
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Author on the Way

Chapter 6: Author on the Way

The group who went to the town consist of twenty people with five of them being the guards. I think I've mentioned about this before, but well that's how it was. Xu Lanie replaced Xu's older brother and we departed. Aside from Mu Ying and Xu's younger sister, the women here is only the seamstress Channiang and the convoy leader's wife, there's also young girl tagging along in this journey. 

The village of Blackbirch is a small one. They only have about 40 family with population of 150 or something. Twenty of them travelling out is a big of a deal, the villagers all went to see us off in the village gate. Because of the insurgence in the kingdom, the security become lacking. Banditry run rampant and the road was filled with danger.

In the story, MC killed Yang Xian on chapter 49. After that, he began to root out the underground group and subjugate the bandit clan in the surrounding mountain. This not only win over the popular support, but he also procured a lot of fund from rich bandit's treasury. The bandit subjugation sub-arc lasted to fifteen chapters.

Given that this is the second day after I woke up ..., and I was unconscious for two days and one night before that. Then it's been only three short day since Yang Xian was killed. I don't think the MC has rooted out the bandit clan yet. So ..., should I prepare for the worse? 

Ahiyahh ..., I think with my revolver is enough to deal with them. Unless they have a Blademaster on their side, I am invincible with modern gun cheat. Somehow, that line is death flag. I probably thinking this too much.

Ah, and yeah ..., we're all walking. There's no horse or horse-drawn carriage in the village as it's too expensive. So we brought our goods in a rucksack made from leather or plant fibers knitted together.

I chatted with Mu Ying along the way. I got to know about the villager from her, but I'm still a bit awkward when talking to them. Maybe because inherently, my EQ is a bit poor. And don't even mention Yang Xian, he's idiot good-for-nothing spoiled young master. Though he learned etiquette since young, his conduct is unethical.

"That little girl, who is she again?" I pointed at the little girl who's obviously rushed her breath.

"Hmm ..., who? Oh, little Ling? What about her?"

"No, nothing ...,"

I shook my head and then walked to her.

"Hey, there ..., are you alright, not tired?"

"I'm alright, uncle." she shook her little head and continue walking.

U-uncle ..., I'm sixteen years old with exceptionally handsome face alright? I shouldn't feel mad to a little girl, she's a girl, and still little. I should show a magnanimity.

"Let's rest for a bit, we're catch up with the rest later on. Don't push yourself too hard. Here, drink this ..."

I took out isotonic drink and passed it to her.

"I do-..., uncle, what's this?" she stared curiously at the aluminum can.

"Come on, sit down here and big brother will show you how to drink from this ... you too, Mu Ying, come here!"

I sat down in a roadside rock and beckoned them to come, Mu Ying then sat beside me while her gaze never left the can in my hand. She never asked what thing I brought in the giant card box, but I guess she's also curious about it.

Right, come to think of it ..., my upper arm went numb because I keep walking carrying this giant box. It contained the fragile glass, the wine, porcelain, and vases. As for the snack, I put them in the rucksack along with the marble. I regretted order all of this thing straight away in the village, I could just order it in the town. Surely, there must be a graveyard near there ..., right?

But well, there's no point in regretting, so I must persevere with carrying all of these stuffs.

Forget about all of those depressing stuff, I want my time to rest. I show them how to open the soft drink can.

"There, pull this pin up like this ..., and there you go."

Mu Ying mimicked what I did and opened it just fine, but the little girl found it hard to do so. I help her for a bit and opened it for her.

"It tastes weird, like a bit sour or sweet something." Mu Ying commented.

"You said that but you drink it all nevertheless."

"Hmph ..., the taste it's weird, but it has some refreshing sensation on it. And why it's a bit cold? Where did you get this, Alan?"

"Well, that's ..., a secret." 

I don't know if I should say it to her, but with me being able to conjure something otherworldly like this is an oddity. If people found out about it, they might kidnap me and turn me into a portable trade center or something. That's ..., not something that I want.

"Ah right, I also bought this ..., little girl, pull your hand out."

I took out a mint drops and drop one to her. It's green drop, probably melon flavored.

"Uhmm ..., what's this, uncle?" she gazed curiously at the grain-like drop in front of her.

"It's called mint drop, it's sweet. Just put it in your mouth and let it melt."

She did as I told and widened her eyes instantly. Her reaction is amusing and cute. I shook my head and took out one drop and not forget Mu Ying's share beside me. I passed the rectangular tube to the little Ling and then said.

"Go and share it with the others." 

The little girl then ran to the other villagers and share the drops with them. I noticed my soon-to-be wife putting a peculiar face. I took a gulp on the isotonic drink and then asked.

"You seems to have a lot on your mind, what are you thinking?"

"Alan ..., just what are you? Who are you, really? I always trying my best to not think about this, but now, I couldn't. Where did all of this amazing stuff come from?"

"..., you're putting me in difficult spot you know." I sighed and put on forlorn look, "I don't even don't know who I am, and why I'm here. How am I supposed to know where all of this come from? What I know is ..., I am alive and I am here, with you."

"I'm sorry Alan ..., I don't know, I am really sorry." she hugged my arm.

I kissed her forehead and then said, "This is the nth time I'm saying this, my name's not Alan, it's Aram. A-ram ..., if it's difficult, try saying A-ra-mu."

