
It's must be a DREAM

Sara is an ordinary girl. But she has a strange feelings from a young age. When something bad happens, she gets a certain feeling before it happens. She cannot predict what will happen. This feeling saved her a lot of time from a lot of danger. But sometimes it will get worse. At the time she needs to avoid it. But we can't change fate. Let's see what will happen in Sara's life.........

Surentha · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Group of handsome men

After some time, a white colour van came in front of the bus stop. That van looked very stylish and extravagant. The three people were surprised and wondered why this van stopped at the bus stop. A boy got out of the van. He looks very handsome and elevated. Laura is very surprised and eager to see the boy. The guy moves toward Laura and hugs her. Laura asks the boy why he is late.

He replied, " I'm Sorry, I came late. I will tell you later why it is late". Meanwhile, Sara and Lawrence looked at them with a weird faces. Then Laura introduced who the boy is. "He is Alex". Then Alex greeted them.

They also said "Hi" to him in return. Alex asks Sara " You should be Sara, right? Laura has said a lot about you".

Sara replied, "Yeah, nice to meet you". Alex asked Lawrens, " How are you? How are your studies ". He replied shortly, "I'm good, not bad". Lawrence is not one to get used to quickly. So Alex didn't ask further.

He asked the three to get into the van.

Inside the van, The van is not only beautiful from the outside but also from the inside. That van had all kinds of facilities. It was so luxurious and so comfortable.

There were two people in a corner of that van. Both of them are very beautiful. One is sitting elegantly wearing a white shirt. Another is in a black dress. Alex introduced the two of them who they are. He said, " He is my brother Adam and he is Mick".

The three of them said "Hi" to them. Only Mick responded, " Hello, nice to meet you". Adam didn't even look at them. He just looked out the window. In Sara's mind, "Look how arrogant he is. but I leave him alone because he is handsome".