
1. Extra

' " There are many theories about when the world has truly change-" ' - An old voice said calmly in front of the big classroom.

"...What?" - In the back of the class a man muttered as he opened his eyes tiredly.

"..What the f*ck?!" - But as he opened his eyes more he was confused, so he couldn't help but to curse to himself.

'What the??? Where the hell am I?'

'Why I am in a classroom filled with teenagers?? Wasn't I just reading in my room???'

'No, wait..'

'If I remember well, I had read the last chapter of 'Humble Holy Hero', a novel with a shit name.'

But anyways, if I remember well, I was so angry after reading the ending that I was going to the kitchen, to drink some water. But when I was walking down the stairs I felt dizzy because of my usual lack of sleep and stumbled.

And now I am here, did I just die?? What the? How someone can die in such a dumb way!? F*ck! F*ck!! F*ck!!! F*ck!!! - As I couldn't calm down I forced myself to think.

'Damn Charles, calm yourself! If you don't think, who will? First I should try to calm myself.'

"Huuh!" - Breathe in.

' "Some say that it was when the demons first appeared, others say that the magic started to appear in the humans longer before the first demons appear- " ' - The voice said but Charles couldn't pay attention.

"Haah!" - Breathe out.

'Okay, first of all, now I should try to gain some information of where I am.'

'Huh, there seems to be around forty teenagers here, but this is certainly strange, there are lot of people here with dyed hair, almost no one has a normal hair color.'

'Ah, well, people tastes don't matter much right now.'

'Let's see if I have something useful in my pocke-' - But as I was going to rummage my pockets, surprised I looked dazedly at my hands.

'Wha-What, my hands are smaller??'

'Wait! Don't tell me I turned into a teenager again!'

Thinking about this gave me goosebumps, and for the first time in a long time, I prayed while I slowly turned my head to my left side where there was a window.

And right there, at the windows, was reflected the image of a sitted teenager in the middle of the back of a big classroom.

The man had a slightly long chestnut colored hair and he was currently wearing a beautiful adorned clothes that resembled a school uniform - Strangely resembled something that I couldn't remember.

He weared a pair of silver rimmed glasses that hid his dull dark red eyes.

But what was truly scary was that every movement or even the dumbfounded expression I had on my face he did the same, I was certain this teenager was me.

'But how? how? This doesn't even make sense??'

'I didn't even look like this when I was a teenager. And this red eyes and glasses, I don't know why but I am certain that this color isn't because of contact lenses.'

Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to think, because of the unexpected question coming from the wise looking professor.

'"And now, I'll ask, someone knows exactly the date that the magic age and the demon outbursts started?"'

At this question, a great silence fell in this big classroom...

'Huh! wait, didn't he says demons and magic? is he on drugs??'

'But what is this great sense of deja vu? It's almost I've heard this question in some place.'

But before I could figure out where I heard that, a beautiful purple haired young girl answered with determination, as her dazzling ruby like scarlet eyes glimmered.

'"Professor! It was in the seventeen day of november of nineteen sixty, according to the old Devon calendar!"

"Where the first demon was seen was in the kingdom of Lanroc, by the great archmage, Vesper Innolian" - The girl responded brimming with confidence.

Her response seemed something that was directly taken from a novel, but this didn't matter because something in her appearence greatly shook me.

'It can't be! It can't be!! This doesn't make any sense.' - I thought desperately

But giving me a great despair, the professor answered with some words I didn't want to hear.

"Well said, Elizabeth! As expected of a honor student" - Said happily the old man, looking at this student of his.


I mumbled slowly, very slowly. I wasn't really dumbfounded because I personally knew the woman, it was because a scarier thing, a situation I didn't want to believe it could happen... This woman name, without doubt, was Elizabeth Crosswalt. But this doesn't make sense, after all, she was just a 'character'.

'Wait! Maybe it's just a cosplay, a coincidence!'

I desperately looked in the room, hoping that the man I searched wouldn't be there. Unfortunately for me, sleeping in a desk at the right side of the classroom, laid there, was a man that had a dark navy blue hair.

