
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Author's Incident at Blackbirch

Chapter 11: Author's Incident at Blackbirch

Our journey return to the village is rather smooth. With ten carriages and the horse the journey that took one and half day when walking shortens into just half a day. The convoy brought back sack of grain, salt, oil, and sundries.

When I returned, I got another problem that I must solve. Where will the slaves staying at. There's no housing available for 70 of them.

I then bought two military tent and set it in the sparse field for livestock grassing. At least, they won't have to sleep in the open air. I spawned another tent for storing food and cooking. I also bought a lot of ingredient.


[Military Tent (5 m x 15 m)] [x2] 47 S 45 B x 2 = 94 S 90 B

[Communal Kitchen Tent (6 m x 6 m)] [x1] 24 S 50 B x 1 = 24 S 50 B 

[Maiko Portable Stove] [x3] 15 S x 3 = 45 S

[Big Curry Pot] [x2] 19 S 35 B x 2 = 38 S 70 B

[Deep Frying Pan] [x1] 17 S 20 B x 1 = 17 S 20 B 

[Sack of Rice (25 Kg)] [x4] 15 S x 4 = 60 S

[Chicken Meat] [x10] 9 S 10 B x 10 = 91 S



Total = 13 Gold 75 Silver 80 Bronze

Available Fund = 4.379 Gold 22 Silver 18 Bronze

Return = 4.365 Gold 46 Silver 38 Bronze

Confirm Purchase [Yes / No]?


I gathered the women slaves who can cook and then asked them to cook a dinner for the slave. Surprisingly, they're all know how to do it, unlike certain cyan-haired woman. 

Though, I don't know if they really know how to cook or just raised their hand because of bandwagon. I picked ten mature women because I have other plan for the teenagers group.

"You guys will be in charge for food distribution of everyone. Bingyu here will be the head chef. I've prepared some grain and other supplies in that cabinet. I permit you to use it as you wish. Alright before I continue, is there any question?"

"Master, what is this ...?" asked a canine beastgirl pointing a portable gas stove. I'm about to explain the tools right after this. So this question popped out at the right time.

"Alright, this is ..., a stove. You guys never seen a stove like this one right. I'll show you how to use it. Look, inside this blue ..., cylinder here is a flammable gas, you could make the flame by pushing and then turning this knop, like that."

I demonstrated how to turn on the stove, but their reaction was quite amusing.

"Uohh ..., amazing!"

"A blue fire ..., it's burning beautifully."

"You don't even have to make the fire with flint."

"Alright, let's start cooking. I'll show you how to cook a simple chicken porridge. Let's go!"

I boiled headless chickens with a huge pot filled with water. I put few herb like ginger, laos, pepper, onion, garlic, lemongrass, and curry leaves. I want to make a broth out of it. I asked the slaves to clean the rice after demonstrating it once.

I bought another stove, frying pan, palm oil, and krupuk. You couldn't possibly eat a chicken porridge without krupuk. I demonstrated how to fry a krupuk and one of the slave did the rest for me. After that, I taught them how to made a simple salad. 

The broth is complete in thirty minute. I pulled the boiled chickens into a container and then filtered the broth. I then put all the rice into the broth. The boiled chicken then was cut into fine pieces and separated from it's bone, before it go into the frying pan after adding flour. In the meantime, I taught them how to make chili sauce, by crushing red chili, boiled onion and garlic, with pepper and salt.

A wave of fragrant food sent the other slaves drooling. They who had nothing to do get out from their tent and watching us cook today dinner. I also saw some of the villagers who was already waiting ..., with bowl in hand. They're the same uncles who intruded Granny Jian's house yesterday prior and asked for our noodles.

Soon enough, the picnic bench that I prepared for the slave was crowded by the villager. They chatted and laughed out loud in unrestrained manner. I feel bad for chasing them after coming here, so I added few extra portion for them.

"Alright, the dinner is ready! You guys, line up and don't forget to bring your bowl! No pushing, no shoving! Don't cut the line or I won't give you anything!"

I loudly hollered to them. But I don't expect the villagers won't give me a bit of respect. They just cut the line and stood up in front of a slave without saying a word. It was a youth from this village. I don't remember him, well, it's not like I ever see everyone of them or anything.

"Hey, you're cutting the line!" a dwarf slave shouted.

"Shut up, slave! I'm a villager of this village, a freeman. You should be grateful I didn't whip a lash on you, damn slave!"

These are the most common argument. As the slave couldn't make a comeback, the other villager also did the same. Some even beating the slave out of nowhere, or molest the slave girl. There was some who worried I might lash at them, so the villager glanced at me hesitatingly. But to see me, those slave's master didn't comment about what they're doing and hey just smiled with various meaning.

