
It Him

Who the hell is he? He is just freaking killing half of the strongest family members ever. He comes to the academy and sits while listening to the teacher teaching like nothing happened yesterday!!

MCijam_MC · Võ hiệp
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Something weird today

Swing to the side slicing the throat of the enemy… then to another coming from his side. He keeps killing every expert person with his flaming broadsword with his right hand as he thrusts into the air to counter the enemy thrust into his body. Then he uses his staff, Voltar, to stab a person before he throws it onto the enemy behind him with powerful force to the point the person gets hit by it and dies.

Doing backflip dodging enemy magic sword attack, he uses his Voltar to counter it back by using unknown magic that creates a spinning circle of fire as it instantly pierces through the body killing them. Seeing another enemy coming in front with a scythe, he uses his staff the said scythe wielder has a green aura surrounding his body as he pulls a flaming broadsword that pierces right through his neck.

Grabbing a scythe from a dead person, he slices up to 5 people their heads flew off from the neck as blood spread everywhere. A person with a shield is run toward him ready to ram him. What he does do? Punch through the shield as his fist hit right to the person holding the shield's face sending him flying.

*Dragon roar*

Hearing a dragon roar, he sees a few dragons with a different colors of them. Holding his staff in the air, a bright blue shield can be seen surrounding him in a sphere as a few dragons breathe fire at him destroying everything around it.










*sound of alarm*

The sound of an alarm can be heard on the desk as a hand can be seen reaching toward it before pressing a red button stopping the alarm. A person can be seen rising from the bed as he sleepily stretches his body from side to side as the sound of bone popping can be heard. Putting both of his palms to his back, he slowly moves his head to the back followed by his body that making a satisfying sound that everyone heard every time they do this.

"*yawn* urgh… I should go to the academy right now. Yesterday I little overboard… I shouldn't do that in the future again… too tired… need sleep." slowly walked toward his bathroom, and he began to take a shower to make sure himself not feel sleepy for a while until he reached his academy place.

After taking a shower, he gets out of his house not before LOCK his door and making sure every window is closed. He gets sick and his house always gets robbed. Instead of stealing a wealth thing, the thief steals a portion of food from his fridge. He doesn't have enough money to deal with this shit every day.

As he walks to his academy, he eats toasted bread while drinking a bottle of milk he gets from his neighbor's door. But hey, at least he leaves money that is double the bottle of milk price. As he walked, he passed an electric shop that has a TV that displayed on-air news about a one-man army killing half of the family members of Zeloat. The strongest family, too bad there is so many arrogant that make the family name get half love and hate from people.

Upon arriving at the academy he attends, {Academy of Kuji}, an academy that has dozen of potential and talented people in there that either make the world be in peace… or go into chaos. As he enters the main gate, many students stared at him in shock before they walk faster to their course. This make the raise his eyebrow as he shrugged his shoulder before going toward his class.

Arriving at his class, he opens a sliding door, making all students, including the teacher, stop what they are doing before looking at him in shock. Seeing this, the person that had been main attention felt confused about why they stared at him like that.

"Ummm… I'm sure I'm not late. Did something happen? Or is there something on my face?" asked him. The teacher hears this fake cough a few times as she takes a deep breath before forcing herself to smile as he gestures to the male to sit.

"It's nothing MC, we are just glad you are joining our class today." tell the teacher to MC as he feels suspicious about her word, but he throws those though since this is his first time seeing a teacher like that.

"Alright." he closes the class door before going toward his seat that is in the middle of the classroom beside the most beautiful woman in the academy as a student. Although MC always gets a problem whenever he sits beside her because of the simp, today is weird, the simp AVOID eye contact with him.

The teacher then starts the lecture every day except she keeps glancing at MC from time to time while her eye shook in fear.

(2-hour passing)

*Bell sound can be heard*

Hearing a bell sound signals a break for 1 hour before entering the class again. The teacher hurriedly pack her stuff as she walks faster out of the class. The same goes for other students as they leave the class faster than usual. Even weird is the woman beside him doesn't even move as she keeps shaking while looking down at her thigh. MC feels worried since she will be the first to get out of the class before her simp follows after her like a loyal dog.