And I'm sure that if he opened his eyes, his hair would contrast with his golden eyes. And I had no doubts his name was Alexander Lanbelt, this world 'righteous protagonist'

"F*ck!" - I mumbled.

I didn't want to believe, but... but it seemed that I was in the world of Humble Holy Hero, a novel with a shitty name. A world that would fall in enormous dangers, that will be even worse because of this 'heroic and humble' asshole named Alexander.

'But if I am here, who the hell am I in this world?' - As I was thinking that, out of nowhere I suddenly heard a dull voice, a voice that seemed to be in my head.




[ 5..... ]

[ 4.... ]

[ 3... ]

[ 2.. ]

[ 1.. ]


'Charles Croxus? Huuhh.. who is that?'


'Isn't this the name of the mob character that died in early chapters painfully! just to show how strong Alexander was?'


'You must be joking! You're telling me that I am the guy who had a crush in Elizabeth, and died trying to save her!

'All of that just to be forgotten because of the heroic and incredible protagonist, who stole his achievementes for literally no reason....'

'You must be joking, right... System?'

[ ... ]

'Please, tell me you are joking.' - I thought pleading.

[ I'M AFRAID THAT THIS IS THE REALITY CHARLES ] - The dull voice answered






'Aahg!! aAAh!!!' - I bawled in thoughts.

After that message, a excruciating pain hit me in the head. I wanted to cry and bawl as much as possible, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't open my mouth. And then a flood memories that weren't mine started to merge with my being.

'aaAaaaagh!' - I internally screamed as I felt an immense pain that resembled being hit by a truck, and emotions that shouldn't be mine were starting to enter my mind.

▬▬▬ ▬▬ ▬

❏"Listen to me Charles, okay? Father and mother were summoned to the royal castle. When we come back, I will play with you. Behave yourself, okay?"❏ - The gentle voice of my father resounded in my ears...

❏"Be a good boy while we are out and hear uncle Regis, okay? Soon we will be back..."❏ - My mother said with her soothing voice, casting a promise that would never be fulfilled...

❏Tak,Tok,Tok❏ - I remember very well that day. I thought that my parents were knocking on the door, and then I rushed happily with the servants and my butler, Regis, to open it. I never would have imagined that this would be only the start of a endless nightmare.

❏"Father!, Moth-"❏ - But when I opened the door, the only ones that were there were a group of royal knights.

❏"Are you the baron Charles Croxus?" - The young yet imposing leader of the knights asked serious to me, a boy that was only nine years old at that time.

❏"Baron? My name is Charles but the baron is my father."❏ - I asked, with a looming fear in my heart.

❏"Sir! I salute the baron. I fear to say that the baron, Liam, and the baroness, Cecilia, are... Are in a better place now" - The knight had an uneasy face.

❏"Wha-What you're talking about!? Stop calling me baron, that's my father title! Where they are!?"❏ - I raised my voice, while tears welled in my face.

❏"S-Sir, I'm afraid to tell you that... The baron Liam and his wife will be out for a little longer, and they entrusted you the position"❏ - The knight answered with a tinge of sadness in his face, cleary not saying the truth.

❏"Wha! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! FATHER PROMISED ME THAT HE WOULD PLAY WITH ME! WHE-Where father and mother are!?"❏ - I said while I barely see'd with the amount of tears in my face.

But while I wanted to ask what had happened, a wave of drowsiness arrived in me. After that I could only feel the world falling with me as my back hit the cold floor of my house in the royal capital, my vision was starting to become dark. The last thing I heard was the voice of the young male knight.

❏"The baron has collapsed! Call the physician!"❏

▬▬▬ ▬▬ ▬

"Hah!hah!Hah!" - When I returned to my senses, cold sweat drenched my back, thankfully no one was looking to where I was.

"F*ck!" - I muttered.

Don't matter how much I want to deny this cursed reality, I have to accept two facts. First, I am in the crazy world of the damn 'Humble Holy Hero' as a an weak man. Two, my name is Charles Croxus, the last man and heir of the Croxus baron household.

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