"Un, okay ..., Alamu."

"Sigh ...," alright, I give up.

I give up on correcting her mispronunciation on my name. 

We lodged in a resthouse for traveler because the day is begin to get dark. The guard group and some of the villager put on night vigil. I also volunteered and they put me to be on guard on the Hour of Shen. 

The Hour of Shen is between 2 to 4 AM. They divide the day into twelve hours cycle with one hour is about two hours of previous earth. 

I myself don't recall putting on something like this, but this is how they measure times. For the sake of convenience, I put on calendar but I never made any setting regarding hours in a day. Thankfully, Yang Xian is someone who was educated with this world basic common sense. At least, he know his stuff.

Anyway, that's not very important right now.

We reached the resthouse ..., or rather, it's just a small cabin used to store some dried firewood. The villager started unload their stuff and get a good rest. The woman group, minus Mu Ying, started to prepare the diner. I help them because they need a hand.

They wanted to cook a meat stew. I followed along with their recipe and help with cutting ingredient. Strange ..., they didn't use any salt, do they?

"Miss Channiang, where's the salt?"

"Oh don't you know, our supply of salt is emptied. We will be buying some in the town."

That's what she said. I guess tonight dinner will be bland. Our diner consist of this meat stew plus a hard bread. I don't know from what animal is the meat used, but it taste like beef but with chewiness like mutton. Maybe venison.

And then, the night descent. The resthouse is a bit small when all twenty people and all of our good stuffed inside it. So some of us must sleep while sitting. I with Mu Ying was one of those who sleep while sitting. 

I couldn't object, or rather ..., I prefer not. With this I could snuggle into her embrace anyway. But nah, it seems the girl which going to be my wife is too tired with the journey. She leaned on my shoulder, and before I know it, she's already drooling on it. I entered the dreamland after correcting her sleeping posture.


I remember that I write the setting of the Consolas, Redragia, Helvetica, and Segoe ..., is like the three kingdom of Ancient China. Because of that, some of the readers asked, why the name of place, creature, and artifact is not Chinese while the name of character is Chinese? 

Oh well, the answer for the question above ..., it's for convenience sake, and because it's mainly written in English anyway. I couldn't keep on remembering what place and which one if it's in Chinese. Thus I named the other kingdoms by borrowing some font name. As for the name of character ..., I also used generic character name I somehow found in the internet and put it on spreadsheet. Sometimes I also don't remember it much.

But when looking at it from Yang Xian perspective, seems that there's a hidden story behind the naming of place of the Fallen Dragon Continent. It's all originated from the distant legend. There was the time when the dragon ruled over the continent ..., the dragons overlord are wise and powerful, but they have one thing that shouldn't be overlooked. Their craving for destruction. It was because of this, the men, elven, and beastfolk revolt and overthrown the dragon authority.

After their dragon overlord was slain, the continent then named after them. Fallen Dragon Continent. Because the Dragontongue, or Language of the Dragon, which is definitely English from my observation. This language is a powerful language, many used it as name of place such as their domain, kingdom, and such. Though, no one could ever bestow an English-sounding name into a living person. It would put a huge burden on the body of the said person who posses Dragontongue as a name.

We arrived at the Bluebell town afternoon the next day. It's quite tiring walk. But regretfully, we didn't met with bandit along the way. I planned to plunder them from their riches which they plundered, but as we didn't see one along the way, there's nothing I can do.

Bluebell, as the name would guess ..., it's a blue-themed town. The roof, the pillar, even the road pavement is blue colored. I don't know from where the 'bell' word come from, but well ..., it's blue nevertheless.

Comparing this town with Whitegold Capital City is akin to comparing small town with huge metropolis. Yes, despite it sheer size, Bluebell town is still incomparable with the capital city where I came from. I mean, where Yang Xian came from. Shit, I should stop referring myself as that man. I'd assume new identity under the name of Aram Hadrian, my real name.

After settling in our belonging in the lodge house, we separated our way as the convoy wanted to sell their stuff to the related buyer. I have an idea on how I suppose to sell the glass goblet, but let's ask where Mu Ying want to go first. 

"Mu Ying, is there a place do you want to go first?" 

"Grandma said she wanted to restock herb supply, so ..., the Apothecary Guild?"

"Hmm ..., but you see, I've brought a lot of stuff, it be inconvenience if we bought another, right? How about this, let's go to the Auction House first and then to the guild after?"

"Well if you say so, alright ..., I'll come with you."

I asked Mu Ying who is the noble clan that ruled over this town, and found out that the Jie clan was the one in charge over this region. Jie is a subordinate clan of the You clan, one of the four great clan in the kingdom. The Jie clan's strength might be similar with Yang Xian's Yang clan, as both of them branch clan of another great clan. But oh, I remembered that the city which Yang clan govern isn't this prosperous. This Bluebell is a town, but it's more bustling than Yang clan's Purplesun city. 

We arrive in the Fang Auction House. As the name suggest, the auction house is managed by Fang Clan. They were not a part of the four great noble clan, but they were more influential despite their merchant background. They have opened trading center in the city and town, but only few cities which has an auction house in them. Most of them is the bustling one, the Bluebell town has one means that Fang Clan looked at this city in rather good light and they wanted to see it prosper.