But that doesn't happen today, making MC feel worried about this woman for the first time in his life. It is not like he doesn't care about her as a classmate, but it just she never talk to him before. But that action makes MC feel grateful to her since her simp doesn't see MC as a threat that will steal her from them.

"You okay Haryana? Do you want me to bring you to the infirmary?" after hearing MC's voice, Haryana flinch before slowly looking toward him with a scared smile.

"Y-yeah… I'm o-okay."

"If you say so then." stand up from his seat, MC then walks outside the classroom leaving Haryana that passed out from fear as her head drops to her desk.

Back to MC, we can see him walking into the cafeteria with a food tray in his hand.

"Weird… why do they give me expensive food for free? Thus arent this a special menu that is in stock only on Friday? Weird days." mutter MC as he looks at his tray that has smashed potato with a slice of melted cheese on top of it. Thus there is a medium bowl of spaghetti on his tray.

What MC found weirder is the atmosphere of the cafeteria. Most of the time he will hear people shouting, screaming, talking, moaning, and many more weird sounds he can hear from one place. But today… just quiet… too quiet. The only thing he can hear is people's heartbeats. Odd right?

He keeps searching for a table he targeted, he finally meets the table his friend occupied! Jake Lonus is his friend's name. Call him Jake. as MC arrived at the table, he put the tray on the table before sitting opposite his friend.

"Good morning Jake."

"Same goes for you."

Nothing interesting happens as they both eat in peace, well not for long since MC feels very comfortable why does every student keep stealing a glance at him while whispering something? Did he do something wrong today?

Pretty sure he is not since he does what he always does every day. If that is not the reason, why does everyone acts weird today? Except for Jake since he eats his food on the tray while taking a little bit of food from MC's tray which he doesn't mind.

This is the first time he gets this special treatment out of nowhere. He is not weak, nor strong either, he is just average from his perspective. Well, it was his perspective, not other people's. Feeling his appetite slowly disappears, he starts asking a question to Jake.

"Yo Jake, you know why most of the students act weird today?" if it's Jake, he always knows something since he is one of the students that been called [Prince] at this academy which MC found weird. Jake is not of royal blood, and neither is his attitude.

"Hmm, probably about yesterday's broadcast news. Don't worry, they will go back to their normal self soon." Jake answer his question calmly while remembering yesterday's news broadcast.

That helps MC a little, maybe he should watch yesterday's broadcast… but where he wants to watch it? He rarely uses his phone to search for something, he mostly uses his phone to find a song he heard on the radio. He better asks Jake.

"So what the news tells about?"

"About a fall of Strongest Family."

"Damn, there must be something the Family does that makes them fall."

"Yeah, I still can't believe it at first. But hey, everything will fall, sometimes rise too, we don't know when the time is yet."

He nods his head toward Jake's statement. Nothing can always stay in its shape forever, sometimes it changes without that thing knowing it.

"ATTENTION, A STUDENT NAME MC, PLEASE HEAD TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE." sound of the speaker can be heard announcing that MC is to head toward the principal office.

"Look, even this is my first time getting called to the principal office… did I drink something wrong today?"

Jake shrugged his shoulder making MC sigh in disbelief before he stand up and headed toward the Principal office. Jake notice MC's tray is still there with no food left on it. He stared at MC before staring at his tray.

"Sometimes I feel like I go through an emotional roller coaster today." mutter Jake with sad…Mad… face. Sometimes confused because of the sudden event made by his friends.

|Principal Office|

Standing in front of the door, he gently knocks on the door to alert the people inside that is someone in front of the door waiting to get in.

*Gently Knock*

"Come in."The voice of someone giving MC permission to enter can be heard from inside.

Carefully, MC opens the door to reveal a few people he doesn't recognize, even his principal. There were 5 women in there who can be seen looking in MC's direction.

