictures and I saw that she clenched her teeth a bit and said, " Shut up !! My relationship with my husband is none of your business. Whether he is in love with me or Leena, if I love him or not, whether it is a marriage of convenience, whether we deserve each other or not? All this is none of your business. If I ever see you anywhere near me within 10 metres I will file a complaint against you... that you are following me, tried to touch and misbehave with me. So just stay away from me and my family otherwise you will pay for it. I didn't care if he has an affair with her and I got married to him, so that's none of your bloody business. Stay away. " Priya said in a fit of anger. We had never seen her like that.

She caught hold of Sia's hand and went back to the party.

Bhai was shocked with the way events took place. He stood there like a statue.

Anuj was smirking now, he said, " Look I spoilt your marriage. You remember, you said once that she is too good for me now she's too good for you too." He clapped and Mehul and I were so angry that we started beating him. Just then the security came and called the police. Bhai was just too shocked to react.

Mehul and I were trying to shook him back to normal. Bhai just said, " It was not as it looked like.... " And he explained exactly what happened at the airport.

Mehul hugged him and said, "I know you are not lying. I trust you completely. You are in love with Priya even an idiot can see that." And I nodded at it.

" But... Will she trust me?? She was sweet enough to marry a jerk like me who always ignored her. I never even looked at her, never ever looked in her direction. I have always avoided her like plague. yet she married me to save our family name. She married me because she was worried about dad's health, she is an angel, she doesn't even love me and still she got married to me. Bhai asked .

" Yes, she will bhai... She may be hurt or angry at the moment, it may take time but she will. " I said.

" Do you think so Rohit? " He asked and I nodded

" I know so... But it might take time as she is hurt." I assured him.

" And when did Anuj meet Priya and where? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me in an angry tone.

" Anuj met her at University, on the day of her competition and said all these things to her about you. I caught him and had a fight with him. I even gave him a warning to stay away from her. Bhai it is high time that you tell her about your feelings. " I said

" I will tell her but... "

" Trust me bhai, I know..." I stopped all of a sudden.

" Why do I have this feeling that you know something which I am unaware of? " Bhai asked and I shrugged.

" That is not my story to tell. Find it for yourself. " I said and came back to the party. Bhai called my name again but I didn't bother. The party was going as usual while we knew that a lot had happened there.

Priya, Sia and Megha were sitting on a table with our parents. Sia looked at me and then turned to look towards Priya.