
Chapter 24: Beware of Tomatoes, especially when enraged.

Already been edited and fixed but feel free to point out the errors that I may have left 'cause there were a lot in thr first versuon of this chapter that I have posted. But I guess that's just to be expected considering my mind is still a bit woozy at that time.

Anyways, enjoy you guys! 😆😆😆


The eastern forest was about two hours walk away from Reflet, much to the three's annoyance.

If I wanted to, I could've just flew us there directly to not waste too much time walking, but then again... I don't really have any experience on having someone ride on my back, much less three.

So yeah, that idea was pushed to the back of my mind for now and chose to just enjoy the nice and relaxing walk instead.

At exactly two hours later, we arrived at the forest.

"Right, guys. I'll go on another direction from here. I've already ran a search on the whole forest with my mana and confirmed a large group gathered somewhere in the center, and another group of six just ahead."

I said which made the three of them pause.

"Eh? Wait, wouldn't it be safer if we go together?"

Touya asked, with worry written across his face.

"Yeah! Besides, even though the monsters in this forest are fairly weak, they could do a number on you if you got surrounded."

Elze said with her arms crossed.


Linze added, as timid as ever.

"No worries. I've had my fair share of fights like this, that with stronger monsters too. So your worries are unnecessary, but still, thanks."

I answered them with a smile.

"*Sigh* If you say so, then I guess it's fine. Just be careful out there."

Touya let out a heavy sigh, and relented.

"Anyway. You two, let's also be on our way. You said that there's only a group of six ahead, right?"

Elze spoke up and asked, to which I nodded.

"Mm, good. Alright, let's use this chance to get used to our new equipments and improve our fighting experiences first, especially for you, Touya."


Touya agreed to Elze's suggestion helplessly.

How could he? True, he know and have practiced kendo before, he knows some of basic and some proper stances and attacks, but that's it. That's all he knows.

What he lacks are real combat experience, a real fighting experience. So he could only agree, though a bit embarrassing.

"Alright, I'll be on my way then. Let's meet here later. Jah~."

I nodded and summoned a pair of my wings and flew, with the rest followed with their eyes.

[3rd person POV]

"... Say, wouldn't it have been easier if he just flew us here earlier?"

Elze suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I guess. But I don't think it would be a comfortable experience, especially with three of us weighing down on him."

Touya said.

"True. But... What is Kross, really? Did he say something to you, Touya? After all, you two seem to be close?"

Linze asked.

"Yeah, well about that... Just like you two, I have only met him just... a while ago, and just hit it off quite well. And as for what he is though... all I know that he's not really human but a dragonborn."

"A dragonborn? What's that?"

Elze asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"Hm. From what he told me, they are people with a dragon's soul in a mortal's body, and have the capabilities of dragons."

"Oh! So, like a dragon newt, right? The ones that are called half dragons!"

Linze quoted.

"Well, not exactly. I don't really understand it myself either. But from what I could get, even in his race, Kross is still special among others."

Touya said with a shrug, which made the twins even more curious.

"I see. But just curious, you're human, right Touya?"

Elze asked all of a sudden, which made Touya pause a little.

"Y-yeah, as far as I know?"

He answered with uncertainty.

'Why do I even feel uncertain about this? Is it because of what happened to me?...'

The twins just eyed him suspiciously before stopping.

"Hm... *Sigh* Alright, let's go. Let's settle those wolves for now and address this matter later."

She said and took the lead.

The two looked at each other and nodded, before following behind.

[POV changed, back to Kross]

Okay, from what I got earlier when I released my mana to the surroundings thinly, aside from the group of six wolves that were shown in the Canon, there also seem to be another group deeper into the center of the forest, but are with much bigger numbers, so I'm guessing that it's most likely the pack those six have strayed from to either hunt or do something.

Oh, and about me sending out mana outwards to use as an impromptu search magic, I was practicing this since three days ago, hoping to get a skill like mana search or a type of sonar, but... it still ain't fruitful even until now... Hais~.