There is 2 woman wearing combat clothes standing like a bodyguard on each side the woman wearing an elegant black dress that sits opposite of principal that sits at the table with her female secretary pouring 6 cups of tea.

"It's me, MC."

"Please take a seat MC."

"Take a seat?" ask MC with a confused expression. Does the principal want MC to come to her office to have a seat?

"Yes, please take a seat MC."

At first, MC was confused, but he know what need to do. After all, this is a request from the principal herself. She can just snap, and like that MC gets expulsion in the blink of an eye. MC is not popular with something at the academy.

MC then goes toward a chair that is beside the woman in an elegant black dress he grabs the armrest on the chair before lifting it and heading toward the exit door. The secretary sees this and immediately goes to prevent him from exist the door, especially with this expensive chair!!!

"Take a sits! Not take a chair!" speak the secretary to MC that stare at her with a confused expression.







"My name is Khasya Niju, call me Khasya MC." speak the woman in an elegant black dress as she offers him a handshake. Seeing this, MC just sake her hand awkwardly.

"Name MC, call me MC."

"... ok MC," Khasya said before she glance at her bodyguard sending them the signal. Nod they head before introducing their name to Mc.

"My name is Skinne Nuji, call me Skinne." Skinne introduces herself before looking at another bodyguard.

"Name is Junma Nuji, call me Junma." tell Junma to MC.

MC blinked at their last name. Why is it near the same as Khasya? Are they related? This is the first time MC sees people's last names nearly the same as other people's last names. If it coincidence, it is freaky as fuck.

"Just pretend this is a normal thing to make sure you don't overthink this last name," says Khasya to MC, who nods his head toward her advice.

"My name is Fushia Gihu, and my secretary's name is Eujana Biko." tell the principal to MC since from what she knows MC never bother to know the name of people around him unless they are his friend, and that is Jake.

"So… what is your reason for calling me here? Im sure I don't break any rule… Im sure Brian and his goon always bullied people every day, yet the academy takes no action toward it."

Fushia just stared at MC before giggling and giving MC his answer.

"Don't worry… I deal with it after this meeting… I will kill them after all." last part is heard by MC, but he doesn't believe it so he decides to pretend he doesn't hear it.

"That doesn't matter right now MC, what matter is you," stated Khasya since she want this to end as fast as possible. Her bodyguard brings out a tablet before she plays a news broadcast from yesterday and shows it to MC.

There is a video from a reporter that wants to interview a certain family, but some unexpected event happened in the family. The video shows a view of someone killing many Royal Guard of the Zealot family at the top of the dead body of the Zealot family. Many family members head toward the center too to kill the killer.

And that a person is MC. himself. MC saw this eye widen before he smile like he doing something proud.

"Would you look at that! That is me! This is the first time I get into a TV! Damn is this how people feel when they see themselves on TV?! Look at how many people watching the news! It reaches 1B!! The feeling of being popular is awesome!" said MC with excitement smile. I mean… who doesn't feel happy when you get into TV?

The people in the room stare at MC with sweatdropped before Khasya composed herself to talk to MC. Well, she talks to someone that steals the #1 of the strongest being ever existing by killing half of the strongest Family.

"So MC, do-" Khasya want to offer MC something that everyone will accept without thinking twice, he already gives her an answer since HE knows what she is thinking right now.


"But I don't finish my off-"

"No need, I already read your mind."

This makes everyone in the room shocked, read people's minds? How much power he has? From what legend says, one person can only 1 power only. The chance of having 2 power is slim, but very dangerous too since you will be a target of people depending on your choice.

MC? Nah, he doesn't have power from the beginning. He takes fallen/lost/dead people he fights as an achievement that he defeats them. Although it was so wrong, for MC it is not so wrong at all from his perspective.

Sup y'all. well, this books kinda weird, but it about our protagonist MC, suddenly kil half member of strongest family, Zealot. Why he do that? Will his life is same like before? of cource not.

MCijam_MCcreators' thoughts