The slave group were pushed off from the line, and the first batch of people was the villager. I placed the pot lid on as I with my tired eyes glanced at the middle-aged man.

Seeing that I have no intention on opening the pot, he asked. "Hey, serve me the food, will ya?"

I sighed exasperatedly and said to this uncle. "As I said, I don't give any food to those who cut in line. Are you deaf?"

"What, you bastard ..., I'm a villager of this village, what right do you have to not give me a food? And me cut in line? Don't joke around they're just a slave?! They don't deserve to stand in front of me!" that uncle loudly protested.

What is this, you don't follow my rule and you're the one who's angry? I should be the one who should be angry at you! Damn, in the first place what makes you think just because you're a villager you can do as you please? I mean, I cooked for my slaves and you guys just shamelessly come in and beg for food. 

But not only that, you even berated my slave and even molested them. And now, you ..., this? I just can't comprehend any of this. What should I suppose to say in this kind of situation, really?

"So what, it's the food I cook so whoever want to eat it must follow my rule. You don't follow my rule, then don't eat!"

The middle-aged man stared viciously at me with his venomous eyes, he pointed at me with his finger.

"Don't get cocky because you've won a duel against Xu Lian, newcomer! You think you're awesome just because you're a Bronze-rank, have a beautiful wife, and lot of slave huh? In front of real power, everything you have is meaningless! Now, right this time, I demand you to give me my damn dinner!"

"Scram!" I just shouted that word. His word and conduct pissed me off.

"Hahahaha, good, good ..., good." he unsheathed the machete in his waist and it glow with golden light in this darkening sky. "I'll show you, this ..., is the real power!"

"So you want to threaten me with your Gold-rank power?"

"Heh, newcomer kid ..., I don't want to do this, but you've forced me to use the hard way." he snickered. 

The middle-aged man eyes filled with gaze of ridicule. Some of the villager also put on similar mocking expression. The rest showed troubled face because of feeling guilty.

"Sigh ..." I sighed and instantly pulled the revolver and shot his wrist.


"Aiiieee!!! Hand, my hand!?" he dropped the gold-glowing machete and shrieked, his other hand covering the now bloodied wrist.

The villagers and also the slaves was looking at me with surprised face. Their gaze was of puzzlement and surprised. Ah, I stored the revolver back to my storage bracelet right after I shot him. So maybe some of them didn't even had the chance to see what I did. They only know that I did something, and then there's a loud sound, and his hand got bloodied.

"That's me being lenient ..., if you want a fight, then I can easily crush your head in a second. Come and try me if you don't believe it." I said coolly.

The villagers dragged the Gold-rank middle aged man and dejectedly retreated. Even the neighborhood uncle who asked for noodle could only scratched his head feeling at lost. I guess, it's because he lost the chance to eat free delicious dinner.

"What are you waiting for..., come and get your food, before it gets cold!" I shouted at the dumbfounded slave.

After the food distributed, they just sat there without moving. I think they're afraid of me. I called Bingyu over and said.

"After you guys finish eating let the rest help with cleaning up the dishes. Ah right, if there's one of them who waste the food report it to me, I'll punish that person personally. Understood?"

"Your word is my order, Master."

"There's water in this dispenser, just push the button like this to get the water."

"I, I understand, Master."

"Good, I'll be leaving then. Call me if there's a problem."

I left the slave camping ground and walked back to Granny Jian's Apothecary/House. 

There, I met with the Gold-rank uncle. He showed a hint of fear but still showing face of hostility. Granny Jian was the one who tending his wound. I just nodded at her curtly and walked inside to my room, or rather patient room.

Upon entering the room, there's Mu Ying waited with her hand crossed on her chest. I feel that the air here is rather uncomfortable, is it just my feeling?

"What's wrong, Mu Ying ...,"

"I heard about it from uncle Shi, but let's hear it once again from you ... so what happened?"

Uncle Shi, I see ..., so that middle-aged uncle is named Shi. I recounted what happen in the camping ground and what he did. After hearing this, she showed great anger and then shouted.

"That's just too much, I never thought uncle Shi to be that kind of person!"

"Shh ..., he might be still here. Lower your voice ...!"

"But to shamelessly demand something from you, and even hurting the slaves ..., that's just too much from him!"

"It's alright now, I already resolved the problem. And you already know that he's the one got injured."

Even if I said that, I don't know for sure. I can see through his eyes that middle-aged man surnamed Shi is a petty man. He feared me, I know that ..., but I got the feeling that he might cause a trouble for me. Hmm ..., I don't want unforeseen danger, so let's prepare for the worst.