Anyway, after a bit of flying I finally arrived at the location and remained on the air, floating around fifteen meters from the ground.

"Okay~. Magic would be best in this situation because close combat would be just too tiresome since they aren't even powerful to my taste, but flame magic would be too much and might just simply burn them to ashes, as for my lightning... Hmm, maybe it could work, but I have to tone down the strength behund it, I think? But, then again. I still don't have a skill related to my lightning... Oh, wait... Maybe...! Let's put this to a test!"

I closed my eyes and began channeling my mana along with my lightning element.

A few seconds later, crimson lightning arcs began to appear around my body. I willed them into a shape, all of them turning into tiny circles, roughly the size of pellets of an air soft gun.

I opened my eyes and raised my hand higher above my head, and the tiny pellets followed.

The air around me hummed in agitation as they became charged.

Seeing this, a grin made its way onto the corner of my lips.

[Crimson... Shower]

The moment those words left my mouth, along with hand motions, slamming it downwards, the crimson pellets immediately dropped to the ground with the new found momentum!

It was as if a weightless object suddenly gaining the weight of a hundred, which sent it pummeling down to the ground!

Wails of pains and the crackling of the electrical currents sounded through the area, as the burnt smell rose from the fifty or so bodies on the ground.

[*Ding* Skill: Crimson Shower acquired.]

"Hm! So my guess is true! Elemental skills would be easy to use as I already have the base element necessary for them, but making skills from an entirely different category would be difficult, as what happened to my underdevelopmed mana search. Well, this is still a great discovery, and..."

I gleefully said as my guess was proven correct, but then I paused.

I looked at all the electrocuted bodies on the ground. Though I already reduced the power, all still died in one hit, and the damages on the bodies still seem quite severe too.

Sighing, I could only shake my head.

"At least the horns remained undamaged, that's still better than nothing I guess."

I said as I gently landed on the ground.

"Now, how am I going to collect all these? It isn't like-"

[*Ding* New source material detected. Please select the parts to be gathered.]

"Oh. Guess I stand corrected! Alright! Gather the horns."

[Command accepted.

*Ding* Fifty-four horns have been gathered. Source: Lone-Horned Wolves.

All items have been directly stored in the Inventory.]

"Mm! Great! Sometimes, I really forget how useful this System can be! Alright, those three should already be done by now, so let's get going... Right after I settle all these corpses."

[Flame Bullets]

I used my skill and sent the flame bullets to the corpses without toning its power down, instantly burning them to ashes.

"There. The probability of an epidemic happening because of the large congregation of corpses have been determined as zero~. Welp, let's go."

With that, I once again shot through the air and flew towards the entrance of the forest.

Just in time, the moment I arrived, Touya, Elze and Linze also just made their way out of the forest.

"Hey guys! How's your hunt gone?"

I greeted with a smile on my face and landed in front of them.

"Better than I have expected."

Touya answered with a smile.

Heh, guess it really did!

"Mhm. Touya may be inexperienced in swordsmanship, but his reflexes are great."

Elze quipped with a smirk on her face.

"That's kinda harsh, you know. But thanks."

Touya said helplessly.

"*Chuckle* Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it in no time!"

I said and threw him a thumbs up.

"Thanks Kross."


"Well, Kross. How did it go on your end?"

Linze asked.

"Well, it was easy. Too easy if I'm to be honest."

"Hm? Didn't you say there were more wolves over there?"

Elze asked in confusion.

"Yup. But all it took was a single spell from me and they're done."

I answered with a shrug.

They all stared at me with wide eyes, now.... Oh, right.

"Wait wait wait! Exactly how many wolves are there when you say there were 'more'?"

Touya asked.

"Hm, from the number of horns I got, then it's fifty-four."


Hm, figures.


I said with a clap and snapped them out of their shocks.

"Let's get going. I don't want to miss lunch you know?"


