

How much time have passed since I got here? Ten seconds... A minute... Several hours? Or has it already been a day? Some weeks maybe? I dont know~... My head is still in a mess with the time in here. My time perception definitely doesn't here... Wait... Am I even "inside", or "outside"? I don't really know as the only thing I can see is my glowing body... Weird, I know. Aside from that, there's only darkness, as far as my eyes could reach. But, the most notable thing is... I can't seem to remember what was my name is... I do know that I have been doing all my life though. For example? Reading... School... Reading... Studying... And other than that, watching animes and once again reading, mangas and such. And one thing is certain at this point, I died. As for how I died... Who knows? I don't really care anymore... And for all I care I don't really have any regrets in my life... Well, as far as I know~.

"For a dead man... You sure do take this really calmly, don't you~?"

Said an amused voice behind(?) me.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it either way, do I?"

I answered calmly and turned to face the owner of the voice.

"Haha... Fair point~."

"She" answered.

Golden eyes with perfect face. Golden hair that freely flows down her back that reached her waist, and perfectly shaped body with curves in all their right places. A living definition of a goddess.

"Oh? Why do you seem a little disappointed?"

She asked curiously as she peered at my face.

"Ah... Hehe. You see... I was kinda expecting some kind of..."

"An old man to meet with you? Your funny~."

She cut in and said.

"Hehe... Well~. What can I say~. It's usually that way. From what I've read at least, so I'm a little expectant."

"Oh~. Don't sweat it. It was actually that way at first, but my grandfather already stepped down from his post and I replaced him."

"Hm? Why?"

"Well, he said that wanted to enjoy his life from then on as he was manning in the position for countless millenias already. And my dad didn't want to take on the post because he said that it's an extremely boring and tiring work. As I am the only one who is a direct descendant of the "Origin", that is my grandfather, I don't have any choice but to accept the job instead."

"I see, it's been tough for you, huh."

"I don't really mind though, I kinda enjoy what I am doing as there's a lot of free time."

"Eh? I thought you have mentioned that it's extremely tiring?"

"Oh, that's just the excuse my dad gave as he doesn't really sit well with the word "Relaxing" and instead interpreted it as "Boring". He's some kind of a battle maniac after all."

"Oh! That's why~."

"*Ehem* We've gotten a little off track. Let's get back to your matter now."


"Well, let me explain. As I know that you already know most of this, I'll only say this briefly. This place is the void where everything is supposed to be nonexistent as anything that somehow got its way inside will, without exception, be erased from existence immediately. But... As you are still here even though so much time have already passed... I have decided to reward you! Just like the usual happenings in the novels and fanfictions you've read!"

"Oh~! *Phew~!* I thought I was going to be sent to hell~."

"Fufufu~. Your funny. You won't be sent there as you didn't commit a heavy sin in your life to be sent to hell. So that possibility is already out of the option. You been a total introvert all your life after all~... Even though..."


"No it's nothing, please don't mind it~."

"Okay~. But still...*Sigh* You don't have to remind me, you know? It's enough that I don't remember my name. Now that I think about it... Why did I forget my name? Even my family's, I don't remember even a single one of them, though... I'm sure that I'm not an orphan. And I have this feeling that an important part of my memoery is missing ~."

"Oh~. That's just a negative effect of staying here in the void... You're actually lucky that you didn't forget all your memories. The worst case scenario is, not only your memories, even your personality might even be erased."

"Wow... I did not know that. I guess I really am lucky, huh."

"Yup! That you are~!"

"Right! But, you do know my name right? And my family as well as my erased memories?"

"Yes, yes I do. But I would rather not tell you about all this as this will only bring you regrets."

"I see. Alright, I understand."

"Good! Now let me grant you your rewards."


"Hm~. As I saw from your memories, the usuals are reincarnation and some wishes, can we stick to that?"

"Oh~! Yes please!"

"Okay then~. I'll first give you a System, but it will only have the basic functions like inventory and stats, are you fine with that? It also won't have it's own sentience..."

"Mm, that would be fine. I don't really like the idea of something or someone talking in my head."

"Fufufu~. That's good. Now, I'll give you three wishes. You can ask for unique powers and abilities, bloodlines or even a powerful weapon. But as you would already know, no wishing for direct immortality or godhood nor additional wishes."

"Mm, got it~!"

"Good. Please let me hear your first wish."

"Yes. But first... Can I ask some questions?"

"Sure, ask ahead."

"What kind if world will I be reincarnating in?"

"A medieval type one. But it is a bit unique as they also have a past era where their technology surpassed even your previous world's by a large margin. And magic exist here, so dangerous beasts also exist."

"Fumu~. Are there a lot of different races there?"

"Yes. The usual ones that is being depicted in th novels you have read."

"Mm. And what will my race be?"

"It will be random, but don't worry. You will remain as a male, no matter what race you'd be. But you can choose directly with a wish."

"I see, that's a relief. Then my first wish is to be a dragon with the capability of transforming into a perfect human, a hybrid and do partial transformations too."


"The second is... Can I become somekind of a living game character?"

"Mm, granted."

"The last would be... Hm. Unlimited Growth? Is that possible?"

