
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Author's Knowledge is Worth Gold

Chapter 12: Author's Knowledge is Worth Gold

Given that Mu Ying definitely comes with me, granny Jian also followed along. Currently, the two of them are still packing some herb and supplies from the store. I also told the slaves to dismantle the tent that they set up just yesterday. It was in the noon that we finished.

You don't want me in this village, fine, I'll go, I never intended to stay in this place anyway. But before that ...,

"What's with the smell ..., it's, delicious."

"It's coming from over there."

"Mother, I want to eat that meat!"

"Damn, those slave to eighteen hells. They eat better meal than us!"

I bought few kilo of beef, mutton, and chicken and other stuff and then held a barbeque party. The beef was roasted as it is, but the mutton and chicken were skewered into a satay with soy sauce seasoning. The fragrant smell wafted in the air as it provoking the stomach to eat and just eating. I am inwardly happy when I saw the villager drooling looking enviously at us. What an evil person, I am.

Though, I shared some leftover to the villagers who was coming to Bluebell Town with me. I also gift their family a sack of rice grain and a jug of wine for parting gift and also for the pre-planned wedding.

The rice grain was from Earth product, but the wine is from this continent. I don't want to introduce glass to the villager seeing it was some kind of luxury goods. I don't care with mere plastic sack though.

The rest of the villager thought I will give them same gift, so they looking at me wishfully. But no, I just give it to the family who was with me to Bluebell. After all, I don't know about the rest of them. We don't even engaging in basic conversation. 

After talking it through with Mu Ying ..., I also gifted to the hunter family because they were my savior. Some already receive the gift, but some other haven't. Tough luck, that uncle Shi is also one of the hunter family. I begrudgingly give it to them. But before I even said something, Mrs. Shi confiscated and poured the wine on the ground before throwing the jug and hurled me a series of curses and insulting words.

Oh well, I guess they were not in the mood to see me. I should know this from the start. Our grudge is already established, how could they receive something from someone whom they consider as enemy? I guess that's to be expected, I cut of her husband manhood after all.

"Hold on, Jian Lianyi, why are you coming with them?!" shouted the elderly village chief.

Uhmm ..., is that granny Jian's name? I who was helping the slave hauling the goods to the carriage stopped what I was doing and looked at them.

"Chief, I will be retiring beside my granddaughter. As she already decided to follow the young boy, I, also followed him."

"But you're the only healer of this village, if you're gone then who will concoct cure and remedy if someone get ill?"

"That's to be your problem ...," granny Jian just shrugged her shoulder as if she doesn't care in the least bit. 

"No, I cannot bear to let you go! You're an irreplaceable assets of our village! You can't go, you must not!?"

"I say, Chief ..., there's nothing to stop me from leaving. If you want me to stay, then make my granddaughter stay ..., that's mean you must persuade her man, that boy which you banish to stay. By the look of it, he's not in the very least have a thought on staying in this place anymore."

"Alright, if you say so. But where do you think you'll be taking the horses and carriage?" the old village chief directed that question to me.

Just what do you mean by where I'll take the horses and carriages, they're mine to begin with, why do you care so much about it?

"It's mine to begin with, so obviously I'll be taking them with me."

"No, I cannot let you take them. This horse and carriage will be a great help to our village! You can't possibly take them? That's nonsense!?"

I frowned hearing this. Just what with this old man really? It's not yours but you just shamelessly took everything that come to this village as your possession. I shook my head and ignored him.

"Hey, someone ..., someone stop this rude boy and don't let him leave with our village assets! I order you to stop him!" the old man pointed at me with flushed face.

But no one would bother to do as he instructed.

"Father-in-law, you're tired. Let's get back home and take a rest ...,"

"Don't treat me like a senile old man, I order you all as the village chief! The boy could go, but the horses, carriage, and his slaves must stay!?"

Mr. Liu just shook his head in embarrassment and dragged the aged village chief. I somehow feel pity for him. But what gives for him to demand me leave the horses, carriage, and my slaves? Just hurry and replace that village chief, don't you see that he's not right in the head?

We finally took our leave from the village. I didn't interact with them that much, but I think granny Jian and Mu Ying were a bit sentimental. They lived their live in that village for long after all. I just let them have some time for themselves.

In the mean time, I browsed the system and prepared the thing for the Blackforest subjugation. 

I was the one who build a layout of this world, and all the twist and turn that MC experienced is orchestrated by me. One of the event that I was proud of was the War of the Northern Peninsula. It was also the longest, lasting for ninety two chapters starting from chapter 168 to 260. If average words per chapter is 4.000, then that arc is a full volume of 368.000 words.