Okay, that simultaneous sighs are uncalled for.

"Alright. We've spent enough time here in this forest, so I guess it is time to go back."


"Yep. But Kross. Think you can fly us there? You know, for faster travel..."

Touya suddenly suggested which immediately caught the twins' attention and caused them perk up, looking quite eager.

Hm, maybe it won't be bad idea...

"Hm, but how can you carry three people at the same time? You're just the same size as Touya you know?"

Elze suddenly asked which made the somehow hopeful Linze and Touya slump their shoulders a bit.

"Hm, don't worry about that! I can transform ya know?!"


I said with enthusiasm which surprised the three.

I gave them a mischievous smirk as crimson flames immediately erupted out of my body, covering me whole.

In front the three's widened eyes, my form slowly grew to twenty meters!

My flames dispersed and revealed my dragon form to them, which only made their eyes widen even further.

Seeing their reactions, I gave them my draconic smirk.

Finally, after a few seconds, Touya snapped out.



All three of them shouted at the same time.

"Hahaha! I know!"

I laughed and stated. I looked over my own body, stretching my three pairs of wings a bit, then I noticed a change.

Did my tail just grew longer? Hrrrmmm... Might be from a skill then...

I thought for a moment then shrugged.

I reduced my size to fifteen meters with a thought. Well, twenty meters will already be too big to travel unhindered and not cause unnecessary chaos, so fifteen would suffice, though I still doubt that it won't cause just the same trouble.

"Wait, you can also manipulate your size?"

Touya asked, eyes still wide.

"Yup. Come on. I still don't have any experience of someone riding on my back, so you'll have to ride on my arm. Besides, I don't really recommend it either, considering all the spikes on my back."

I stated.

They look at my back then to my clawed arm, then my back again and to my arm, and finally nodded in agreement.


"Definitely don't."


"See? Let's go then."

I said and extended my right arm.

The three of them nodded as Touya helped the two get on and sat himself right after.

"Welp, hold on tight."


I sent them a smirk, which made them flinch a little as Touya's eyes widen in a suddenly realization.


"And up we go!"


I shot up to the sky with a slight sonic boom from behind my back. Okay, might have gone a bit too far, but they're safe so it's fine, I guess?

And so we flew at a speed nearly close to the speed of sound,



"Hahahaha hahaha!"

with their voices resounding through the sky as we flew, followed by my laughter. Pffftttt!


We arrived back in town in not time thanks to my speed, though we have to sprint the remaining distance 'cause I can't really just fly over the town lest I want to cause an unnecessary uproar.

But it was just a short distance and only took us a minute, so it ain't much of a hassle.

Though, the three of them kept glaring at me as they tried to bore holes into my back even though I already apologized.

They accepted my apology, and Touya's an O-Kay guy, but the twins definitely knows how to hold a grudge.

Though in return, I got my own amusement as the wobble along the way, still suffering from the flight they had.


After arriving in town, we traveled by foot to the guild, where we reported in about completing the request to hunt five Lone-Horned Wolves, though... Yeah, I got the weird looks when I took out the fifty-four horns and placed it along the six the three defeated. But in the end, the receptionist accepted them and gave us our rewards which we then divided into ourselves.

They insisted on me taking more and only taking the original reward of eighteen coppers, but I was able to force them to receive it in the end, one way or the other.

"Okay with those things done, please present your Guild Cards."

When we presented our cards to the receptionist, she pressed something like a stamp on each of them. As she did, a magical circle appeared briefly on the cards before fading out.

When Touya asked about it later, we found out that the stamp differed based on the difficulty of the request completed.

The cards saved the information about what we had done, so as we accumulated stamps, eventually our rank wwould increase and the color of our card would change.

We were only at Black, the Beginner rank. Apparently, the ascending order was Black, Purple, Green, Blue, Red, Silver, and finally Gold.

After all that, we left the Guild and made our way towards the main street, which then Elze suddenly suggested.

