

Looking at her son, Max, Elle felt really sorry. No one had expected that her trash of a husband would just change overnight and ask for a divorce, just for her to realize that he was actually cheating on her with his secretary. His secretary, an intern who just came and was immediately promoted. Elle had visited the company a few times, since she was so busy, which is very much expected of a medical personnel, yet she endeavor to visit his office as she felt it was her duty as his wife to check on him in the office once in a while but she didn't suspect anything at all since she trusted him. Trust, one mistake she will never make again. She just couldn't help but sympathize with her son who had to give everything up and move down to an unknown place leaving everything behind including his best friends. Although they decided to keep in touch with each other, her home where they relocated to was very far from the last one so he didn't have anyone to keep him company and console him. Elle really wasn't expecting him to choose her when he was given the opportunity since he was so close to his dad but she was so happy. Money wasn't the problem at all. Though she got married very early, she still returned to her career and became a medical doctor. She had the financial ability because doctors are paid very well in the U.S.