
It's Okay To Take My Waifus To The Dungeon

Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), Noriko Iwakari (Repeater), Julia Jacoby (Exalted versus World of Darkness), and Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) go to the Danmachi universe, plus a guy you don't care about but gets to dick them all. (Content Note: There is no NTR in this story. One of the characters in the story has virtually no verbal filter and a wide variety of fetishes, so she mentions NTR at various points, but she will never have sex with a man other than the protagonist.)

chastityqm · Tranh châm biếm
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114 Chs

Chapter 27

Rei #2 stretched and craned her neck. She was currently wearing the shape of a Lizardman monster, as she idly flicked her tail around. The whole form felt weird. It was male, for one thing, something she'd only found out after transforming into it, and she wasn't willing to waste the energy - "Essence", apparently - to turn it into a female. The genitals were kept inside when not in use, which is where they were going to say, since sex as a dude fucking sucked compared to sex as a girl.

Especially compared to sex with a Noriko-style tongue. Okay, she hadn't quite nailed it, given Noriko could do things like talk or eat without coming her brains out, but it was still fucking amazing. Drake didn't realize what he was missing. Not that she wanted him to - dick was really nice, and even Julia's rising skill with her tongue couldn't compare.

"I think I saw something," Rei #3 said, from her side, making Rei #2 flick her gaze that way. Rei #3 was wearing the form of a Minotaur. Altogether, their little party was made up of four "Xenos" - a LIzardman, a Minotaur, a Bugbear, and a Mad Beetle. The hope was that they'd eventually be spotted by the other Xenos and invited into their group, then she could make some kind of positive contact, hopefully get their help in sheltering Cass when the time came... thus far, no such luck.

The Bugbear bristled for a moment, its ursine ears tilting towards whatever sound it was, its nostrils flaring as it sucked in air. She was pretty sure the Mad Beetle was doing something similar, but it was hell to tell, given it was all pedipalps and antennae and she'd spent very little time in that form.

She huffed as what it was finally came into view - several Gun Libellula, a kind of monster that looked like a dragonfly with a firearm stuck into its chest. They started shooting, even as she roared and rushed forward to kill them.

Sadly, eating a monster's crystal did not seem to boost her power after killing it.

* * *

Drake's basic plan was top notch and all, but Rei #1 wasn't about to trust it. Freya could see souls - it was possible she'd see through any plan Drake tried to use. No, they needed somebody strong on their team, just in case it all went south, and who better than the Sword Princess? She found Ais busily sparring with Noriko again, the cute little Asian cunnilinguist getting smacked around by that wood sword. Ais herself had a determined expression, in contrast to her normal head-in-the-clouds charm. It was kinda raising her in Rei's waifu rankings, seeing her go at it like this. She always kinda skimmed training chapters in books since they were fucking boring.

Noriko's sword got knocked out of her hands by a powerful strike, tumbling off to one side.

Rei approached Ais at that point, her tits bouncing a bit as she did so. When she had first got them, they had maybe been a little inconvenient, given their sheer size, but after hitting Level Two, the added weight didn't matter at all. That was the power of a falna. "Hey," she said to Ais, making the swordswoman turn her attention to Rei.

"Hello. Did you want to train with me?"

"I'm not really a sword type," she said, by way of dismissal. It was even true. But, also, she didn't want to get beat up. "I was wondering - you want to get stronger, faster, right?" Ais nodded, her expression sharpening. "Well, if you fall in love with Drake, and tell him?" She made a sharp motion with her hands, one striking across the other's palm. "You'll level up really damn fast."

"Riveria said... that's not how it actually works."

"I mean, I understand trusting that woman more than me," Rei said, "but come on. Erza's Level Two. I'm Level Two in like, two weeks flat." Technically killing a Goliath and Goro would probably have leveled her up even without Venus's blessing or however it worked, but Ais didn't need to know that. "Only Noriko isn't, because she's a supporter, but I bet she's doing about as well as you were, back when you were a Level One baby, right? And you used to be the Record Holder. Sorry about stealing that title from you." She even made herself sound genuinely apologetic.

"No. It's good if there are more strong heroes in the world... and watching you all makes me want to get stronger."

The ditz completely forgot Rei's whole damn point, though. "Look. You'll get stronger faster if you hook up with Drake. Noriko can tell you how great he is, too. Just build him up in your head until you really want him, then tell him as much, then bam - instant boost."

