
It's Not The Hero Story

What would you do if you regressed in a novel? take all the wealth? get lots of OP skills? collecting harem as pok■mon? or trying so hard to stay low until the main character brag open your front door and start dragging you around?. No right? the story its already set on motion! The fate of main character is like a tornado pulling everyone and creating chaos wherever they go. So, tell me one good reason why you need to stay close with them? Cowards? It’s okay to run if you going to die, it’s okay to hide if you feel in danger, and it’s also okay to ask help if you not strong enough. Wait till when you ready, then give them what they deserve. ■■■■■■■ wasn't built in a day. Why bother to get in the way from main character growth. Remember it’s not your job to save the world anyway! As a side character we just need to enjoy the ride! Minding your own business and maybe make a new story as main character! There still lots of world to discover, lots of op treasure to be found, lots of friend to make and maybe find a sweetheart somewhere! As that is your purpose as a ■■■■ ■■■■■■ -■■■■■

BlueJelly · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Burning City (3)

"DIE!" the boy shouts filling the empty burning city with his cry for his life.

Defying the odds stacked against him. The boy eyes shone brighter than the fire that burn the city.

As the boy shouts the Gloombeast already in front of the boy.

Eery silent filled the plaza. The world is stop at that moment. Noting move.

"Fuck!" he curses in frustration. He rarely curses out loud because of his current position. But he cannot control himself now.

He stops his step towards the plaza. The world became dull and all the sound of the world muffled in silent.

He clenched his fist so hard that blood start dripping from his hand.

Then her vice-captain finally come near him.

"Why you stop?" she asks while panting and tried to calm her breath, even she knows the obvious answer. She just doesn't want to accept the truth.

"it's Ove- "his voice got cut in the middle by the sound from the battle.

"You damn filthy wanker, get lost!" as the boy pushes the corpse of the dead Gloombeast in front of him.

With large thud as the beast body collapse, he swallows his saliva.

"h-holly shit..." he said it without noticing.

"...captain language!" surprised with her captain just said right now she observe the plaza.

What she sees next make her jaw open.

There are a Gloombeast corpses being impaled with a spear in the throat next to the boy.

"w- what just happen?" she finally speaks with trembling voice.

Even her elite soldier has a hard time to fight one Gloombeast under the red moon, and this fifteen years old malnourished boy just killed one by himself.

"...I don't know" he answered, he also not sure what's going on.

Without any more pause he add "Quick, we need to save him before other Gloombeast co- "

"RAWRR!" the earth shakes as 22 Gloombeast descend from nearby rooftop to the plaza.

"Freya cover me!" as he said that he activates his skill

[Mountain smash!]


"I swear to god, this man always acts as he please." She muttered.

'Let's see what should I do?' her hand scratch her head.

With her sharp eyes, she observes the battlefield ahead. A small boy standing there make a boxing guard stance.

'Not bad!. He still not give up yet. I can't afford to lose to fifteen years old boy.'

Squirting her eyes t start to channel the divine energy from the atmosphere. Somehow this place full of them. Without holding back, she starts to pray.

"O Elysium, God of Balance, hear our plea,

Grant us the power of Sacred Ground, decree.

In your name, we seek harmony's embrace,

Let chaos wane, serenity take its place.

Bless this hallowed earth with your divine might,

Where discord fades, and tranquility takes flight.

Let balance reign, and all conflicts cease,

Within Sacred Ground, grant us your protection."

"[Sacred ground!]"

A giant circle of light appears under Cedric feat as he descends crushing 4 Gloombeast at the same time, the circle quickly spreading to ten-meter radius with intricate geometrical pattern.

Panting the spell that she uses have taken half of her stamina. But she's not done yet.

She clapped both of her hand tightly beginning to pray a long chant.

"Oh, Auras, divine in radiant light,

We beseech thee, embrace our plight.

With heavenly grace, your order bestowed,

Let Divine Judgment's power explode".

Her staff start to float in front of her, emiting light as she pray. Her eyes then start to glow brightly like the staff, as she prays her leg become more and more weak and finally she stumped with both of her knee touching the ground. Without stopping to pray she ignore the feeling disgust from the dirt that touch her white robe.

"From heavens high, your rule extends,

Bring forth justice, where chaos contends.

Through golden gates, your justice unfurled,

In Auros' name, let the chaos be condemned."

Blood start dripping from her mouth, her face become more paler as she prays. She felt her body burning from the inside. She wants to stop but if she stop now she got a feeling that she will regret this. Her feeling become more and more stronger as she see the boy.

"With righteous purpose, we seek your aid,

In your name, let chaos be swayed.

Command the forces, in your divine sight,

Auras, God of Order, guide us with might."

She wants to stop the pleasure of divine energy start to flooding her mind. Then blood start to flow through her eyes, ears, and nose. Her body is burning from inside, agenizing pain showed at her face, she tries to endure.


As she finished her pray pillar of light struck the earth to the remaining Gloombeast. Instantly turning them to ashes as the light touch their body.

-Pant pant

She looks at her self dirtied by the blood and the dirt. Then she grab a healing potion and chug it empty. after that she cast [Clense] to her self.


As I wipe my eyes, I start to move away from the corpse. Its finally time to escape this hell.

As I take step away I the ground start to shaking. 17 Gloombeast descend at the same time.

4 Gloombeasts stand near me. i make a guard stance with both of my hand in front of my head.

"COME! YOU ARSEHOOLE!" I scream with all of air in my lungs. Not caring anymore why I scream those word. I just focusing the 4 charging Gloombeast at me.

'Finally, I can rest. I'm tired, I'm glad it's over. I don't have any regrets'

-Bang! The ground in front of me shakes and forming a giant crater.

Like a star fall a giant man descend from the sky. Cushing instantly 2 of the Gloombeast splashing it intestines everywhere. The rest got knocked back away in his side. Without giving them chance to stand he charge at both Gloombeasts.

He then swings his mighty shield downwards to one of those Gloombeast instantly crushing their head with the bottom of his shield. The other Gloombeast already standing with it four legs. it quickly charging to him without giving him any change to reposition himself.


his body moving so fast to dodge the charging Gloombeast. with his left hand he punches the Gloombeast in the neck.

in just 10 second the battle is over. Suddenly the ground itself start to shine a white circle with beautiful pattern began to emerge from his shadow quickly spreading through the battlefield.

As the light touched me, my vision become clearer and clearer. Slowly my strength and wounds began to recover. And finally, I can see who is standing in front of me.