
Chapter 39

Still in a pleasant mood Danuja waved at Kana walking away to her car while Dad let out a bark-whine sound after her. The classes finished and tomorrow was the last day of the year which means less time with Kana till highschool begin.

'' Hmm.''  she hummed looking up at the school building before glancing at the all too familiar place. Dad pushed into her confused when she didn't move making her huff

'' Sorry Dad. Just an idea.'' she said smiling before beginning her jog back home.


After Danuja made her pre training routine at home and finally arrived at the gym, she throw off her bag and immediately begin wrapping her fingers.

'' Oh!''  the startled voice made Danuja turn around relaxed. Dad did not show any signs of tenseness or agitation so whoever it was, they weren't unknow.

'' Danuja-kun.''  Mrs. Touma or Hinata-san, said pleasant walking closer to her  '' It's so good to see you.''  the woman said smiling making Danuja just the littlest bit uncomfortable.

Somehow lying to Hinata-san about her gender was awful and always give her a strange feeling.

If she would have feel it more often, Danuja would have recognize it as guilt.

'' It's good to see you to Hinata-san.'' Danuja said pleasant petting Dad before he could go in his own corner, not even looking at the woman for a second time  '' Where is Mr. Touma?'' she asked even though she already took the tapped rope in her hands ready for her warm up.

'' That man.'' Hinata-san said huffing before waving a hand around  '' He it's right nearby scolding our son for another  mischief.''  she said a little sadly making Danuja even more uncomfortable

She really hoped Hinata-san won't rant about her son as well, like Mr. Touma does sometimes.

'' I swear Danuja-kun, I really don't know what to do with him sometimes.'' the woman said seating on the dirty bench making Danuja seat beside her  '' He doesn't even talk with us most of the time and every time I try to bring him closer he just would just brush me off like there are more important business like talking with his only mother.''  she begin getting a little angry  '' How many times do we need to tell him that we accept him how he is or whatever desire he has just so he could talk with us. Or at last stop sneaking out at night giving me heart attack all the time.''

There was an uncomfortable silence but Danuja was pretty sure she was the only one that could feel it before Hinata-san huffed angrily.

'' And now my husband can't even be here on time. Don't worry Danuja-kun,-''  the woman begin patting her shoulder making Danuja tense up  ''- I'm going to whoop his ass for you.''  she said determinate before stomping out of the gym making Dad grumble when she slammed the door and Danuja sigh in relief

She wasn't sure what was worse. The fact that Hinata-san would pop up in the most unexcepted  moments, making Danuja wonder how her mood was that day. Or that said woman couldn't even recognize that Danuja was girl to begin with.

'' Can't complain on that one.'' she muttered before finally beginning her warm up.


Dad low bark made her stop and look behind her.

'' Finally showing up?'' she snarked at Mr. Touma snorting when he seat on the bench dramatically  '' That bad?''  she said absently continuing her training with the wood log.

'' Never have kids, Danuja. Live as a bachelor all your life and let the poor woman's be.'' he said sounding extenuated making Danuja snort. She couldn't even be annoyed when he said things like those.

'' Fuck off.'' she said amused before glancing at him  '' My fight it's in two days, three if we put this training.''  she said absently knowing that the last two days needed a more relaxed training than the one she was doing now

Mr. Touma just hummed and let her continue with the log before getting up, getting into the ring with her.

'' Do you know why you win against your first opponent?'' he asked inspecting the wood, taking out small pieces that wee almost off the trunk, throwing them out of the way

'' He though I was showing off and his attention wasn't all on me at that time. Also I used his technique against him.'' Danuja said playing with her footwork, making small jumps on her toes

'' That's right. That and the style he was trained in wasn't complete. ''  he said before adding absently  '' No amateur actually knows karate as a whole art.''  he said before waving off his own words, patting the log and turning to her

'' Give me your hands.'' Mr. Touma said already taking her hand out of the bandages, unwrapping them  '' Someone it's taking care of them and there's no way your dog does it.'' he said amused

'' Tch.''  Danuja said taking her hands away making him laugh

'' It's a good thing.''  he said before hitting the log and showing the wrapping back to her  '' Break this log today and on Monday you will decimate your opponent.''  he jumping off from the ring with surprising grace for a man his size

'' You do know I'm boxing right?''  Danuja said frustrated but already wrapping her hands  '' Not Kyokushin Karate.'' 

Kyokushin Karate it's a full-contact style of stand-up fighting, where most of the time it's moves were used in movies, dramas and even cartoons for the general public. It was also the martial art who breaks rocks, ice, wood and whatever those crazy karateka could try.

'' And?''  Mr. Touma said lazily  '' It's doesn't look like that poor wood  could hold much longer anyway. ''

Yes and that's because I have been beating this thing for two whole weeks  she thought annoyed before brightening making Mr. Touma squint his eyes at her

'' I don't like that look.''  he said pointing a finger at her

'' How about this?'' she said cocking her head to the side  '' I break this thing in the next few hours and you give me any objects  I want. And no it's not money or food.''  she said already thinking of what will happen after

'' Why it's everything a trade with you?''  he asked exasperated but agreeing nonetheless

Today I didn't eat much, wasn't really at ome to begin with. I barely arrived home from my driving lesson and I just found my sister making donuts.

So yeah,you guessed right, today I will eat donuts.

Have a great meal today and don't forget to drink something warm from time to time!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts