
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs


11. Succubus

"Sir." Samsul Harris saluted the man in thirty.

Klein Eckel returned the salute and turned around, "Follow me."

This is Floating Island Prison, a former island on the southwestern part of Sundaland subcontinent.

Before the Ten Original chased away Harban from their base in Antarctica, the alien invader activated their calamity weapon and changed the global climate as a parting gift. Thanks to that, one-third of ocean water frozen solid and the global temperature dropped. It's the start of the new Ice Age.

The sea level also dropped considerably, revealing the lost land that once interconnected back in Pleistocene Ice Age, one of them is the Sundaland and Sahul. The Malay peninsula of mainland Eurasia once again connected with Sumatera, Borneo, and Java Island. And Australia connected with New Guinea and some lesser islands in Oceania. 

Aside from that, several islands and continents in the globe also merged into one. Like Japan which connected with the Korean Peninsula and Siberia trapping a lot of seawater between it. Beringia the ice bridge which connected Alaska and Siberia. Sri Lanka got connected with India subcontinent, Madagascar with Africa. Even the Doggerland which separated British Isle from the rest of continental Europe resurfaced. The southwest of the Arabian peninsula reconnected with Africa and the Red Sea now become a long strip lake that separating Sahara and Rub-al-Khali desert. The same happened with Gibraltar Strait and the Mediterranean Sea. 

The overall global temperature dropped, and it made the north and southern parts of the hemisphere could no longer be a perfect habitat for living organisms. Humans are also not an exception to this, despite how good humanity is in adapting to the new environments they still need to sustain their energy by eating. Thus, humans found a place with a warmer temperature to settle. And the nearer they are to the equatorial line, the warmer they'd be.

The Floating Island Prison is a prison built in the southwestern tip of once to be Nusakambangan Island. Even before the Harban Ice Age, this place has already become a prison and execution ground. Because the sea that divided the islands dried up, it becomes a prison atop of a mountain. 

With the renovation and revamp of the new military order, this place become one of the strongest military bases which also served as a Super Prison.

They waded through the grey-themed concrete base. It was unnecessary to satisfy one aesthetic value when it was in the time of war, and so they rebuilt this place in brutalist architecture. Despite so, high-end technology filled the facility with the latest weaponry to make it secure.

Major Eckel swipes his ID card on the auto door. He entered the room; it was a small observation room with a one-way mirror which served as an observation venue to the interrogation room. A man in neat military attire stood there watching the ongoing... definitely not an interrogation. 

"Major!" the man saluted upon noticing them.

"Good work."

"What kind of messed up thing is this?" 

Samsul Harris couldn't help but ask as he saw what was going on inside the pure white interrogation room. There was a man tied on a metal bed with a disheveled expression. His body shriveled up with sunken cheek and bone as if he was famished and didn't eat to his fill for at least a month. Sitting on the man's lap was a young girl in her late teens with a body figure rich in allure. Both of them were naked, and they were in the middle of doing sex. 

While the girl was gyrating her waist atop of the man joyfully raising a sensuous moan, there's no trace of joy in the man's expression ... only despair accompanying his painful groan. They were doing sexual intercourse, but it was like the girl squeezing the life out of the man.

"Harris, what do you think of this?" Klein Eckel asked, his face was unfazed with everything that happened inside the room.

"Is this ... some kind of new torture? The man seems like he's in pain. Wait, is he ..." Samsul Harris studied the man's complexion and face before he found out who he is after studying his face. "S-tier Super Prisoner, Alvin Muammar?"

"You're right, Lieutenant. He's the most dangerous prisoner jailed in this godforsaken Islemount."

"Sergeant Alfonzo ... is this, the ability of the girl?" Harris asked with doubt in his mind.

"Yes, Lieutenant. And I'm surprised you guessed that right."

The reason for his guess was because yesterday, he found a boy with the exact opposite of the girl. And he read the report and data about his power just this morning. His superpower ability capable of enhancing women after having sexual intercourse. He thought it was the first time a genital-based Supercell appeared, but to think that the military found another super with that kind of ability.

"What do you think, Harris?" Klein Eckel asked the same question once again.

"What do I think ... I'm rather curious about the exact effect of the girl's superpower. And Major, did you brought me to this place and show this because I found a person with a genital-based superpower?"

