
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Slave [2]

The Golden Arc has a total of 45 Chapter which divided into 4 Arc. 

The first arc was the [Osterreich Upheaval], starting from Chapter 1 to Chapter 9. This arc was mainly about the time when Roman Einvogel studying in the Ostland Academy in Praha, the Capital City of Osterreich Kingdom. It then escalated into the upheaval in the kingdom that comes after the [Uthgard Empire's Invasion].

The rebellion led by nobles who pledge loyalty to the Uthgard Empire turn the Osterreich Kingdom into chaos. Even the king Herman Oster was slain in this upheaval. As one of the nobles that still loyal to the Osterreich Royal Family, Roman must lead the remnant of the loyalist to stabilize the kingdom.

At the end of Chapter 9, Roman could choose three main choices.

First is to pass the throne of Osterreich to its rightful heir, Lily Floria Oster, the sole princess of the Osterreich Royal Family. Second is to postpone the matter about the next king and let the [Council] to handle all the country matter. Or third, he could declare himself as the king of Osterreich and change the dynasty entirely.

That was the summary of the first arc, continue with the second arc, the [Seeker of Revenge]. The second arc started in Chapter 10 and ended in Chapter 23. Yes, that very Chapter 23, when the Light Dragon Temple awakened the dragon and put continent into a more dangerous situation.

At first, this arc mainly told about Roman that led his army to reconquer region that has been taken by Uthgard Empire. Aside from his personal reason for revenging his dead mother. He did this because of the request from the Princess of Uthgard, Guinevere Evangeline Uthgard. Roman was bestowed with the title of Commander in Chief of the Osterreich Kingdom Army with reconquest as his main duty.

But then in the middle of the war, the [Light Dragon Temple] finally intervened. They said that [Uthgard Empire's Invasion] was because the Emperor possessed by a Highlord-class Demon. And also because of the Princess Guinevere's request, somehow Roman decided to find a way to return the Emperor back to normal.

To return the Emperor back to his sanity, Roman must collect all of seven lost artifacts buried inside the dungeon scattered across the continent. The arc then turned into a bit of mystery-solving. Numerous decisions must be made and there was also a bit of dungeon exploration to search for the so-called 'key item'. 

He collected all the legendary lost artifact, then he went to the Light Dragon Temple. But surprise! The [Lost Artifact] was actually something that [Light Dragon Temple] needed for a forbidden ritual to awaken the dragon! And the Uthgard Emperor was actually brainwashed by the temple!

At the end of the arc, Roman was pulled into a chaotic situation with the [Light Dragon Temple]. The highest-rank bishop that always put on a kind and smiling face to everyone was in fact a crazy psychopath that loves murder and obsessed with revenge! He even awakened the dragon!

The third arc [False Divinity] started immediately after the temple awakened the two dragons. Roman and co. fought the [Light Dragon Temple] and other enemy faction temples such as [Seven Star Pantheon] and [Dark Abyss Mosque]. To retrieve the divine power from them.

Roman called them the false divine because their follower were all doing the vile deed to the world. And thus, he moves his army to eradicate the heretics and sealed the divine power left in the Eliru Continent.

In this arc, Roman also thought that slavery was a bad practice. He put an end to it and force other countries to do so. Well, because at that time his word influenced all of the populace in the continent, and the slave was all hyped by it. There wasn't any country that dares to raise a voice against him.

When Roman finally getting rid of all of the divine power of these [False Divine], it actually weakens the space-time boundary of the Eliru Continent. And then, because of that ..., the Demon from hell could open up a gate to attack.

The Third Arc occupied Chapter 24 until Chapter 39. The longest arc in the game. Continue with the Last Arc that was the shortest yet the most difficult. 

[Demon Lord's Invasion], it was more direct as a title. Because Roman somehow thought by removing all of the Divine Power of the gods and goddesses was a good thing to do, he inevitably opened up a path for the demon to invade.

Feeling guilty and responsible for it(of course he should!), Roman stripped all of his title and authority and then went to fight the demon by himself.

Well, at least Roman tried to do so. Because all of his companions and soldiers were to follow him and pledge loyalty to him and prepared to die in this battle. He also got unexpected help from some people, and one of them was the Heavenly Ape race that he released from slavery back then. 

Though, they were a bit suck and almost getting killed by a single hit of the Demon. They were incredibly useful! As a cannon fodder that is. 

One thing to note about Heavenly Ape Race, although they bore a grudge for humans who enslaved them. But they were incredibly loyal to those whom release them from slavery. It was some incomprehensible concept, but probably it was for the plot convenience. 

Or maybe it was a plot armor from the developer. The [Last Battle] was very difficult, if one didn't plan carefully, many important characters would end up dead. The Heavenly Ape would prove useful to avoid making them(characters/heroines) death.

"You ..., name? Wuwukakak!" An ape, no a golden-furred gorilla that was almost three-meter tall was standing in front of Marth.

Marth who his height didn't reach even half of his, looked up and said with a smile.

"I'm called Marth Petra Zwarteschwan, what is it ..., didn't I told you before, that you are free. You are no longer slave, so go away!"

"Wuwukakak! I ..., call me, Sun Wuxing. my family is indebted to you, Marth Peter- whatever! It's too long! Wuwukakak!"

"Call me Marth ..., Sun Wuxing, stay safe."

"This will be a goodbye then, Marth. I see you again. Wuwukakak!"

Sun Wuxing kneeled in front of Marth, with the other hundred or so ape-men slave followed suit. They didn't show a savage behavior or warcry from before, they look incredibly docile and subservient to Marth. 

It was a wonder even for the slave trader Osman.

What kind of sorcery is this? The ape-men who usually untameable and chaotic when tied in [Contract] Magic become tame like a lamb like this when they were released from the said magic? What?!?

'That why I chose to release them. What convenient race, I buy them as a slave they won't be loyal, but when I release them they will forever loyal to me ...'

"Wuwukakak! Let's go!" Sun Wuxing called his brother and led them to the city gate, the guards let them pass while feeling fear.

'Still ..., they have the same Sun surname, and even the leader named Sun Wuxing. Aren't they too much of a fan with monkey king? The developers ...'

While Marth preoccupied with his own thought, a chirpy voice sounded behind him with full expectancy.

"Master ..., are you also going to release us?" Said one of the slave girls he just bought.

It was the orange-haired one with pitiful breast, the painter's daughter. She watched Marth, the boy who was less than her age with full expectations.

"Huh? Less nonsense will you! Why would I release the slave that I bought for a thousand Geld? Are you dumb, or do you think I am stupid?" shouted Marth.

"But you just released the ape person ..." the orange-haired girl shrunk back while murmuring. Afraid of angering the little master.

"Work hard for me ..., if I satisfied with your performance, I'll consider it," Marth said that to the orange-haired slave before he entered the horse-drawn carriage.

◊ ◊ ◊

In the Winter Mansion, located in the highland north of the Korperkorb city.

This two-story structure built at the top of a hill was a special place reserved for the Zwarteschwan family. The reason why this place was built in the middle of nowhere was what lied beneath it.

There was a hot spring that gushed out warm water that could be used to heat one body in the winter. Martinus and the family loved to take a hot bath in the winter in this place.

Though, this place was a bit isolated from civilization. There were still some servants and soldiers stationed there to keep the place running.

The horse-drawn carriage of the Zwarteschwan family stopped in front of the Winter Mansion gate.

"I welcome Madam Petra, Young Missus Venetia, and Young Master Marth! Ah, is that perhaps Young Missus Sicilia? I am very blessed to have your presence today." 

A butler-like person hastily kneeled on one knee after the Zwarteschwan family walked down from the carriage, presenting his greeting.

"Good day, If I recall, you are Reno, are you not?" asked Petra.

"It is indeed, I. This Reno is honored to be remembered by Madam."

"Good work for making this place clean and tidy. My son, Marth, will use this place for the time being. Follow his instruction dutifully and don't slack in your work!" Petra gave instructions to the servants in an ice-cold tone.

"I understood, Madam."

"...," Petra looked at her son and then said. "Marth-kun, I'll leave them to your care. You can move them as you like. And if you need anything you can just send a messenger to me and I'll prepare it accordingly. I'll send your personal caretaker tomorrow ..., and don't go outside in the night! Although you have learned magic, it's still impractical in battle. I want to teach you myself, but the work is piling up in the house. I will send a tutor for you to learn more about magic."

Her tone when talking to the servants and his family was a stark contrast. She looked down on the servant while showering her love only to Marth. It made Marth shake in fear.

"Okay, mother ..., I know. And thank you ..." Marth absentmindedly answered.

"Silly boy, just be sure to remember to eat your meal..." she hugged Marth in a tight embrace and patted his head. "Do you need anything else from me?"

"Well ..., nothing for now ..., ah, come to think of it. Mother, can you find me a Myrmidon from Redirt?"

"Redirt sword warrior? Why?"

"I thought they are somewhat cool, I want to learn their swordsmanship."

"..., okay, I'll try to find it. But don't put your hope high ..., Myrmidon for hire is rare after all."

"Thanks, Mother ..., I love you." Marth tightens his hug to Petra's bosom.

"Arara, ufufu ..., Marth-kun, what a naughty boy you are." Petra gently embraces her son while letting out a chuckle.

"Mou~ ..., mother and also Marth! Please mind the time, place, and occasion! Hey, mother release him this very instant!" Venetia tried to remove Petra who was glued to Marth, or maybe the opposite.

"Oyaya ..., Venie, are you perhaps jealous? Jelly to your own mother, ufufu ..., what a cutie you are." Petra let out a refreshing chuckle.

