
Mislaid Hilda

Henry, Catherine and Caroline were looking for a means to convience Hilda to join them reading but could not find her anywhere, Caroline quickly said 'could it be that Hilda is now back with Angel and her friends' but Catherine replied with 'she better not be with them'.

They all went to look for Hilda, they searched everywhere for her but couldn't find her. So they started asking anyone the see in the school compound if they had seen Hilda, Catherine quickly complained " where could she have gone" suddenly two junior students from their school passed them then Henry stopped them and asked

"Have any of you seen Hilda from my class"

"Ehm, I don't think I've seen her" The first student said

"I saw her, she sneaked out of the school with Angel and some other girls" the second student replied.

"Okay thank you" the students left but there was so many mumuring from Catherine and Caroline.

They couldn't think of anything to do at that time, they were so confused on what to do then Henry suggested

"Don't you think it's time we report Angel and her friends to the principal.... I mean, they've caused enough trouble in this school"

" Well if we report Angel, Angel will also include Hilda and we don't want her to get expelled, besides what will she say to my mom" Catherine terrible replied

" So what should we do now" Henry asked

" Let's just think" Catherine gave a quick sigh.


Angel and the other girls sneaked inside the school saying" I love the party so much" but immediately they entered their session Henry stopped them and said

"I know you sneaked out of the school and went for a party, but do you want to get expelled"

" Are you going to expel me..... Who are you, please get out of our way" Angel replied rudely

" Well I will report to the principal, and don't think I don't have evidence" Henry said nonchalantly

"Now what do you want" Angel asked

"I want Hilda, I want her to stop being your friend else I will report all these to the principal" Henry requested

"Alright, as from today if you find Hilda talking to me or my friends, then you can report" Angel replied and was indirectly telling Hilda never to talk to her or be around her

"Good, so I will be taking Hilda" Henry pulled Hilda to a corner and said

"Now all you have to do is to confess everything to your Aunt and stay away from Angel"

"Well there's nothing to confess to my aunt"

" There's alot, Hilda face any punishment your aunt is going to give you and tell her everything if not I will report you to the principal and that will be more implicating"

" Okay I'll tell her"

"And from now on you will be reading with your cousins"

"Henry, I will not be happy with you if I get grounded" They both went to meet Catherine and Caroline and Hilda asked Catherine and Caroline to help her with her confession.

---- Hanni mansion----

After school they got home so Hilda confessed everything to her aunt and also promised her that she will be a good child and take her education serious.

Aunt Hanni forgived but grounded her for the remaining part of the term.

Hilda was so lucky to have a kind hearted aunty

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