"Build him up in my head?" Ais asked, tilting her head.

Right. This was a world with less cultural awareness of psychological dynamics and also Ais was oblivious anyway. "When you hear stuff about him that's positive, you imagine it happening to you. He's considerate? What would it be like if he were considerate to you? He's hard-working? What would it be like if he worked hard for you? He's really good at sex? What would it be like if he had sex with you?"

Ais stared at Rei for a couple seconds, then turned her head to one side, staring into the distance. "Mn. I'll try that," she noted quietly.

"Once you've confessed, he'll be able to tell you if it worked or not," Rei added. Ais was contemplative as she stood there, her gaze not even on Rei. "If you need some help, come to me, any time," she added, smiling at the girl in question.

"Help...?" Ais asked, blinking as her gaze met Rei's.

"With falling in love with Drake. Don't worry about being rejected, he's not the kind of guy to reject women." Ais just nodded at that.

"I would like to continue training," Noriko noted, "so that I can become stronger."

Rei got out of their way, ignoring the sound of wood smacking against wood.

Rei probably needed to do more work than that, but, the seed was planted in Ais's mind. Hopefully it would bloom into a Level Five (soon to be Level Six) co-wife. Even if Ais wasn't exactly the hottest girl in Danmachi, she was plenty cute, and Rei wanted to see what her o-face was like. By watching Drake fuck her, of course. And riding her senses all the while... she licked her lips remembering the last time Noriko had fucked Drake. She wanted that cock, but him and Julia were both in the Dungeon right now, and masturbation suuuuucked.

She'd go see if she could get Loki to eat her out.

* * *

"This is so fucking boring," Rei #4 said, rolling her Bugbear shoulders.

"We still get to kill some monsters, at least," Rei #5 offered, though there was no real heat to it. Her mandibles rearranged in a really weird way whenever she talked, but she could manage it, even if it came out sort of scrapy, like every word was a knife across a metal surface.

"Bleh. We're not here to kill monsters," Rei #3 replied. "We're looking to see if we can't find some people 'like us'..."

"The adventurers are the real pain in the ass," Rei #2 said. "That was the fourth group we've had to duck. I don't want to have to kill people for thinking we're monsters."

"Don't worry, you won't have to," came a male voice. For just a moment, Rei #4 hoped that it was a monster - but then her eyes rolled across the individual in question. It was a bald human man, with a tattoo around his left eye. He was a member of the Ikelos familia, who took Xenos as slaves to sell to morons. If he was running around here, then that might explain why no Xenos had shown up. She let out an annoyed sigh, seeing him. "What? You got a problem with me, you ugly bear?" The man menacingly hefted up a gargantuan sword. "You can come with me nice and quiet, or I can beat you and drag you along with me."

"Where are your buddies?" Rei #2 asked. "They see your tiny dick and go have a giggle?" She prompted the man. He scowled at them, at that.

"I don't need anybody to help me crush some Level One and Two monsters on the twentieth floor," he said, lazily swinging the sword through the air as if it didn't weigh anything. "Dix tends to get mad about-"

As one, the Reis transformed into Goliaths, swelling to fill the room. He barely got a chance to let out a surprised noise before one massive clawed hand stretched out for him, grabbing him, the others clamping down too, restraining his movement. He was strong, but not even as strong as Goro - four or five hands were more than enough to completely restrain his movements. "Don't crush him, don't crush him, fuck," the Rei who hadn't managed to grab him said, as if Rei #4 didn't already know that. They wanted to loot the key he used to get into Knossos, which would be impossible if they crushed him, since it was a human eyeball and thus presumably real damn squishy. It was an annoying problem, trying to keep him restrained without crushing him, particularly given she wasn't that much stronger than him, even as a Goliath, and she could feel her Essence being burned to maintain the massive form.

"Squish his head with your fingers or some shit!" Rei #2 yelled out at the last Rei, and fast as she could, she got his head between her finger and thumb, pinching down. He screamed in pain, but he actually wasn't dying. Crap. They had kind of a time limit, with how much Essence this form consumed.

"Umm, fuck, hang on," the last Rei said, leaning forward, mouth opening wide, and then there was another crunch as her teeth bit down. This time, his head came clean off, blood splattering across the inside of her mouth, and they all sighed and gently let the body fall back down onto the ground. They transformed into smaller bodies, though there was now a faint blue glow from having spent so long as a Goliath. Her other bodies would be all glowing blue too, she mused.

