
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Protagonist is Brewing Some Trouble

Chapter 22: Protagonist is Brewing Some Trouble

Lin Wutang and Yu Huiqin lead their men to the south once more for bandit subjugation. Last time it was only Lin Wutang with couple handful of his men, he thought something as petty as bandit it could just easily dealt with. However, they were obstructed on the way by Yang Xian and lost few of men even before beginning the subjugation. And thus, Lin Wutang returned to the Whitegold city at the cost of his failed campaign.

Learning from the previous mistake, Lin Wutang brought a lot of men and also his advisor along. The men were from those lowlifes that he recruited to join his camp after he uprooted the underground society. Though they were former member of shady group, their arm was no doubt useful.

On their way, the group met with a carriage who was guarded tight with men which also heading south. Lin Wutang then learned it was actually the auctioneer lady, Fang Tongxin! 

After that fateful night on the Whitegold Grand Auction, which was the first time for him to see the beautiful visage and sexy curves of this temptress ..., Lin Wutang couldn't shake of the thought about her from his mind. Just recalling that moment when he talked for just a moment with her made him extremely giddy like a boy with love.

To see her in such time and in the place like this, he could send praise to the gods above the heaven for giving him such fateful encounter. He then escorted her to wherever she wanted. Forgetting his mission and anything whatsoever. 

Yu Huiqin was utterly mad with how he just completely abandons his mission. And seeing him trying to get into Fang Tongxin good side at every time and opportunity, she felt disgusted with him. Just where was it, the hardworking and determined man that he put all of his bet into? His conduct recently, isn't he not any better than common wastrel second generation Young Master? Chasing lady skirt as if his life depending on it, it only adds to her displeasure.

They arrived at the frontier-most village of the Blackforest Region, the Blackbirch. Blackforest Region was vast, but only about 15% of the landmass is habitable. The rest was a dangerous forest and wilderness. There has been no successful land reclamation on south of Mt. Silverpeak, and the nearest settlement to the forest was this Blackbirch.

As for the reason why, they come into this abandoned frontier village, it was because of Fang Tongxin. She wanted to meet someone with the name Aram Hadrian, a resident of this god-forsaken place. And because Lin Wutang worried that she might face 'danger', he volunteered to guard her to the village. Fang Tongxin refused, but the man adamantly followed her even when she clearly not liking into it.

'Lin really is insensitive to woman's mood ..., I even could clearly feel her displeasure miles away. Not that I care about her or anything, anyway.' Yu Huiqin thought as she just followed Lin Wutang.

She also somehow curious with who was it, that could make Fang clan's Princess to make a tedious trip like this. It's quite rude for her to probe someone else business, but because the one who insisted on doing it was Lin Wutang, the fault lies on him. 

"So, he lives here a month ago, but not anymore? Then where did he go?" Fang Tongxin's guard asked the village chief.

"He brought his slave to the south, as for where, I'm unaware of that."

"Young Miss ..., should we continue onward?"

"Yeah, let's go ahead ..., I don't believe he would get himself killed after all of that." said Fang Tongxin which then decided the next course of action of the group. 

As the person named Aram was no longer living in the Blackbirch Village, the group headed to where he gone. When they were about to go, there's a remorseful cry.

"Young Master ..., you're a noble, right!? Please help us!? Please pity on our poor life!" a fat middle-aged woman prostrated in front of Lin Wutang.

"Calm down, and please tell me what happened."

"Please redress our grievance, that bastard who ate the liver when we already gave him a heart!"

The middle-aged woman cried as she recounted what has happened. A month ago, her husband who was on night duty was suddenly assaulted, his hand was cut off from his wrist and he became eunuch because of his opponent cruelty. The assaulter then brought all of the horse and carriage of the village before leaving. And that very assaulter was the same Aram Hadrian which Fang Tongxin wanted to meet.

Lin Wutang asked few villagers, and they recounted almost entirely different version of the story. In some of the version, Aram was victim, as the middle-aged woman's husband was trying to assault one of Aram's female slaves. As a retaliation, he cut of his hand and manhood. But they were stuttering when they recited the story. And when he asked the old village chief, the chief exasperatedly said almost the same with middle-aged woman's version.