"I told you, it's not like that!" 

Some time passed since her first try, and Venetia finally is able to release Marth from Petra clutch. She then pulled her brother inside the carriage. And pushed the little sister Sicilia out of the carriage, and thus they were alone in the carriage.

An awkward silence ensued the carriage. 

Marth felt somewhat apologetic with this, he kissed and pushed her, and after that, he made Venetia to a dangerous job as his spy. She was one of the heroines of the [Golden Ark] that was also his sister!

Although he had convinced himself that there's nothing weird with this. But still, when he re-contemplate about it. It was immoral.

This morning, he was driven by lust and beastly thought to defile her because he was using the perspective of a player to the character inside the game. But now ..., he felt guilty about it.

Venetia gazed at Marth who sat down in front of her. She lifted his chin, forcing him to match with her eyes. The emerald green eyes of Marth swarming around in panic. 

And finally, after sighing and took a deep breath he returned the gaze to his sister.

"Marth ..., the day after tomorrow I will depart to the Hagia. I will become part of the [Light Dragon Temple] and be your eyes and ears."

"Un, I'm sorry for forcing this to you." he glanced at the bottom-right corner of his eyes.

"Uun ...," Venetia shook her head. "It should be me who apologize to you, I'm going to use the [Sacrifice] mean for you after all."

"Please don't mind that, it's my decision. So Venee-san doesn't have to mind about it."

"I know it ...," Venetia once again pulled his chin, gently caress his cheek with her dainty hand, she said in a sweet voice. "Therefore, I will accept this job dutifully. And I'll return to your side..., I hope you still hold on your promise until then."

"Trust me, you will be my first Venee-san." Marth nodded while glancing at the bottom-left corner at his eyes before returning it back.

"Hmm ...," Venetia smiled seeing this. "You really bad at lying ..., and it seems that promise you made also have some hole in it."

"H-how ...?"

"I know you since you are a small naughty brat. Of course, your bad habit too ..., I know it all. You always roam your eyes away when lying. Albeit it was in instant, I still catch those." Venetia explained while still put on a smiling face.

"I ..." Marth didn't know how to answer that.

"Marth-kun, lying is bad. So please tell Venee-san the truth, ne~? Venee-san, when thinking that Marth-kun lying, it hurt me so much. So, please don't do that again, ne~!"

Marth instantly electrified. He looked at the face of a beautiful silver-haired goddess in front of him with wide eyes. Just now, just now ..., she was really similar to how Venetia in the game. 

That line, and the way she talked. That was how Venee-san the 'ara-ara ufufufu onee-san' gently reprimanded the protagonist. 

It was able to make him petrified and dazedly staring at her.

"..., w-what's wrong, Marth-kun?" Venetia who was trying to imitate her mother's way of talking flustered with Marth's reaction.

"Venee-san, can I, can I kiss you!?" shouted Marth.

"Of course you can, but why ...? Wait a minute, Marth-kun! You're strange. Your eyes ..., no ..., hey! Listen to me! Mmmhhhh!!"

While Venetia was in a panic, Marth already advanced and unable to control his lust. He kissed her, rather gentle this time.

Unlike their first kiss who was rough, Marth didn't even put his tongue inside her and peck her lips. He wanted to barge inside her mouth with his tongue and do it roughly, but after hearing the line which was similar to her in the game. Sometime snapped inside Marth's mind.

He knew that Venetia has a masochistic tendency, she was like a gentle holy mother who will accept anything from the person she loved. Even if that's mean rough play. But, it doesn't mean that she was truly fine with receiving such treatment. She also wants to be loved tenderly.

They enjoyed this slow and romantic kiss, Marth was also didn't indulge in the pleasure from it. He gently hugged her shoulder and convey his feeling to her.

"You're cute, Venee-san. I love you." Some incredibly cheesy line that he couldn't even mumble in his past life smoothly spitted out.

"Mou, Marth-kun ..., really unfair." Venetia blushed red to her earlobe. Then she suddenly said. "you ..., Marth-kun can do whatever he wants to."

"Huh? What does Venee-san mean?"

"I-if Marth-kun wants to embrace another woman, Venee-san won't object. Marth-kun can do whatever he wants." She looked away while say that in fluster.

"Well, I don't know what Venee-san talking about. But ..., don't worry about it, Venee-san. I will not turn into a sex-crazed beast that thinks with my lower half. I will keep my virginity to the woman I truly love."

"Really?" Venetia asked with upturned eyes.

"Besides I'm just 12 years old, you know. I won't indulge in debauchery this young. Therefore, Venee-san doesn't have to worry about it."

"I'll believe in you then ...," Venetia smiled and then hugged Marth gently.

Marth continues flirting with her for some time until Petra barged the carriage door with a smiling-demon expression.