
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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Top Secret Military Report

24. Top Secret Military Report

The smiling Eula with all the bloodied cutter and that blank eye looks creepy. Honestly, I thought that yandere character is kinda cute. I liked them, if they're just fictional characters. Something that only featuring in work like novel, manga, or anime. 

But now ... my dear sister turns into one, and her prey is none other than this oneself.

How am I supposed to feel? Am I supposed to feel glad about it? Nah, it's scary and there's nothing to feel happy about.

Before I decided and in the end choose Sunna, I put Eula's unstable mental state in mind. And I somehow had expected that she will do something crazy, but not to this extent. 

This is way more serious than what I've imagined. She knocked me unconscious with whatever that thing in her panty and then tie me up in her bed. Hell, what a creative way to smear a poison, how could I expect something extreme as that.

Meanwhile, Eula cut my clothes with a scissor. I couldn't resist with my hand and leg tied up like this. Even moving a finger was impossible. It's good that she hadn't sealed my mouth. At least, I could talk.

The thought of screaming and asking for help from aunt Yumi and Sunna come into mind. But before I do that, I'll try to persuade Eula and return her back to sanity. I honestly don't want her to be a yandere if she hasn't yet completely turned into that ..., perhaps I could still talk it out with her.

"Eula ..., even if you said I was in the wrong, but I don't know what did I do that made you upset. Is it because I went to sis Sunna first? Or is it because I did it with those female soldiers last night?" 

"Both." she picked up the tablet that was on the edge of the bed and sat down beside me, "Let's watch this together with Eula, I will count the women that have had sex with Arman. Alright, there's this white hair with an annoying face. That will be one. Next is the woman that looks like a cheap slut, two."

She played the CCTV footage once again and pointed at Sia and the soldiers, counting them. I really don't know how she gets this video. I mean, weren't you unable to breach their security yesterday even when your Supercell is active? How could you breach it now when you're not in the Superstate?

"... that'll be twelve. Then add it with mom, thirteen. And Unni, fourteen." she looked at me and pointed at herself. "That means I'm the fifteenth, right?"

"Err, more or less. I guess so ...," if counting it by that order, then she'll be the fifteenth. "But like I said before, I did it with them because they need to do some experiment on my Super Ability. And it's not like I have any attachment to them or whatever, it's purely because the government needs to test my power."

"Hihihi ..." Eula giggled, she spun the cutter on her finger without the blade ever touch over her pearly hands, what a skillful pen spin. She stopped the pen (cutter) spin and poked my cheek with the blunt end of the cutter. "Very well, Eula kissed Arman a lot before this. At least, she has claimed Arman's first kiss, second kiss, until the twentieth kiss. I forgive you for the sake of that."

I heaved a sigh hearing that. "Phew ... thank you, could you release this handcuff now, please?"

"Eh? Eula forgave Arman about the matter, but did she ever said that she'll release him?" she retorted almost instantly, she then used the bladed end of the cutter and shave the scuffle in my chin with it. Even though I already shaved it not too long ago. "Don't misunderstand this, Arman. Eula hasn't completely lost her cool. Bad Arman still needs to receive some punishment."

"Okay, what is my offense this time?" I thought she's already sane, but seeing the bladed end of the cutter on my chin and neck. I felt like my life is on the line.

She leaned closer to my ear and then chewed on my earlobe before whispering with her small nasal voice.

"Arman~, my Little Man ... do you know how much Eula loves you?" 

Is this your definition of love? By stalking, tying, and then torturing your loved one until he almost had a mental breakdown? Is that the love that goes by your description? I'm not your fucking pet, you got that! I ..., I don't, I won't accept such things, Eula. You're wrong, this is no longer love, only madness remains.

"Eula ... if you continue to do this, I might scream make both aunt and Sunna know. You don't want that, don't you?"

"Hmmm?" she sat up straight and looked at me raising one of her eyebrows. Soon she arched her mouth into her creepiest grin as she giggled, laughed, and then loudly laughed. "Ihihihi ...~ ahahaha ....~~HAHHAHHAHHA~!"

I got a bad feeling about this. You know that usually when there's someone with three-stage laughter, then that person must plan something bad. Or this person has successfully executed that hideous plan.

She stopped laughing and straddled on top of my chest; she said. "Oh god, that's so funny. You're so funny, Arman. Do you really think that Eula will overlook such a newbie mistake? Bear in mind, who is Eula? I'm a fucking genius! Before I'm certain of my plan and what would I do, I always double-check the props and the settings. Don't worry ..., they won't hear you, even if your shout till your throat got sore."

"..." I broke down a cold sweat before I know it. And desperately cried out for help, "AHHHHHHH!! Help!? Sunna, aunt ... someone, HELP!! PLEASE HELP!!!"

But after some minutes of shouting and screaming, no one answered my call of distress. My heart turned ice cold by the time I realized nobody would save me from this predicament.

"Hihihi ..., it's no use," she stroked my face slowly. "This room itself is soundproof, I thought that everyone already knew about it."

I'm living in this flat for three years, but I never know that she renovated her room and make it soundproof! Is that why you didn't put a cloth and seal my mouth? Because you already know that it won't work and no one will hear everything that happened in this room? Hell, what am I supposed to do now? I couldn't even shout for help. 

"Now then ..., let's do this, shall we?" she turned around and scissor my underwear. She glanced back at me and sent me a knowing grin, "This little thing still proudly erect, despite the circumstance you're in. Arman, are you sure you're not a masochist?" 