It happen later on, as this day the story might still in chapter 50 to 60 something. But let me give a small briefing of the said event because it has something to do with the Beast Subjugation I'm trying to attempt.

It was all started when there is a sudden beast outbreak in Brokeneck Peninsula in the north tip of the continent. This Peninsula was the place where Barbarian tribe live, and it also one of the ominous ground like this Blackforest. There's an ancient and powerful Magical Beast slumbering there.

The Barbarian, were worshipper of this powerful Magical Beast. Every summer of the year, they sacrificed someone to the Hollowdepth Fall, a sinkhole unimaginably deep which according to them was where the powerful Magical Beast lived. 

But this year around, arise an unconventional King among the Barbarian tribes. He didn't adhere to the oral tradition, and he revolutionize the live of the Barbarian. He united all of the tribes and began to make change, one of the change he made was to forbid the human sacrifice to the Hollowdepth Fall.

The Barbarian King thought it was just superstitious nonsense of their ignorant ancestors. How could sacrificing one of their kin provide them safety? Thus, he forbid anyone from conducting sacrifice ceremony, as that would be too much wasteful of human resource.

However, never he thought that there actually exist the said Beast. Without any new food to feed, the beast crawled from the deep abyss of the Hollowdepth Fall. 

It body was combination of a crocodile and winged cliff-gecko. With razor-sharp teeth and angled jaw, it could crunch a man head in a single bite. It bulging frog eyes shone green with dangerous light. It scale could change in color like that of chameleon, it could even turn invisible nary to one eyes. The Ancient Being which the diverse Barbarian tribe feared and worshiped, Greentongue Ghostlizard.

Right, so because the barbarian was united under single banner and the king forbid for anyone to perform sacrifice ceremony ..., that Greentongue Ghostlizard got hungry and crawled out to find the food on it's own. It should be end with one or two munch, but because it's ghastly presence caused disturbance in the barbarian tribe settlement, they retaliated and thus the conflict between the two being properly established.

The rank-6 Greentongue Ghostlizard then began its bloody banquet while also commanded other reptilian Magical Beast to disrupt the settlement. It's became a massacre and gory sight that even the unruly barbarian who was famous for their fury and courage flee away from battle.

The barbarian flee to the south, to the Helvetica Kingdom border. And the beast stampede followed right after them. As the border garrison from Helvetica Kingdom caught of guard, their border was breached and their wall was overturned by the beasts. The Helvetica Kingdom sent a distress call over to the neighboring kingdoms, Segoe, Redragia, and Consolas. 

These four neighboring kingdom has somewhat bittersweet relation. They were all once a province of the Century-Goth Empire, but they were separated and reduced to it's current state, becoming a separate kingdoms with their own kings. But still, even there's a skirmishes years after years from the four kingdoms, there was never full-blown war to annihilate each other. 

It was because the four kingdom, despite their enmity with each other, could work together in an alliance. The alliance is not a Non-aggression Pact, but a Defensive Pact. Because of the fact that they once legacy of Century-Goth Empire, this could work. The pact stated that if there's a foreign force invade one of the kingdom, the three other kingdoms would help that kingdom to defense from the invader. The alliance now were called Four-chain Alliance. 

It was like 'it's okay if that land belong to my cousin, but I never hand it over to a stranger.' kind of mentality.

Thus, the Redragia, Segoe, and Consolas dispatched a troop to help defense the Helvetica Kingdom's border from the Beast Stampede. It was the first time the Four-chain kingdom sent a distress call to the other in the last century. And it was not another kingdom invasion, but a beast stampede.

The Redragia was still internally unstable because of the Dragon King succession. But then, the Scale(parliament and judicative in Redragia) decided to use this whole beast stampede event as a way to assess who's genuinely capable candidate. The Scale sent all five candidates to lead their troop to Helvetica.

I tried to make it brief, but somehow the finest detail kept coming out in my head. Anyway, let's continue shall we.

Right ..., so the Four-chain kingdoms, Consolas, Helvetica, Redragia, and Segoe, combined their force to ward of the Magical Beasts from the Brokeneck Peninsula.

By this time, for the sake of crippling MC and to make him to not making a contribution to the military, he was sent on a scouting mission by the field marshal from Redragia, the first candidate, Zhi Quan.

Lin Wutang was a target of common hatred by the other Dragon King candidates. 

First of all, because of his origin. All the other candidates were from noble status. Zhi Quan is one of the Great Clan the pillar of Kingdom, second candidate Xiao Yun is also of noble birth. And don't mention the third candidate, he's Long Hong the third prince of the late Dragon King himself. As for the Fourth, You Zhanxian was from You clan, one of the Great Clan like Zhi clan. 

