
It's Not The Hero Story

What would you do if you regressed in a novel? take all the wealth? get lots of OP skills? collecting harem as pok■mon? or trying so hard to stay low until the main character brag open your front door and start dragging you around?. No right? the story its already set on motion! The fate of main character is like a tornado pulling everyone and creating chaos wherever they go. So, tell me one good reason why you need to stay close with them? Cowards? It’s okay to run if you going to die, it’s okay to hide if you feel in danger, and it’s also okay to ask help if you not strong enough. Wait till when you ready, then give them what they deserve. ■■■■■■■ wasn't built in a day. Why bother to get in the way from main character growth. Remember it’s not your job to save the world anyway! As a side character we just need to enjoy the ride! Minding your own business and maybe make a new story as main character! There still lots of world to discover, lots of op treasure to be found, lots of friend to make and maybe find a sweetheart somewhere! As that is your purpose as a ■■■■ ■■■■■■ -■■■■■

BlueJelly · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Entrance (4)

The city is very big. My past live city is only around 120Km² and this city is taking about 700Km². All the basic aspect of live of the citizen is provided by the city itself. A sustainable city, maybe because of the appearance of mana instead carbon based fuel to accommodate everything they can achieve this.

"Ah that's why the air is so good?" I asked to myself.

Soon I stopped at the wagon that will be departed to west gate. I saw the driver. He has light brown hair and neat clothes. Hie has moustache and his voice is loud and clear.

"West gate! We leaving soon!" say the driver.

"How much?" I asked.

"5 copper" he answered.

"Is too expensive!" I complained.

"Not my problem kid! if you can't afford you can just the mine wagon there" he said as he points to an old crowded wagon carrying mine workers and equipment.

"What choice I have?" a murmured.

"You can always walk there" he said as he laughs.

Damn. How can I walk too there? It's so far, I don't think my feet can manage to bring we there. I'm already exhausted from the barn. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess. I walked to the crowded wagon. There lots of old male worker and my equipment.

"What's you doing here kid?" ask one of the workers. He has yellowish tunic and brown trousers with brown pants ask me.

"I want to go to west gate, is there still a room for me?" an asked.

"The front is full, but if it's no problem for you can ride the in the back with the mining equipment." He said looking at the 2 wagon that equally full.

"Sure! How much sir?" I asked him.

"Nah don't bother, just make sure not to make a mess there." He said while instructed me to follow hm.

"There" he said while taking out some lantern and pickaxe to make a room for me.

I climbed the wagon inside. It's so cramped here. Its barely any room to sit if he not takes the lantern and pickaxe.

"Here, take this" he adds as he gives me the pick axe and lantern back.

I take them and put the lantern in my side while sit with bending my knee to my chest. I then hug the pick axe while I lean my back to make myself little bit comfortable.

He left me after that. And thankfully the wagon starting to move.

It took 2 hours of agonizing ride. The wagon is not meant to carry people so the amount of shaking is abysmal. I can't count how many times I bump my head to the wall behind me. I just wish I don't get any brain damage from this course.

The cart finally halts. Wanted to wait no more, I jumped out from the cart. putting the lantern and pickaxe carefully.

I see the big gate towards the mine. In front of the gate, there is full of wagon trying to get inside to sell mining stuff or going out carrying people and equipment to mine.

I walked to the driver. "Thanks for the ride, sir!"

No, problem boy. Say, what you going to do after this?" he asks from the driver seat.

"I'm going to search for Blue Mountain Inn, I will work there for some time. Do you know the place?" I ask him again.

He's scratch his short unkept beard with thinking expression.

"Blue Mountain... Blue Mountain.... Ah! That old Mr. Brolin. Just go straight...."

I hear him explain the way for me. it's not that the author too lazy to give more description about the way.

".... It has Blue Roof. You can easily find the inn besides the Blacksmith Shops." he finished.

"Thank you, sir, May Auros keep you warm" I said.

"You too kid" he answered as the wagon starts moving again.

I take my time to stroll the streets. The streets so different than in the north gate. So long as my eyes see I can easily find weapon, armor, jewelry, and some kind of machinery shop. The color of the shop not as vibrant as in the north gate, but the item that shop sells itself is have more worth than the whole shop in the north!

"500 gold for a sword!" I got bamboozled looking at the price of the sword in the big display window.

"it's same as 5.000.000 copper! 2,5 million of hard bread!! How can people buy this? Where are those money come from? Trees?" I say when I read the price of normal looking halberd. It has no distinct feature. It's just a steel sword!

"1000 GOLD! what kind of scam is this? that's just ordinary looking steel armor!"

I continue to walk. I take the left turn after and meet a fountain. The fountain has green color from the copper that eaten by the time. The water dancing inside of it, literally! It's look like a ballerina, spinning its body with one leg and both of its hand in her waist.

"So pretty!" I thought.

Not for from the fountain, I walked to the bench and sit there. Under a willow tree I hear the leaf rusting against each other. Sun light crawling from the leaf falling to my face.

'it's peaceful' I speak in my heart. closing my eyes and take a deep breath. Enjoying the time, I have.

The orange sky illuminates the town sky. Sunshine slowly shines through the clouds, like pillar of light blessed the city from the sky.

There not much people in the plaza. it's still 4pm. It's not the time to people in the mine to go home yet.

I took my butter finger from the red bundle in my shoulder, it's a perfect timing to eat them. Slowly I open a small yellow package, I see there are three pieces. before I eat them. I started to pray

'Auros thank you for your blessing'

Before I put the butter finger in my mouth, I see kids approaching me. A triplet! They have blue long tunic. With bare feet and they walking to me, there a sadness in their eyes.

I put my butter finger back. and ask them. "What happen?"

Hearing my voice, they all started to crying.

'What happen? is my voice that bad?' I remember hearing my own voice from a recorder before. It does make sense; I too want to apologize to the one hearing mu voice.

'What should I do?' I panicked.

The people start looking at us. I tried to make a funny face, but their cry become louder and louder.

'Am I that ugly?' the vein in my head started to pop.