The middle-aged woman then led them to see her husband, which was bedridden and was very weak because of infection. One of his hands was destroyed and his crotch was without manhood.

Thus, he concluded that the chief version was the correct one. And seeing the victim with his eyes, there's no doubt about it. The villager may be threatened or feared this man named Aram. He might be the great bandit boss that he must subjugate. 

With such dangerous existence associated with someone he adores, and that very person was searching for him. He was worried with Fang Tongxin's safety.

"Miss Fang, I believe you shouldn't associate yourself with someone of doubtful conduct. He's undoubtedly a bandit ..., just look at how fearful the villagers are. And see that poor middle-aged man. We should head back and let me go gather my men. He's most likely the big boss of the bandit in this mountain."

"Ah, no worries Your Excellency. My friend won't ever do such a thing without any reason."

"I, as your friend, also worried about you! That man is dangerous man who stole twenty horse ten carriages and kidnapped grandmother and her granddaughter!? We should prepare for the worst and thus I want to go back and gather my men which I left in the camp. If you--..."

"If you don't want to come with me, then don't. It's not like I want you to accompany me in the first place. I believe you're also busy with many things." Fang Tongxin coldly said that and shut down her carriage's door. She never went out nor bothering with them any longer.

And then they continued their journey down south. It was then, they saw a neat rectangular blackwood-wall which surrounded by a moat filled with water. There were six tall towers on the surrounding, and there was also a gatehouse.

From the distance, they could see uprooted tree root and sliced wooden log piled up. They were immediately fascinated seeing this small but fortified structure. As they approached in moderate speed, an arrow planted just right in front of them.

"Halt ...," shouted Fang clan guard leader to the rest of the group. 

He then approached the fortress and loudly shouted that everyone behind could hear him. While they conversed, Lin Wutang called one of his men and commanded.

"Listen, if he confiscated our weapon. Don't hesitate and attack!"

"But, boss, that's ...,"

"What are you hesitating for ..., they're bandit! What else are they when they suspiciously build something like a fortress in a land forsaken by human? Whatever, just pass down my order to the rest of the lot!" Lin Wutang closed the carriage door after that.

Yu Huiqin who was seated in front of him then asked. "Is this fine, if you do that ..., and the man named Aram is really Fang Tongxin's friend. Won't you become hostile with her?"

"I will properly explain it to her. She must know that's the price for associating with a band of cutthroat!"

"Fang Tongxin is Fang clan Princess, she come all the way here just to meet her bandit's friend. Isn't that the case, or is it your convenient justification to get rid of someone?"

"This is not justification. I've heard and seen it with my own ears and eyes, what that ..., beast could possibly do to the others. If we let him run rampant, then it will be disastrous for the citizens of the kingdom."

"You're speaking like a true swindler ..., I mean, politician. But please, I think it's best to observe the situation first. If that Aram is truly Fang Tongxin's friend, then all Fang clan would definitely side with him. And I don't think the Fangs would lower themselves to befriend a bandit."

"Heh, if he's not a bandit ..., then there's nothing he should be afraid of. And so, why he built that tall wooden wall and dug a moat? If he's not prepared for an enemy attack, what purpose of those fortification?" Lin Wutang who already in his own twisted understanding about Aram Hadrian asked. 

"Are you forgetting what this place really is? We're in the middle of ranked sixth of the Seven Ominous Ground, Blackforest. Of course, they would build something like a wall to protect themselves. Even the village we visited before also raised tall wall to protect from possible beast attack." 


What Yu Huiqin said made soo much sense that even Lin Wutang couldn't retort any of it. He felt so dumb for not thinking of that possibility. But nevertheless, he still bent on attacking them if they were asked to let go of their weapon.

Aram, the leader of the fortress people granted entry to the group. 

The thing is ..., he didn't ask to confiscate the weapon and their armament. Which put Lin Wutang's men in confusion. Lin Wutang also never expects him to let a group of armed men to enter his fortress. That's basically letting a tiger to enter his home.

"Ermm ..., boss, so is this the part when we attack ..., then?" one of his men asked in small whisper near the carriage window.

