
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Life is so unfair

The past three days are ones I hope to forget forever and ever, never to be repeated again. Yet I found myself waking up at 7am to revisit the place of my nightmares, again.

It was Thursday, I hate Thursdays. I don't know how I'll do it- but I'm gonna cancel this very day so everyone is free of torture, Monday duhh! Oh! And how can I forget the rest of the weekdays, weekends would be the only days spared, probably Friday also

What do you mean 'probably'

Of course Friday is staying.

I walked in through the double doors that held more torture than being around children. Unconscious of the world/people infront of me as I lazily stumped to my locker, wouldn't want anyone or thing, to cross me, they won't find it funny.

I'm not a morning person

Lowered my bag to my elbows since I'm not much of a fan of stressing my shoulders, even though I just had two books inside it.

I don't know if I was just seeing things, or Mady was actually waving, pointing and mouthing something to me? I looked around dumbfounded, to see if she was referring to someone else.

I furrowed my brows in confusion just as I crashed into someone and fell flat on my ass.

"What the hell is wro- hey" I stood up on my own and immediately snapped at the person before realizing it was my soulmate, those beautiful eyes. The way I went from passive aggressive to flirtatious was something I had no idea I was capable of doing.

I looked passed his shoulders to see Mady aggressively pointing at him and mouthing something I'm too far to make out.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" he said, making me snap my attention back to him


"Noo, it's okay! I'm so clumsy" I mentally face palmed immediately after the words left my mouth.

He chuckles as recognition flushed over his memory "Well see you around, clumsy"

Omgg! Did he just give ME a nickname

Wait...clumsy? Are you kidding me!

I was too taken aback by the horrible nickname We'll have to fix later, maybe to something like 'soulmate' or 'cutie' or even 'princess'— to realize he had just brushed passed me like the idiot I was.

"You too" I half yell as he was already many, many feets away from me

Deepest condolences to that meet-cute I've been planning every night before I sleep

I stomped over to Mady who was laughing her ass off, probably because of that lovely ending we had of me calling to him over my shoulders and him blank out ignoring me, or maybe he didn't hear me.

Yup! He definitely didn't hear me. That explains it.

I looked down on what I was wearing and let out a deep groan, I just had to look homeless on the day I get to bump into my crush. It's not like I ever dress nicely to school but it just had to be the day I wore a big tee that can fit in three of me with black leggings and my worn out sneakers, I look like I was catapulted to school right in my sleep and my crush saw me like that. Not to forget my tangled hair pulled in a messy bun. Why can't the earth just swallow me whole?

"What did he say to you?" Mady asked in between laughter

"Oh shut up and let's get to class" I say rolling my eyes as I walk pass her.


Classes went by in a blur and it was now lunch time. Aby wasn't in school cause she has her doctor's appointment by 10am. So you'd understand why I've been dreading this very lunch period, cause that means I'll be sitting all alone with those idiots

The horror!

I reluctantly sat down on our usual table when I felt a presence next to me, Caden! Of course. I let out a sigh and focused back to my food, just then another body slipped into the empty space opposite from me.

Yay! Mady's here too

Just like that, Josh and Nova where also seating with us. I'm too stressed to kick any of them off, so I just ignored them. Maybe Aby was my source energy after all.

"So..." Caden trailed

"What!?" I snapped, glaring at him

"No bestfriend huh?" He feigned sad with a pout and then burst out laughing

"Oh shut up!"

"And since when did you start seating here?" I turned to Nova. Nova is the only guy at school I'm lowkey scared off, I mean..what if he gets high on something and ends up beating my ass. So I try not to piss him off too much.

"Isn't it obvious? keeping you company" he says with a shrug

"And who says I need company?"

"Your sad little dumb friend isn't here to do that, plus, you're a friendless loner it-"

"Hey, Watch it! I-" I pointed a finger at him

"Ouww, I'm so scared" he cut me off and I rolled my eyes

"Did you ask him his name?" Mady chimed in after a few minutes of comfortable silence, earning everyone's attention while I glared at her

"No" I say through gritted teeth, hoping she'll get the memo and drop it.

"But y-"

"Who are you talking about?" Caden cuts her off, eyeing both of us with suspicion.

"No one" I quickly added

"Oh c'mon! You said you'd tell me what you talked about" she whined

"Later!" I snapped through gritted teeth

"But you said that during English, and now is later" she whined harder with a pout


"Yeah, now is later! Tell her" Caden butted in

"Ugh I hate you" I say to no one in particular

"Please, pretty please, please, please, ple-"

"Later! I promise"

"Pinky swear" Caden added. I looked at him amused and annoyed

"You're such a child! GROW UP you big idiot" I say and roll my eyes

"I think it's illegal for anyone below 5ft to use the words 'grow up' y'know" Nova quipped in, as if the most interesting thing to be ever spoken

"Wha- how dare you!"

