
~Chapter 2~

Kristian pov

I was on the living room sitting on the couch watching Steven universe while big sister was taking a shower.

I heard mom and dad talking about something in the kitchen, I went behind the counter listening to what their talking about being a spy mode.

"Dear, do you think Kristine still remember him or he still remember our daughter? " dad said while wiping the plates

"I don't know, probably they still remember each other. " mom said while passing the wet plates to dad.

"Darling? What time are they coming here " mom ask dad 'who's coming over here? ' I wonder, "at 12o'clock we still have time to fix the two rooms,right?" "Yes we do still have time it's.....Oh my gosh it's already 11:50, why does the time is so quick "mom was finished and walk upstairs to fix the other two rooms 'for who?' I went back to my place where I sit and continue watching cartoons.

*skip Time*

I heard the doorbell rings and I ran upstairs called mom so she could open it, because I'm to lazy. Then mom went back downstairs and open the door, I went to my big sister's room, she was lying down on the creeper carpet hugging a creeper toy 'jeez this girl is more childish than me...' I thought and walk beside her she was sleeping then I went to her bed and took the creeper blanket 'oh my zob ...this is so creepy ...like OMG ... like all of her things is colored with green or different shades of green... except for our blue picture frame next to her vocaloid collection' I walk and cover my big sister with her blanket.

I walk out of the room and went downstairs and saw a guy with messy dark blue hair with emerald green eyes and a woman looks the same age a my mom and a man who still the same age a my dad.

"Is that your son? " the man said looking at me

"Yes, he is that's kristian my youngest son and you know Kristine my eldest daughter " dad said and mom mentioned me to come over and sit next to her.

"Who are they mom? " I ask mom and she replied "this is mikasari and her son Andrew" she pointed the women and the boy "and that's Andrews uncle, uncle Max." She pointed the man in front of dad who's talking to him

"Oh...ok" that all I can say.

Then suddenly Andrew spoke "aww..you look like your big sister when she was young " ' the what....never... ' I gave him the 'wtf face' and he giggle. Then I notice his jacket is a green creeper.... AGAIN WITH THE GOG DAMN CREEPER!!...

Then mom asked me "where's Kristine? " and I gave my own mom a 'are you serious face' "she's at her habitat....sleeping... " I said staring at her I heard Andrew chuckle through what I said. "What are they doing here by the way mom?" I ask my mom but andrew replied "I came here to see my future wife"he said with a smirk, 'wife? Oh....noooooooo.....wait what is a wife? Hey I'm 5 years old kid and I don't know about that.' then I excuse myself and go to the bathroom, but no I went to my big sister's room and cuddle next to her, and she hug me 'I love my big sister so much' and I drip to sleep.