"Indeed. It is related. But before that, Alfonzo, tell him what is her power."

"Her ability is called Lilith's Embrace. It's a plunder-type where she must have sexual intercourse with the target ... and as you would expect; it's male-specific. She can plunder the target life force, superpower, and even their accumulated psychic power. Intriguing, right? As for the condition to activate this power ... it's quite trivial, she has to engage in sex without kissing the man. This is the first time I heard of such easy to fulfill condition." Colonel Alfonzo explained in great detail about her superpower.

"So you're saying that her vagina excrete poisonous fluid and the antidote is her saliva?" asked Harris.

"Yes, you can interpret it that way."

"And this Lilith's Embrace ... Lilith, is that a name or something?"

"Coincidentally, the name of the young lady is Lilith Pandean. Maybe she named it after herself, or maybe it is based on a fictional demoness. I don't know for sure, but that's how she named it."

"But sheltering a plunder-type ... the congregation prohibit this if they found out ab—"

"It's not your turn to worry about that. As long as no one knows about it, it's fine. I bet other Communities also secretly raising plunder-type super among their midst. Although ... she's a useless plunderer I say." Klein Eckel sighed. 

"Huh? What do you mean, Major?"

At Harris's inquiry, Major Eckel glanced at the colonel beside him.

"Although it's a plunder-type ... the efficiency is subpar. She could only permanently absorb 2-5% of the target original prowess. And the plundered would shrivel up dry after that. Comparing it with Reeves the Matrix ... it's way too lacking."

"... but she still keeps the power she absorbed right? No matter how small it is. If she ... if the Congregation found out, I'm afraid that they won't put this matter of."

"Fret not, I know what you're worried about. She's a nobody, a war orphan sheltered in some countryside orphanage. I've deleted her existence and record from the world. I'm planning on putting her on an intensive brainwash program, and we've prepared to send her to a special camp. And as you can see ... she's a girl easy to please, a nymphomaniac. If you give her a super man, she'll be overjoyed and fuck him until she turns silly. She'll happily suck them dry."

"This is ... she's just like a succubus."

"Lilith is indeed a succubus, the sex demoness who'll suck men dry," Alfonzo responded with a cheery smile, not sure whether he's talking about the girl or the fictional sex demoness.

Harris who saw that shook his head to the side. 

"Major Eckel, sir. You said that you're going to send her a boot camp. Don't tell me you want to train her to be one of us?"

"I can't put her among our new recruit, however, we can train her to be something else. Something like ..., the poisonous consort."

"You mean Sigrid?"

Harris said in question tone, but only he and the Major know about it as Colonel Alfonzo knitted his brows unable to determine what that means. Is it a person's name, or the name of a program who knows?

"That's the plan ... but we shall see whether she could endure the brainwash. Speaking of which, I received some disturbing intelligence from Zhonghua Community, they have researched some device that could replicate Liao Gong's temporary buff. You also know how troublesome that old shaman ability. If those from Zhonghua can make such a device who in this fractured world can stop them? There's nothing good when Chinese hold too much power in this world." 

Major Eckel stopped what he said and squinted his eyes. He saw the life was sucked out of Alvin Muammar's body, his skin shrivels up and his lush black hair turned white ... from the slightly famished middle-aged man, he turned into an old man with dried bones in a second. The vital monitor downed after the initial jolt, it then turned into a stagnant horizontal line.

He's a Level 4 Super, and his life ended with just that. After having the last sex in his life with a barely legal teen. He still unfazed with this absurd, cruel display, but Samsul Harris's twitched his mouth as he watches the spectacle. 

Klein Eckel continues by saying, "Alfonzo, keep monitoring the girl. Let her suck dry those death row prisoners. It'd be better to turn them into fertilizer, at least they've done something useful in this life."

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go to my office, nothing else to see here."

Major Eckel brought Samsul Harris to his office. He put his palm on his desk and a holographic screen popped out. He opened a file and entered the password then turned the hologram orientation so that Harris could see it. The file was the report from Zhonghua, about the device that could replicate Liao Gong's enchantment power.

Eckel let Harris read the file before he asked. "I've read your proposal about the new potential super-medicine, and it's quite interesting. How do you plan on dealing with it?"