"I'll let you know that I'm 5 fucking 4!" They all bursted in a fit of laughter and I just looked back at them, blankly.

"Why are you laughing?" I say to Mady seeing she's probably 5'3 "what are you? 6ft?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, I'm actually 5'6" she said and shrugged while my jaw literally dropped to the floor.

Spoke too soon

That is so not fair


I found myself seating in the middle of Ethan and Caden. Why? I saw an empty seat next to Caden and the idea of pissing him off popped up in my head and an evil smile made its way across my face. Plus, I haven't smiled all day- if the thought of this alone quirk up my face, then so be it.

But then sadly, there was an empty seat next to me when Ethan walked in and saw me, the same look I had now mirroring on his stupid face and I immediately regretted my decision of sitting there in the first place. The two would for sure turn up against poor little me.

I get punished over the littlest evil I'm yet to act. Life is so unfair

"I don't get it" I turned to look at Caden after few minutes of wanting to get up and scream before making that thing called school to vanish forever and ever.

"Of course you don't, you're you remember? A dummy" he said every word slowly as if talking to a child

"Not that!" I waved him off

"And stop pretending like you actually know what's going on up there" I gestured towards the front of the class where some teaching was actually happening. I'm shook

He looks at me unamused. "Not sure if you're familiar with this act, but it's called LISTENING. Y'know" he says, again as if I was some idiot.

"Not that anyone has ever told you this before…" Ethan trailed "but sweetie, we're BEYOND surprise you made it this far in school, actually, in life completely"

I'm also just as surprised, buddy

I rolled my eyes and said "shut up" to Ethan

"I don't get why you'd just let this slip"

"Let what slip?" Caden asked confused.

"The whole Vee thing, thought you were all about wanting to spend more time with her so she'll fall in love with you" I say doing an air quotation.

He looked unamused

What an idiot

"Your point?" He says gesturing for me to continue

"I don't understand why you'd ditch the k-drama marathon, and the last time I checked, you were beyond desperate on spending time with her so why the sudden change of mind"

"Especially since you literally said you were in"

"Well I changed my mind, it sounded terrifying, especially with you being part of it and all" he shrugged with a smile

"The fuck you wouldn't! You don't think I feel the same way you dipshit" I unconsciously snapped, earning me yet another warning glare from the teacher. Caden looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised in question.

"You can't just get me into something and fucking ditch!" I hissed in a whisper. Caden burst out laughing like I just made the best knock knock joke he's hearing for the first time.

"Get out of my class!" Mr Sunday snapped making Caden stop midway through his laughter, staring at him in horror while I just sat there unbothered.

It's not like this is the first time I'm being kicked out of a class.

Everyone turn to look at us while Ethan just laughed his ass off

"I hate you all!" I mumbled under my breath and sink down in my seat.

"You too Ethan!" Mr Sunday called out to Ethan "get out!"

I think we really pissed him off, normally he's the chillest teacher that teaches just the board and himself. Caden looked at him apologetically, not wanting to leave the class, but he had a stern look on his face that says we shouldn't dare do otherwise.

I grabbed my bag and lazily slumped it over one of my shoulders and made my way out while the two boys reluctantly followed.

"Ohh, now I get it" Ethan said the moment he walked out the door and jogged to walk next to me while Caden was by my left. I looked at him questionably before he continued.

"Being around you had a price" he nodded his head proudly at to what he just blurted out.

"You're like a curse, not on you…actually, you yourself seem like you're cursed. But then that's not it, you.are.the.curse" he explained further


"Well…see yah at Economics" I say and start walking away but was pulled back by my bag making me yelp in surprise.

"What are you!? I snapped at them with my hands on my hips ready to go full 'mom mode' on these idiots

"Trying to give me a heart attack" I shrieked

"Chill!" Ethan said

"Since you got us into this mess—" I gasped at the sudden accusation

"How is you idiots laughing my fault!" I snapped, my face wrinkled up in annoyance

"We're spending the rest of the period together" Ethan said pulling me by my school bag and ignoring all my protest.

"I.Hate.You!" I say glaring at both of them and sighing in defeat.

"Hate you too, sweetie" Ethan said patting my cheeks, and I aggressively shoved his hands away