
It Actually Happened

we live in a grey world. It's neither white nor black. It's grey. There are goods, there are bad ones. It Actually Happened is a compilation of stories good & bad (mostly bad ones though) that actually happened, either to myself or to people close to me and occasionally, to other people, who are unrelated to myself and want to share their stories. Disclaimer: these are stories written by yours truly and only on webnovel. The names have been changed. The cover is not mine. I only customized it a bit. English is not my first language. -Enjoy-

Novelloverextreme1 · Kinh dị ma quái
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

I do not clearly remember the exact date or month, but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere in May or June, as I clearly remember that, the school had just begun after the summer holiday.

Let me explain something first, in those days, during the 2000s, all schools in my country had three holidays. The first holiday ran from late April to the middle of the following month, which is May, with the second holiday in August to September, it ran from the twentieth to the beginning of September, it was a two weeks holiday, meant for learners, to wound down before the intense year-end preparations and final exams.

Then, there was the last holiday that ran from early December to mid-January of the new year.

My birthday is in June, the fifteenth, So, adding that to what I clearly remember, it only means that my creepy uncle arrived at the start of the school term, which is before I turned twelve years. I remember that he came to stay for a couple of weeks because he got shortlisted for a job interview near that town, so he stayed at my parents' house. Being a young girl back then, every grown-up was an ok person to me, as I had seen quite a lot, even then.

I remember that I used to be a very social youngster back then, I used to love playing with other kids my age or otherwise, and adults. I always got along with almost everyone, so when that uncle first arrived at our place, I really didn't mind. Plus, there were always guests at our place, hence, I got used to the constant flow of people in and out of our house. And, because most of the guests were always out drinking, only showing up during meals, plus, with me always playing outside, obviously, constant contact with the visitors was limited.

Anyway, I assumed that he was an ok uncle, as far as adults were back then anyway. But, obviously, I had a few minor/major grievances towards him, like any other young girl or any adult for that matter. First of all, using the toilet and neither flushing nor cleaning it afterward, and second of all, not washing the dishes after eating, and just putting them in the kitchen, and last but certainly not least, just sitting there like royalty, expecting to be waited upon.

Some people might think that all these are just minor issues, no need for complaints, right? but I promise you, towards lazy people like myself, these things you see as small become huge issues alright, especially when I was still a kid.

First, I do not want to go to the bathroom and find it dirty like that, it's downright unclean, uncomfortable, disturbing and disgusting.

Second, if you're done filling up your stomach, take the plates to the kitchen and wash them, it's that simple. Everyone knows that bugs thrive in dirty places. You are a grown-ass man, tidy after yourself, because you certainly wouldn't want someone to do the same to you, so, don't do it to others. And, lastly, you come to my house, and you are family, albeit a distant one, but still family nonetheless, so, get your freaking ass up and help out around the house, you are not a prince nor are we your servants, you can't just eat things for free and not pay up, it's supposed to be mutually beneficial you know, that's called life.

The uncle had some major issues, but, at the very least, those issues were still tolerable, slightly tolerable mind you, but at the very least, still tolerable. What was absolutely intolerable occurred one night after his interview, the episode that took place that night earned him the title, Creepy Uncle...