* * *

"Just a little licking and you can get as much groping as you want," Rei was telling Loki, as the goddess's fingers stretched out to her, her hands effortlessly parrying the would-be gropes with the superhuman strength and agility of a Level Two. "That's all you gotta do. You don't even have to make me come."

"I don't have to make you come anyway! Your boobs are mine whenever I can get to them," Loki said, moving like a goalkeeper as she stood at the door to her own room, blocking Rei's exit.

"I can turn into a snake." Loki was just insufferable. How hard was it to eat a girl's pussy? Yeah, Rei had never done it, but she'd tried sucking cock! It wasn't bad! (Once she managed to sort-of copy Noriko's sensitive tongue.) "You can't actually keep me here. So just get on your knees and suck! Or I can lie down, if you want to be on top! You can even grope my boobs when you do!"

Then she started to glow. She was a bit surprised - were things not going well in the Dungeon? She looked over herself, checking for any signs of injury, and Loki lunged, hands outstretched.

She was rewarded with a faceplant onto the ground and Rei getting on top of her a moment later, just plopping her weight down on the goddess's back. Given Loki's slim figure, even Rei's relatively petite mass was enough to pin her. "Nooo!" Loki cried out, wriggling about beneath her. "So close, yet so far! Just let me touch your boobs!"

"Just eat my pussy and you can touch my boobs all you want!" Rei replied, indignant. This was ridiculous!

* * *

Rei #4 idly toyed with the stone in her hand in the air. It was a key to Knossos. An eyeball embedded in a stone, preserving it with some magic or maybe just formaldehyde. Hard to say. It didn't really look like much, honestly. You probably wouldn't even realize that it was a real human eye by looking at it, and she didn't want to risk poking it.

"No Xenos still," Rei #3 said, as if anybody didn't already know that. She must have been diverging to be annoying. "We could try going up through Knossos, maybe there's some in cages we can save."

"The Ikelos familia has a Level Five, though. We only managed to beat Goro because he was distracted with Erza, and Dix Perdix-" she resisted the urge to laugh at his stupid name, sheesh, especially since Koine was English, so... "-has that curse eye trick of his, which would ruin our ability to fight."

"We can turn into a small animal."

"We can turn invisible, even."

She had heard from Julia that even if you turned invisible, high Level adventurers would still have a feeling. Like a sixth sense, they knew they were being watched or monitored. If you were very careful and still, you could get around it, but... honestly, her invisibility wasn't even as good as Julia's. She couldn't even feel Julia's breath against her skin if she went invisible and started sucking her clit, that was how good Julia's invisibility trick was - Rei's just made herself regular-ass invisible.

She also hadn't acquired any new forms of animals since she'd arrived in Orario, so she could turn into a raven... She sighed. No, it was way too risky right now. She had to get stronger and eat some more animals and learn to get even smaller, then she could disguise herself as a rat and scurry around inside to look for the Xenos there. "Let's go back to the surface, get some new forms from the animals of Orario," Rei #4 suggested, getting a cacophony of nods from the other Reis.

Bleh. This was way too much work. Why was she doing it again?

Oh yeah, Protecting Cass.

Okay, she couldn't fuck Cass, but Cass was obviously important to Drake, that was why one of his top ten girls of all time was her. And Drake was important to her. So she had to help him out when it was serious, which this was. He'd done stuff for her, like summon her two hot moms (still had to seduce them yet, needed to figure out how...), or summon her soulmate, or fuck her, or... well, he did stuff for his wives in general, she just hadn't needed him yet, and his dick was good, so, she should be nice.

Plus Cass was pretty cute, even if she was straight. Pretty decent chest up top, even if it obviously couldn't compete with hers... her gaze flicked over to one of the other Reis. They were still wearing monster forms, but if they turned back into Reis, they'd be chesty short stacks with hypersensitive tongues...

Nah. Having sex with herself felt too gay.

* * *

Rei #6 was wearing the form of a cat, idly toying with the mouse she had killed. She hadn't been the first Rei to kill a mouse, nor would she be the last. Still, she couldn't take its form. Apparently, it was too small. She let out a huff, then just decided to chow down. To a cat's tastebuds, a dead mouse was really tasty, and maybe she'd actually manage the form if she tried.

