
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

In the Land of Sword and Magic

Chapter 3: In the Land of Sword and Magic 

[Would you like to use the Travel Ticket (Premium)?] [Yes/No]

He tapped yes in the option.

[Please enter the world you want to travel?]

[ _ _ _ _ _ ] [Random]

Utakata choose the random option because he honestly don't know anything about another plane of existence aside from Pure Land and the Purgatory. And again he believed that those two are still a part of this world.

[Choose the threat level of the destination world.]

[Easiest] o o o o o [Hardest]

He picked the moderate difficulty, the second level of difficulty. It would be a sick joke if he got transported into a place where figure like Pain is a cannon fodder. 

[The duration of travel will be 1 solar year, and the time in the home world would be stopped until your travel completed. Proceed?] [Yes/No] 

'Sweet, so one year will pass just like a blink of an eye huh?' he tapped the 'Yes' and once again he felt a swirl that swept away his consciousness. 


[Welcome to the Ivalice! We sincerely hope you will enjoy this trip!]

He ended up in the middle of a thick and dark forest. The tree was strangely a resemblance of oak but it was gigantic. 

'This is ..., every being should've chakra inside them. But I can't feel any chakra from the critters and small animals here. There's different kind of energy around this place, but they're not chakra.' 

Utakata who was a natural born sensor immediately noticed the flow of energy in the earth. It was energy with different feels from the chakra or nature energy abundant in the Elemental Nation.

Picking his bubble blower straw, Utakata blow a bubble and let it flow to the open air. With the help of his Bubble Ninjutsu, he could reach far more wider range of detection with his sensor. As the bubbles would connected one to another and form some kind of chakra network that help his sensing.

Utakata could feel that this forest is full of creatures. The first creature he sensed looks humanoid, but deformed and have bizarre anatomy. Then there was a strange floating ball with tentacles writhing behind its back. He spotted some other creatures with different characteristic, but Utakata realized something. 

'My body stopped regenerating chakra? How, and why?' he noticed that his chakra isn't regenerating.

Using his bubble for sensing purpose didn't consume too much chakra. At least, in normal situation his body regenerated more chakra than the consumption. But it was different matter if he can't regenerate chakra altogether. As a ninja he relied too much on chakra. Be it for ninjutsu or just regulating his body condition. If he kept using his chakra and exhausted it without any means of refill the chakra, then he would be royally f*cked up. 

[Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug has attempted to communicate with the Host. Accept?]


'Saiken?' raising one of his brows, Utakata clicked yes.

['Can you hear me now? Where is this place, damn little human? What have you done?'] a high-pitched voice with a hint of panic and confusion rang in his head.

"We just underwent a spatial-temporal dislocation. My system said that this is the world of Ivalice, so it seems."

[Host can just 'think' to answer it, there's no need to speak it out loud.] 

'Note it. Thanks, by the way.'

['What? Ivalice? Where in the elemental nation is that?']

'As you know, this is an independent world. We're in the different world, Rokubi-sama.'

['Don't call this one that with that spiteful name, little spunk. How did you do it, human? My very being is supposed to be incapable leaving that plane. I am the force of nature, the universal law of earth bound me to the plane. If this great me got banished into another dimension, then the fabric of reality would weaken.']

'Err ..., Saiken-sama, can you see this floating square thing in front of my vision?'

['This one could see, but do you expect me to be able read your lowly language? Ooh, the letters changed? I can read and understand it now. Hmmm ..., dimensional travel? A multiverses?']

Utakata waited for Saiken as he read the system. He knew that his sealed bijuu shared some of his perception, and maybe he inherited the bijuu's power to sense chakra. Utakata know for sure, that his family lineage never had a sensor-type, but he somehow suddenly awakened that ability.

['Intriguing ..., what kind of force could possibly do this? Sending a living person into another dimension while stopping the flow of time of the original dimension. Even I'm afraid my esteemed father probably would never become capable of doing such feats.']

After that brief interaction, Saiken cut of the communication and retreated into a silent mode. Utakata didn't say anything else and went on his way.