"Hey, hey, wanna go grab a bite to eat to celebrate clearing our first quest? Besides, we got a lot more than we should have thanks too you know who. Oh, and I'm thankful for that, Kross."

Elze said s she smiled.

"Mm, don't mention it."

I answered and just shrugged it off.

"But yeah, I agree with your suggestion. It's already about lunch time, and my stomach's gonna make a protest anytime now."

I added.

"Sounds good to me."


Touya and Linze agreed.

So with that decided, we made our way towards a little tea house in town.

Touya ordered a hot sandwich and milk, Elze ordered what appeared to be a meat pie and orange juice, and Linz ordered a pancake and black tea. As for me, I wanted to eat meat or something with more volume, but alas, as expected of a tea house, there were none. But I still think that it's strange for a tea house to be serving milk... Unless they make it into a milk tea of sort, right?

In the end, I got similar orders as them, though in a lot more quantity. And what I found surprising was the meat pie, it was delicious if I may say.

When our orders arrived, we immediately started our hearty meal slash small celebration.

It was after that Touya decided to speak up.

"Oh, right guys. I have a favor to ask you three."

"A favor?"

Elze replied as we all looked at him.

"Yeah. Think you could teach me how to read and write? It'll really help me out. I'm already having trouble here and there, so I figured that the sooner I learn, the better."

"Hmm... that's a good point! If you can't read quest information, then I guess..."

Elze and Linze nodded in unison but I have to hold my chuckle as Touya's sending me his death glare.

In that case, get Linze to teach you. She's smart, so I'm sure she'll be a good teacher."

Elze said as she pointed at her twin who immediately tensed from her seat.

"E-Eh?! What about Kross?! Can't he teach you instead? I-It's not that I would mind but..."

"Well, I can tell you guys that I'm a decent fighter, but never am I a good teacher. Trust me."

Besides, the boredom that comes with it will probably kill me, or at least put my brain on a stasis, so no. Thank you very much~.

"I-I see... Well... If you're okay with me..."

"Thanks a lot, Linze. You'd really be helping me out. Besides, I'd rather it be you than Kross."

"Ohoho~? And why is that, if I may ask?"

I asked in a teasing tone with a grin on my face.

It was only then that Touya realized what he said as he immediately burned red, along with Linze who now I can already see steam rising from her her head.

Me and Elze exchanged a teasing grin as we pressed on.

"Right, Touya. You know, you have to get my permission first to court my sister, we're twins after all~."

Hehe, now that Elze's in this too, let's not keep her out of this teasings~. He hehehe...


"Right right~. And you know, from where I came from, once you have an interest in one of the twin, you have to take the other one as well~. Which means, you'll have to marry both."

I said with the best shit-eating grin I could muster plastered on my face.


The three shot up ofrom their seats simultaneously.

Now, even Elze's face became like a tomato.

"Pffft!!! Hahaha! Just kidding~! You should have seen the looks on your faces! But one thing I'm not is that, it's alright to take two or even more, Touya. Besides, polygamy is legal in this kingdom as long as you can support them both~!"

I said with a teasing smirk and immediately shot up from my seat as well as Elze's fist immediately landed with a boom from where I was sitting, followed by a three shots of fireball and a slash from Touya's katana.

I jumped towards the counter and placed a silver coin on top of it in front of the clerk.

"Here's for the damages, gotta go! Oh! And the meals were great!"

With that, not even hearing the clerk's response, I immediately used my advantage in speed and dashed my way out of the tea house with three enraged voiced following behind me.

"""Kross! Come back here!"""

"Hahaha! No way!"

Hahahaha! This is fun~! Oh! And maybe this time, through my intervention and presence alone, I can change Touya even by a little and not be such a dense idiot like in the Canon.

With those thoughts in my mind, I sprinted towards the deeper parts of town with a wide smile on my face and three enraged tomatoes HOT on my tail.


[Author's rants: Yo!

Well, I got nothin' to rant on today, so yeah...