Nope. She was becoming increasingly sure that this whole thing was gonna be a wash, and cat was as small as she'd ever get. Cats played an important part in the local ecosystem, killing all the rats, so she couldn't just go chomping down on whatever. A few birds, though, did meet their ignominious ends and expand her collection of forms. Pigeon, or as she liked to call them, rats with wings. Wait, that made it sound gross that she ate them, rather than doing a good thing to eat them.

In any case, they'd head down to the Dungeon with these new forms, sneak into-

"Kitty!" Cried out a female voice, and Rei's hair stood on end instantly, her hair standing on end. It was... Chloe Rollo. A catfolk maid waitress at the Hostess of Fertility. Okay, she had read a couple hot smut fics where this bitch got railed by a dominant Bell. Or just a dominant shota. But she was a reformed assassin, and now she had Rei in her sights. Technically, so was Cass, but Chloe was way more dangerous. She was unfortunately caught, backing up towards the wall. "Oh, don't be afraid, kitty! You look all mangy, come on," she cooed and coaxed.

Just to be absolutely clear, Rei did not look mangy. She had only been in the form of a cat for an hour or two. How dirty could she possibly be? "Mreow!" She said, clawing ineffectually at the air in front of her.

Obviously, it didn't do anything to dissuade the Level Four maid, and soon she lunged forward, the superhuman speed and strength of a Level Four was more than enough to overcome any feline alacrity, even if she had used her falna's enhanced abilities (and she didn't). Chloe hefted her up, carrying her forcibly to the Hostess of Fertility as Rei #6 futilely screeched and wriggled in her grasp, trying desperately to escape. Syr would see her! Then she'd know that Rei was a cat! It probably didn't actually matter, but still!

Chloe carried the cat up to the second story, all the way to the employee baths, and Rei #6 got a look at the naked body of Ryu, who was currently washing up. The blonde elf was slender, but she knew Ryu from Danmachi, which made seeing her naked body shoot way up in the leaderboards despite the lack of tits or ass. Smooth limbs with no real sign of muscle... the sight was one she was definitely committing to memory. Hopefully she was bi? Was she bi? Syr was bi (since she was Freya), and had feelings for Ryu, but maybe Omori would leave it as an unrequited love? Or something nonsexual? Who knew?

More importantly, Syr wasn't here, so she instantly calmed down, making Chloe coo. "There we go. I think I'm going to call you... Leo!" What the hell?!

"That is a female cat," Ryu noted to the oblivious Chloe. Chloe hefted her up in the air to check, and Rei #6 desperately wished she could just pee all over the woman's face. Not for any sexual reason (well, okay, it'd probably be pretty hot). Or even because she was that upset (she was a bit upset, though). Just because this was the perfect opportunity to surprise pee on somebody's face. She'd probably never get another chance. She could piss on Julia during cunnilingus, she guessed, but that's not really the same thing, you know?

She didn't have the spare urine, though. "Oh! It is! Sorry. Hmm. How about Leah then!" She declared.

You can't name me! I'm not staying here! Rei #6 thought angrily, as Chloe closed the door with a kick of her leg and gently put Rei #6 down.

"Stay right there, okay? I need a wash too," Chloe said, reaching for her top, and Rei #6 decided that she didn't have to leave. Chloe was pretty hot. Too bad she was a shotacon, so she'd probably never get the chance... but she was a perv, which was the hottest kind of girl. It'd be hot to snuggle into bed with this chick behind her, fingers down in between her thighs, playing with her as she cooed and rubbed her. She was pretty bushy down there, but that was fine with Rei. It wasn't like she was going to go licking down there or nothing.

She was sure at least some of the other Reis were enjoying the show, so she would too.

Then, the gorgeous naked catgirl hefted her up, carrying her over to the water basin. She let her eyes wander Ryu's naked body as she moved to rise, allowing Chloe in. Then Rei #6 was dunked in it, she shrieked at the intense cold and the sudden weight. Chloe's desperate cooing didn't do anything to stop her from screeching and trying to get out of the water. This sucked! No wonder cats hated being washed!

* * *

Rei #3 had taken the form of a minotaur, and was currently invisible and standing in front of the doorway to Knossos in Rivira. It had been a huge pain in the ass to find it, since it was hidden behind fake rock shit. Rei #2, #4, and #5 had already taken the forms of a cat and two different birds, also invisible; she raised up the magic item they'd acquired from Gran's corpse, and she felt the way the magic moved in her hand. Some curiosity burned in the back of her brain, as she considered it. Back on Earth, she'd been into the occult, but she'd gotten way too busy playing Re: Monster with the contents of the Dungeon. She wanted to learn fucking magic! She'd probably be so insanely good at it she'd be casting the Nine Hells with a chant time like Bell's.