For them, a nobody who popped out of nowhere like Lin Wutang is of no importance. They at first ignored and never take him seriously. What they cautious about is the one backing him up, Yu Huiqin and Yu of the Four Great Clan.

The second reason is Yu Huiqin herself, she who has the moniker Priceless Pearl of the Yu clan. Her noble and aloof personality was just like the most treasured gem that no one could ever dare to touch. She was in the heart of many men in the kingdom, young and old alike. Him being with Yu Huiqin all the time was like a knife stab on their heart.

But then, when they heard about his recent achievement, they couldn't help but feeling fearful. Taking control of Whitegold's underground world, subjugating bandits surrounding Mt. Silverpeak and Mt. Sacra-Gloria, and then almost exterminating Yang clan, one of the big clan of the kingdom. All of this was by no mean small achievement. And he did all of this almost by himself without anyone from Yu clan seen helping him.

It was at this time, the other four candidates felt threatened with this fifth candidate. Thus, he was sent to go into a scouting mission to distant mountain which posses of no strategical value in such defensive war. It was to make him and his army not gain any merit and achievement in the upcoming defensive war. After all, how could he possibly get a merit when he didn't participate in it?

The defensive war was ..., devastating. Rank 4 to 5 Magical Beast kept storming the repaired northern wall. Even with the latest military technological breakthrough from Helvetica kingdom(which they intended to kept secret for at least 5 more years), the X-ballista with Talisman Bolt ..., it posses no threat to the sea of beasts. 

The joint-army of the four kingdom was forced to retreat with casualty amounting half of their total force. They retreated to the second defensive line and built encampment. Then, another wave of beasts attacked. The army from the four kingdom bitterly defend the fort, and they come out victorious despite the struggle.

It was at this time, the higher up of the four kingdom held a strategy meeting. And the representative of the Redragia, Zhi Quan upon entering the room, he saw someone he didn't expect to see.

It was that fifth candidate Lin Wutang. With how distressful the front line is, he forgot the existence of this unwelcomed candidate. Well, not exactly forgot, but he ignored his non-existence ..., he might be killed by a beast, or whatever that is. Who the hell care. He's goner anyway. 

But to see him siting here and casually greeted him, he felt like he was slapped hard on his face. And by the look of it, he's seem not in the least bit distressed with the current situation. Zhi Quan wanted to ask a ton of question to Lin Wutang but felt the time isn't ripe. 

The meeting started, and the Helvetica Kingdom's general introduced Lin Wutang. Then MC started to share them his way to deal with the beasts stampede. He told them that a certain blue-stalked grass that grow in the forest, when it mixed with the juice of a northern peach fruit could repel the monster or even poison them. 

MC found about this method on coincidence, he and his men were chased by a horde of beast. And he was separated from them. Running aimlessly, MC suddenly tripped on top of a blue-grass bed. It's an MC luck, or maybe plot armor ..., but the beasts suddenly turn away as if seeing something dreadful. The MC tried to rack his brain on why the beasts suddenly run away with tail between their leg. And after two day of dangerous, life-gambling experiment, he found out the reason of the matter. And that how he come up with concoction of the blue-stalk with northern peach fruit.

It was unheard method, and some even found it doubtful. And most of all, Zhi Quan from the same kingdom vehemently denied his claim for some reason. But one week in the northern wilderness MC didn't just do nothing. After regrouped with his men, he shared the method with them, and they captured and caged some of the northern beast and brought back to the camp. 

With living proof, the joint-army began to use MC's recipe and immediately procure large amount of the said grass and fruit. And thirteen short days after that, most the beasts were exterminated with some of them chased away. Even the Greentongue Ghostlizard returned to Hollowdepth Fall. 

This victory was all thanks to the discovery of beast repellant agent. The repellant then named after the man who braved himself to venture the wilderness to learn about the beast and how to counter it, it then become Wutang Repellant. 

Lin Wutang was awarded with medal from three other kingdom and brought back two large chest filled with gold. Helvetica King also recognized him as Hero of Helvetica despite not a Helvetian. Not only that, but on his 'scouting mission', he also recruited some barbarian warrior to follow him and become his subordinate. Bolstering his rank.

Yeah, what an irony. The four candidates conspired together to get rid of him from the stage by sending him on this nonsensical scouting mission but to found that he received more merit than four of them combined. It was such occurrences that four other candidates felt like slapping themselves in the cheek over and over.