"Hm~. What you mean is to grow and evolve without limits, right? Let's see... It can be done, but.. I'll put some minor restrictions, alright?"

"Sure, thank you!"

"Mm, good! Now, in every stage of your evolution you have to make all of your basic stats except for vitallity reach SSS rank and you have to reach level 100 to evolve to the next phase and, the exp you'll need is doubled for every level up."

"Mm, I'm fine with that exp arrangement... But I'm curious. Why the exception of vitality?"

"That will be a bonus because of your second wish. A living game character, right?"

"Oh! I see now~. Mm!"

"Mhm. Do you have any more questions?"

"Oh, yes. Will my level reset to level 1 the moment I evolve?"

"Yes. But it wouldn't affect your attributes so don't worry~."

"Mm, thank you!"

"Now then. I guess it's time for you to go."

"Yes. Thank you very for this opportunity... Uhm. May I know your name? Please?"

"... Pfft~! Hahaha~! Right, I forgot~. It is Minerva, but you can call me Mine~!"


"Oh, not yours~. I won't be taken that easily~. It's Mine~!"

"I... See. Once again. Thank you, Goddess Minerva."

"Mm! Good luck on your new life. You don't need to do anything specific, just do what you want... Just don't destroy the world, okay~?"

"Haha~. I won't. Good bye."

"Fufufu~. Good bye now~! Let's meet again when you reach godhood~!"

"Eh? Wait..."

Before I could even finish, My vision already turned dark as a weightless feeling took over my body. And immediately after, it was as if I'm being wrapped by warm energy. It was extremely comfortable, like you are sleeping on top of the clouds. I couldn't stop my urges, so I went to sleep.


[ 3rd Person POV: Minerva]

"Hm~. What an interesting person. Not only did he last for more than a millennia in here, even his memories... Only some parts of it have been erased, as well as that part. But... Pfft~!"

She mumbles to herself as she recalled the memories she saw from the young man.

The young man certainly is an introvert, but that's not who he "entirely" is. The young man is a part of a wealthy family with a younger sibling, a little brother. It is a really happy family with only a few problems from his parent's companies from time to time. The parents are really doting to both him and his little brother, a perfect family.

But this all changed when the young man was six years old. He got abducted by an organization, one of the biggest assassin organization known in the underworld. He was abducted along other kids his age and was trained like hell everyday that you can basically call it torture.

The young man stayed with the organization for over five years of extremely training. Martial arts, stealth, and the most effective method of killing, the assassination arts.

When five years passed and the young man, who already mastered the assassination arts and even already became a full fledged assassin by that time, was allowed to go back to his family but will have to immediately respond to the organization's call if required. But all this time through all of his assignments, he only accepts if the target is confirmed to be notorious and vile, other than that, if the target person is in way, a good person and didn't commit heavy crimes, then he will immediately reject it.

Now back on track...

The young man was overjoyed and immediately returned to his family who still haven't given up on trying to locate him, using every means possible just to find him. The young man was touched as they didn't give up for all the years passed, and they all were brought to tears when they finally reunited again, but this time, it's not from grief, but happiness.

His parents wanted to know what happened to him in this five years, but he refused to tell them to which his parents didn't press the young man further which delighted him because of their understanding.

Over the years, the young man lived on. Doing assignments for the organization secretly by night, and living normally by day. But his personality completely changed from being a cheerful kid to an anti social, that's why he became an introvert with only his two years younger, little brother he considers as a friend. The young man's hobby became mostly on reading but sometimes, he also watches animes that interests him.

When he became twenty, he have completed a lot of assassinations without fail. But then... He died. Not from his assignments but, from a really stupid situation. He choked from instant noodles.

The goddess was almost brought to tears from laughing. An expert assassin dying from instant noodles, what kind of joke is that?! Even his colleagues from the underworld didn't know what to feel! To laugh or to cry? That was their question for a really long time~!

"Fufu~!*Phew~* Well, I'll give him back his experiences in fighting in the form of muscle memory to assist him in the new world as bonus. He did gave me a good laugh, though unintentionally~."

She said and finally got her bearings back.

"*Phew~* I didn't think that I will laugh this hard... It's already been a long time~. The last time was when father got whipped by mother~. Fufufu~! That was a really funny scene~."


In a certain part of the void, our Mc is still floating carefreely. Unaware that a certain goddess just made fun of him, more precisely his way of dying. Was not struck by lighting, was not overruned by a truck, not even dying in a fight! But from a rare case of choking on instant noodles!

His body is slowly forming and a torent of vast amount of pure void energy recreating his body, nurishing his soul and as well as altering his genes and bloodline, while our Mc is deep in slumber.

Unaware that a lot of weebs are reading his whole life story and were even aware of his past that even he himself forgotten! Laughing from his misfortune of how pathetic his death is. An expert assassin with zero failed assignments and are feared in the underworld died because of instant noodles~!

It just doesn't make any sense~! I guess INSTANT NOODLES are also hidden killers now ey~?

[Author: Hahahaha~! Truck-kun! You're not the only one who can get someone ISEKAI'D now~! Same goes for you, Lightning-kun! And Truck-kun's cousin, Car-kun~!]