Lin Wutang just shook his head disagreeing with him. He also wants to see who it was this Aram dude, perhaps there'd be a chance where he could sneak attack and killed him right at the get go. 

'That'd be the best. When the head is down, then the rest would be easy.' he thought.

He then sees the figure of this Aram Hadrian. With strange clothes that was very neat, he covered his face with a mask and something like a crystal red purplish in color that reflected everything. And then there's a cyan-haired beautiful girl stood behind him with equally strange but neat clothes. It was never seen before mode of clothing, but they were exquisite and pretty much well-made.

"Just look at him, covering his face like that ..., that's what a criminal do." Lin Wutang voiced his discontentment to Yu Huiqin. The latter just looked at him with a look as if saying, 'you're the one to talk, a former pickpocket like you!'

"It is fortunate that we meet again, Mr. Aram." Fang Tongxin leaped and then hugged the man in strange clothes as she rained his face with her kiss.

Lin Wutang felt something shattering in his heart when he saw such sight. If he could be the one receiving such treatment, then even if he returned to be a slum pickpocket, he would have no regret left. He could only stare at them fumbdoundedly.

"Welcome to our small home, Ms. Fang. And ..., ohh, and who might this Young Master and Miss be?" asked the man named Aram as his gaze was on him and Yu Huiqin.

With a loud snicker, he introduced himself while not concealing the sarcasm within it. "So, you're the leader of this ..., bands. Name's Lin Wutang."

"And I am his advisor, I come with the name Yu Huiqin. Mr. Aram, it's pleased to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Miss Fang."

"Right. I'm called Aram Hadrian. This is my wife." the bandit leader (according to Lin Wutang) introduced himself and his woman.

"Hello, my name is Mu Ying." the cyan-haired big-breasted woman bowed her head after saying that.

'Damn ..., she's hot too. To think this small-time bandit leader has pretty wife at his side.' Lin Wutang venomously stared at the valley enveloped within the blue school blazer.

"Ahh, tell your men to park their carriage and horse in the stable behind that building. And Liu Bai, tell Bingyu to serve them some snack." the bandit leader passed a series of command to his lackeys. He then turned back to Fang Tongxin and spoke. "And now ..., Miss Fang, and you two let us head to other place, shall we?"

They were led to a place, but before that Lin Wutang dragged one of the men and passed a message to him. 

"Don't touch everything they gave you; it might be poisoned. And when I give a signal. I want you to slaughter all of these bandits. Got it?"

"Okay, boss. But what about the women?"

"They probably are their captives ..., don't kill them then."

"Got it, I'll pass the word to the others."

"Good, go now."

The bandit leader sent his wife somewhere and then led them to a bench near a moss-green tent. It was a huge tent taller than three meters, the materials were sheet of fabric, but it was very thick. Lin Wutang was curious with the tent and also few things inside the tent.

As they sat down in the wooden bench that was attached with the long table, the bandit leader asked.

"So, Miss Fang has visited Blackbirch village before coming here?"

"Ee ..., after all, it's the last frontier village in the Blackforest. But to think that you've built something like this. And I heard it's been only a month since you come here. Just how could you possibly have done it, Mr. Aram?" 

"Ahaha, hard work and diligence maybe?" the bandit leader laughed jokingly as he glanced at Lin Wutang and Yu Huiqin, he asked. "I believe this is the first time we met, are you two Miss Fang's friend?"

"Ah, they're just tagging along. It's nothing of sort, Mr. Aram. Don't worry." before they could answer, Fang Tongxin interjected and shook her hand.

"Mr. Aram, that ..., thing in your head, just what is that? Can you remove it, I was troubled with it for quite some time." it was Yu Huiqin who asked as she pointed at the google.

"Oh this ..., it's a google, how should I put it, it could help someone with bad eyesight to see better."

"The purple mirror that was attached in this gu-gu-lei, is it a crystal glass?"

"Hnnn ..., it's made from different material, but I guess it work the same."

"Ohh ..., wow, you've found yourself some fine artefact there. But really ..., where did you plunder it from? I wonder." Lin Wutang suddenly said without concealing his hostility.