'I need some general information about this place.'

He headed up north as his bubbles found a path which lead outside of this forest. However on his way out, there were green-skinned short people with little to none hint of intelligence reflected in their eyes. They looked like a toddler, but with feral face that even made him disgusted just by looking at it.

"Wreeeyyy!!" the green-skin creature yelled unintelligently.

With a crude-looking wooden club in hand, one of the green-skinned man leaped toward him with incredible agility and smashed the blunt weapon down. Utakata reacted, dodging the blow and sent an axe-chop kick on the head of this green-skinned people. He retrieved the [Airstep Sword] from his inventory and thrust it on the green-skin's head. Ending the life of this little aggressor.

 [You have killed a 'Goblin'] [+30 Exp]

'So they're called goblin, huh?'

"Warrreeeeeyy!!!" three other goblins immediately charged right after the first one lost its life. 

Utakata easily reaped the life out of them because their speed is quite slow. Even genin fresh graduated from the academy still faster than these ugly creatures.

He gained a total of 150 exp from this battle, the one with the black hat grant him 60 Exp point. Negligible with how much amount he needs for the next level up, but at least there's a progress.

[Host, I kindly suggest you to inspect their corpse and loot anything useful.]

'Hmmm?' Utakata raised his brow because of the system suggestion, but he relent to it and searched for whatever of value from their dead body. But what a surprise when his hand took a glass bottle hidden inside the goblin's pouch.

[Potion] [Common Health Potion. Restore 20% of Health Point]

'Oh, that's certainly useful.'

He searched the other and found another two potions and a crafting material.

[Sanative Needle] [A small needle treated with a medicinal extract. Careful not to prick yourself, or you'll go numb.]

Continue venturing to the north, he fought against another type of humanoid monster called Baknamy. It looks similar to the Goblin, but the head looks closer to that of a wild boar. 

He found out that these monster for some reason would definitely have a certain item in their corpse. And thus, now that he knew that killing them isn't just waste of time. He hunted those nearby monsters. Dreamhare, little white rabbit that move with the speed of a mid-genin level ninja. Ahriman, the strange eyeball monster with bat-like wings. Malboro, a giant maw full of sharp teeth with strange six-eyes surrounding it. Antlion, a big ass spider. Bomb, a strange floating creature that was made of tainted energy.

He had fought several chakra beast back in the elemental nation, but he would never dreamt of fighting those bizarre creature that looks like they came out of nightmare. Ahriman, with a single glare could put him into an illusion, and it was quite different than being exposed to a genjutsu. Malboro that breath out a toxic and stink gas from its maw. Lastly, there is that creature called Bomb that could detonate itself packing the power of B-rank fire jutsu when its life is in danger. They were total nightmare, especially when large in number.

It took him around three hours until he found the exit of this forest. And when he stepped outside from it, another notification popped out in front of him.

[You have discovered 'Araguay Woods'] 

[Unlocked Map Function]

[+ 5.000 Exp]

[+ 50 SP]

His Exp rose to 30% from the hunt and that bonus from discovering a new place. Utakata followed the path downhill to the west direction. He jumped along the tree like a ninja, but conservatively saving his chakra as he still couldn't think of a way to replenish his lost chakra. 

The chakra is created when two primal energy, physical and spiritual energy mixed up and created an equilibrium inside the chakra pathway system. The physical energy or 'stamina' is just the energy generated from the body cell, while the spiritual energy is related to the 'mind'. As long as he alive and as long as his mind work, he should've produced a chakra passively. That's how it always been back in the elemental nation, But right now, for somehow his body just stopped regenerating chakra. Like there's something stopped his body from doing so. And that's spell big trouble. 

Utakata spend the rest of his journey contemplating on this problem, an hour and half later he finally reached the periphery of a stone walled settlements.

[AN: I know that Saiken talks in osakaben/southern islands accent in Japanese. But I can't figure out how to write that in English, so I decided to make it formal or arrogant manner of speaking like Kokuo.]