"I've prepared the contract to make him supply his sperm as a raw ingredient."

"Really? How much the price the little guy asked?"

"Fifteen million per milliliter ... with 1 ml can enhance life force by about 45%. The researchers are working on how to crack its chemical properties and how to replicate its effect."

"Well, isn't that price too generous coming out from you? Fifteen million emas, if it's 10 ml that'll be one hundred and fifty million. That's about half the monthly budget allocated for other 2nd-class projects! We're not running a charity and giving alms here ... our budget isn't infinite, you must know that, Harris!"

"But sir ... I think that price is reasonable. After all, Supers' sperm worth the price of three million per milliliter. If we can develop a miracle drug using his sperm, that price is fair." Harris rebuked stating the fact.

Major Eckel sighed, "What is the boy's origin? Tell me his background."

"Arman Maul, white-brown, eighteen years orphan with no relatives, currently attending the Priangen First Highschool as the Third-Year Student. His father was once part of the military. First Sergeant Maulana Malik, a native Javanese of Arab descent. On a secret mission three years ago, he failed to fulfill the task and was killed in action. As his accumulated merit is rather big, he was granted a posthumous promotion into Sergeant Major. His mother was Ellen Caldor, the sole survivor of the Caldor household who originated from New Zealand. She was a researcher and Technocrat of Upper Echelon Second Tier. She was killed on assassination disguised as a traffic accident a week after her husband got killed. Probably an attempt from the enemy side as a retaliation."

"So it's just a no-name orphan, why you didn't take him to this base. As long as you detain him and negotiate it ... don't forget to point your gun behind his head, it'd be fine, right?" Major Eckel chuckled showing an evil grin.

"I'm afraid we can't force him to come here like what you did with Ms. Pandean. His current guardian has a rather troublesome identity." Harris shook his head rejecting the thought.

"Hmmm ... who is it?"

"Yumi Koei."

Harris said the name lightly, and there's a trace of surprise on Eckel's face. He clicked his tongue with his face turned sour, showing a displeased expression.

"What is his relationship with that woman?"

"He lived together with her and her daughters. I've done a lot of research about their connection, and Yumi Koei has a rather close tie with Arman's mother. Before she died, Ellen Caldor was Yumi Koei's close friend and also the second-largest shareholder of Koei Tech after the Koei clan. Not long after Ellen died, Yumi Koei adopted Arman Maul as her son."

"And now he still living in her house ... there's seem more to it, I don't believe such a vicious woman like him would keep some orphan with no goal or purpose. What about Ellen Caldor's shares or wealth after her death?"

"All of her family wealth was inherited by Arman, Yumi Koei bought her share in Koei Tech and several other corporations at market price. That is also the reason she becomes the chairperson. However, Ellen Caldor's private assets which were shared with her husband still inherited by the son."

"Did she possibly aim for Ellen Caldor's other assets? This Yumi Koei, she's beyond ruthless. If that's the real reason she keeps him by her side, I somehow could relate it."

"... know that there's a familial bond in this world. Maybe Yumi Koei takes pity on her close friend's son and took care of him." 

"That's impossible. We're talking about the Koei clan here! They're a bunch of crazy poisonous spiders. If they have a shred of humanity left, then I might as well be a monster!" Major Eckel loudly bellowed, but he then sat back down and heaved a long sigh, "Sigh ... while I heard nothing negative about her. Yumi Koei is still a Koei. Who knows what's going on inside her mind. Regardless of the reason, the greedy woman is sheltering the boy. You're right, we could only refrain from taking extreme measures unless we are ready to face the Koei."

"Major, I know that Koei clan is a large family organization ... however, their strength is incomparable to the Widodo, Bakrie, Keraton, or Kalla. Why you seem afraid of them and always told me to keep a watch on them?"

"Although they're strong ... their scope of influence is just limited in Javashya. Koei isn't some native family, they come from Japan and were a business empire even before the First Harban Invasion. The four of them not worth comparing. Let's put this matter off the desk for now. You continue to flatter him and satisfy him when I can think of a way to handle the Koei ... we'll put him on detention and make him pay the check that you gave him."

"... yes sir." Samsul Harris didn't provide an immediate answer, and his expression twitched for a second.