I ate dinner with granny Jian and Mu Ying, granny is the one who cook for today share. After that I snuck out to the wood. I took out Shrine to Yama from my storage bracelet and place it somewhere.


[Orihara Izaya's Fur Hooded Jacket] [x1] 1 G 89 S x 1 = 1 G 89 S

[Sarung Samarinda] [x1] 10 S x 1 = 10 S

[NV-Google] [x1] 33 S x 1 = 33 S

[Néscafe Coffeemilk 250 ml(6 pcs)] [x1] 40 S x 1 = 40 S


I bought thick black furry jacket of certain anime character, sarong, night vision googles and also a pack of canned coffee.

I climbed a considerably large tree and sat down on one big branch. I put on night google and surveying that middle-aged man house. As I got bored, I opened up the system and opened up the video streaming site. I watched the funny video compilation, some random animation, or new pop music.

It's past twelve now, and there's been no movement from that middle-aged man. I guess I was just worrying needlessly. I drank the rest of the coffee and stored the empty can inside my bracelet. And it was then, someone in black clothing sneaked out from the window. 

It was that uncle Shi. I put on night google and observed what is he up to. He walked with a dagger on his left hand, his right hand is bandaged and couldn't hold anything after I shot it. 

His destination ..., it's the camping ground. 

As expected of petty man, you cannot best me so you're trying to make a mess with my possession. But what you gonna do, kill them? With our grudge has been established, you'll be the first suspicious person on the list of suspect!

I jumped down and then stealthily approached him. He entered the female tent, and I sped up my step. I was worried that he might killed one of them, but the scream that I was expecting didn't come out. That uncle dragged one of my female slave outside while putting that dagger on her neck.

I was befuddled with this, what is he planning? Soon, his motive was clear to see, he dragged her deep in the wood and then pushed her to the ground and ripped her dress. Pulling off his pant and was about to penetrate her.

I shot at his ugly dick from the side and it exploded to the base.


The half-naked female slave noticed it was me and she cried fearfully and come into my embrace. I patted her back and let her cry to her heart content. She was one of the cooking group. I remember her name, she's Shi Youchan. Heh to have a similar surname, surely that's just coincident right? 

"I'm sorry Youchan, are you alright?"

"U-un, I'm fine Master. Thankfully Master did come to save me."

She said so, but her body couldn't stop trembling. She also gripped my clothes tightly as she cried on my chest. I took of my furry jacket and put it on her, keep saying 'It's okay, it's okay' to her. 

"Bas-bastard, it's YOU!?! Why are you here? And just what are you doing!? You damn bastard! My precious family jewel!?" the rapist uncle Shi shouted while still squirming in the ground like a worm. 

By now, both the slaves and other villagers all woke up because of the commotion. They came with torch or lantern and before long, they already surrounded us. One plump middle-aged wife shrieked and then come into uncle Shi's side while crying.

"What is happening here?! You, I know you, you're that young man who stayed at Jian's apothecary right? Now tell me, what's happen here? Why Shi Yuntao is ..., in that state?" 

I was immediately questioned by an elderly man. I don't know him, but maybe he's this village chief, Mr. Liu and his wife were behind him so it might be true.

"Don't you see what's happening, some rapist tried to touch my person. I decided to punish him by cutting of his manhood!" I said that.

"Lie, it's all lie ..., I would never do such thing!? He's just calumniating me!" 

He still has the gut to say that. You surely know that your manhood is a goner right. You have a great degree of pain tolerance, I respect you sir.

"Oh come on, save your breath for useless defense. The evidence is as clear as day!"

"You heartless demon, why so vicious!? Now that he become a eunuch, isn't this enough for you!?" the plump middle-aged woman tearfully shouted to me.

"Village Chief, you must redress my grievance! I could not bear to live nearby with this vicious person!?"

Oyoyoy, it's you the rapist one, ain't it? And why you talk about grief and whatnot? You're the criminal who did the crime, alright?

"Sigh, young man ..., as regretful as I am, I couldn't let someone who could disrupt harmony of this village to live with us. I don't welcome a source of trouble like you, you can leave this place by the day."

What? I ..., what the heck is happening here? It's obvious that he's the one who did attempt to rape, but why it was me who got evicted? I know I'm not one of your villager but still, aren't your judgment too biased?

"What, only banishment? No, I don't accept this, chief. I want him to be castrated just like I am!?"

And which brain did you use to easily passed on that kind of eye for an eye, a dick for a dick judgement? I blow of your manhood into smithereens because you're trying to rape, alright? It's not me who want to rape, it's you!?

"Father-in-law, I think we should investigate what is truly happening. I think to pass judgement to him is too abrupt and inappropriate." Mr. Liu said.

"My decision is final. I accept no objection."

That was my short day in the Blackbirch Village.