A second or so after the thrum of magic, the door slid upward, rumbling upwards and making her worried somebody would overhear. There were like... secret cameras or something in here, right? Magic cameras, obviously. Whatever. She strolled in, invisible, closing the door behind her in the hopes it would make things a secret.

She took a smaller form, transmuting into another bird, flittering off slowly into the distance. She had to keep up a gentle cruise, which was a pain in the stagnant air, and after a minute or so, she - and the other two Reis who had been birds - took up the form of Leah the cat. They wandered through the halls invisibly, simply striding in like they owned the place.

There was no sign of the Ikelos familia. She guessed even if they had security cameras, all they would have seen was a door open and close. And they'd have to be looking at the time. She doubted there was much playback of this kind of thing.

This place was an insane fucking maze. Possibly even worse than the Dungeon, which fit, since it was made by a bunch of forced labor over generations, rather than being made by some kind of singular magical intelligence. Luckily, Rei was smart as hell, so she wasn't getting lost, and she could see through the eyes of the other Reis, keeping a general awareness of their locations as they split up and spread out.

Eventually, Rei #3 found what she was looking for. A cage containing a Xenos, which was even a girl Xenos! Probably. She clambered up atop the cage and laid there, waiting for the other three to arrive before she did anything, lazily batting her tail side to side.

The others soon rejoined her, following their own impeccable sense of direction to her current location. She yawned, leapt off the cage, and took on the shape of one of the Lizardmen she'd killed. The others copied her, and they approached the cage, shedding their invisibility as one as they tore at the bars. The metal hissed and creaked, but it wasn't made to handle the falna-enhanced strength of a Middle Floor monster, and soon enough it was peeled asunder.

The woman inside was curled up in a ball, looking pitiful. She had pale skin and a long tail made of fine gold scales and then with another layer atop it of more white, less luminous scales, that were finer. It looked vaguely like she was molting, to Rei. The tail itself encompassed her entire lower body, and you know what that means? That's right. No pussy, therefore lots of cunnilingus. (Okay, realistically, it was just hidden under the scales.)

"Hello," Rei #3 said, keeping her voice soft as the Lamia in question blinked up at her, looking confused more than frightened. "I'm here to help you. Can you move on your own? I can get you out of here, but you have to be careful."

There was a few seconds, then the Lamia woman gently slithered out of the cage, and Rei #3 couldn't help but grin. Yes! She was half-worried it was a monster and was about to bite her face off instead of show appreciation, but nope, it seemed like she was a Xenos. Even if she was quiet. A monster would definitely have attacked her by now, rather than letting her guide it through the tunnels.

"Do you have a name?" She asked, as the Lamia followed after her. The Lamia let out a noise like a screech or cry of pain, but it wasn't really anything coherent. "That's alright. No need." Should she name her? It was really annoying when Chloe just gave her a name, especially since it was dumb. But she'd already had a name, so... "Do you mind if I give you a name?" She shook her head, the first indication that she did understand Koine. Or English. Whatever. "Hmm." Good tits. Long dark hair. Probably going to be a queen of cunnilingus, given that her tongue was really damn long. Well, whatever. "How about Alipheese?" She suggested. "Or Ali, for short."

The Lamia let out an approving noise, nodding her head rapidly.

"Hopefully you learn to talk soon," Rei #3 offered, as they finally arrived at the front door of Knossos, the one she'd originally come through. She hefted up the eye, and once again, the door tumbled open. She considered just leaving it open to fuck these guys over, but best they be kept unaware if at all possible, and realistically, not much would happen. The door crunched back shut with a snap behind the group. "Now, follow me, stay low, and keep quiet, alright?"

With some work on her part, she managed to escort Alipheese down to the 19th Floor without being spotted by any adventurers. She let out a sigh... then a thought came to mind.

Xenos could grow in power by eating magic stones, couldn't they? Asterios had outdone Bell to an insane extent by doing exactly that. This wasn't, technically speaking, what she was down here to do, but... "Hey, Ali - want to power level?" She asked, with a grin, earning a hiss of confusion from the Lamia in question.

If you've enjoyed the chapter, please leave a comment! They help give me motivation to keep writing and posting, and they help me know what people like and dislike!

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