I averted my eyes from her. I admit ..., even if I have a bit of aversion to what she'd do. This kind of experience was kinda thrilling. 

No, no, no, nope, never gonna happen! Even if Eula finally turned into yandere and forced me to experience the thrilling bondage play, I couldn't and should never accept this situation!

"Eula, please stop this ..., I beg you, let me off. Or at least let me know what did I do wrong that I deserve this punishment."

"What you did wrong is no longer important ... you have wronged me, so obediently accept your punishment~!" she throws the cutter into the dart target on the wall with pinpoint accuracy, she returned her attention to my member.

I really don't know what made her mad she won't even listen to my pleading. I don't know how to deal with this version of Eula. She's just too unpredictable. It's like I couldn't hold a proper conversation with her being this stubborn.

"Eul, if you don't say it. I don't know what I did that has wronged you. I ... just what is it? What mistake did I overlook? If you don't tell me, then how am I supposed to know?"

"It's your fault!" she slapped my thigh repeatedly while muttering that same sentence in a low voice again and again. "It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's all your fault, Arman!"[modern_footnote]Oh, how I love copy and paste ...[/modern_footnote]

When she called out, she also turned her head to me in such a crazy neck twist. There's a sudden temperature drop as I got goosebumps rising in my nape looking at her cold facial expression. 

"I love you Arman, and this is how you treat me?" she closed her face to mine and "How could you be so ... cruel? Your fault lies you didn't appreciate and return my feeling! Even though ..., even though I was always beside you, even though it was me who did everything for you. How could you ..., how could you do this to me?" 

"Oh, for goodness' sake, you're being absurd here, Eula! What did you do, and what did I do it has become my fault?" I really don't know what she's on about. What she said just too vague with no context, perhaps her mind is already unsalvageable.

"This ..." she fiddled with her tablet and then showed it to me.

It was some kind of document, a scanned document. However, this is the first time I saw a document with this kind of format. There is the emblem of the Order on the center of the first page, followed by two smaller emblems, and then there's the [TOP SECRET] stamp on the upper corner of the document. Just where she got a hand on this, really?


Report on Karawang Undercover War

File No. EDF/07/VII/2113 

Operation Codename: Headless Eagle


Investigate the individual/group known as [Cobra] who has been suspected of spreading radical doctrine and harmful ideology. (22/5/2109)

Capture/Kill/Subdue the Super Criminal group lead by [Cobra] in Karawang Regency. (8/2/2110)

Regain control over Karawang Regency and re-install the military base. (1/10/2110)

List of Related Personnel: 

\1. Alphard Lance; \2. Paul de Niro; \3. Habib Harris, KIA; \4. Juang Bela Negara, KIA; \5. Maulana Malik, KIA; \6. Hamdani Arsan, KIA; \7. Robert Lamina, KIA; \8. ... \15. [Anonymous], Agent 301, MIA.

Order of Super Soldier 

▪ Ethereal Division ▪

▪▪ Secret Professional Force and Reconnaissance Team ▪▪


I spotted my father's name, and the date listed there is close to when he fell in the battle. The problem was with the place, doesn't he supposed to be in the frontier base? Why and that how his name mentioned in a document that refers to Karawang Undercover War?

And wait, I never know that there's such a thing as the Undercover War. What is that supposed to mean? War against the underground group? I asked what the heck is this document to Eula.

"Eula, what is—"

"Just keep reading ..." she cut my word before I could finish it. 

She loosened the chain and let me sat down on the bed. She sat beside me and held up the tablet for me. It seems like Eula has calmed down somewhat. I read the document.


1) [09:34 PM, 5/5/2109] - Agent 301 sent a report regarding an unusual small gathering of people in the Jatinangor District, Karawang Regency. 

HQ: Agent is to continue monitoring and gather more intelligence.

2) [10:14 PM, 10/5/2109] - Agent 301 has successfully secured one participant in the gathering. Agent tried to extract some intelligence from the participant, however, the participant was uncooperative until the end. Even after Agent practiced level 3B interrogation art, there's still no meaningful intelligence collected.

When the Agent was about to give up with the interrogation, the interrogatee suddenly shows some weirdness. It was just like how someone being possessed by the Ethereal entity known as the Djinn. He was strangely active, his whole body shaking, showing some abnormal agitation, laughing eerily, and then chanted the following sentences "Tan Hyang amuking Kobra, illan tahala kahita samwa,". The sentence was an ancient local language dated back to the 15th century the Sunda Kingdom. The sentence roughly translated as "And you (all) shall bow down (prostrate) to the Greatest Cobra, the one and only rightful lord." 

Agent 301 felt that there's a need to investigate deeper on this gathering. He also requested reinforcement.

HQ: Request for reinforcement will be processed. Agent is to continue gathering more intelligence and sent another report within a week.

3) [11:34 AM, 14/5/2109] - Ethereal Division dispatched a team in response to Agent 301 request for reinforcement; The following member of the team are, Alphard Lance, Robert Lamina, Habib Harris. 

4) [02:10 PM, 14/5/2109] - Team departed from the [deleted] and arrived at Karawang after [deleted] hours of travel. The team tried to contact Agent 301, however, they couldn't reach the Agent. The team booked the hotel nearby. 

5) [07:05 AM, 15/5/2109] - The team found out that Agent 301 is not answering the call, Alphard ...


So this is what a military report looks like, it's like some series of events written in a bullet list. There's a lot of information, and that information is kinda useless to me. Yeah, I think they're useless for me ...

"Okay, Eul ..., just let me read starting from the entry where there's my father mentioned."