
Till we meet again...

"What happened? Why are you not sleeping today?" Eva frowned and tilted his head a bit in confusion.

Jack was simply looking at her, as if he was trying to fix her picture in his head. He was scared that he might not ever be able to meet her again and in a few years, she will automatically be wiped away from his memory.... 

He spent his last day at school in the library at school. While the girl read the entire time, he looked at her from the corner of his eyes. Tears dropped down from his eyes, as he kept looking at her. At the same time, he kept questioning God. Why was he being snatched away from the girl, when he needed her the most? Why did she even enter his life, when he had to be seperated from her? 

The school bell had rung and as the school timings got over, Eva got up from her seat looking at the boy. "Jack, Jack get up. The school is over already."