
it's all just an act.

Han is a perfect boy; at least that's what people at school thought. Being one of the most respected, high-profile, and famous boys in his school means he is chased after, or boys chase after him. Every day, he received confession letters, either from juniors or seniors. Without him realizing it, he has accidentally fall in love with a guy who he has never thought he would in love with. Fall for his act of kindness, Han was heartbroken when he found out the guy, he's in love with, have a crush towards a girl. He even asked Han's help to get his dream girl. They both started to get closer after collaborating together. They became each other's daily person. Although in silence Han still holding the pain because still in love with the guy, Aiden. However there's actually something Han didn't know about Aiden and what he's actually planning behind those acts. Secretly, he wants, deathly desire, a part from Han. Genre: BL, romance, possessive love, little bit of comedy (if you get my humour) P.S: this is my first time writing so if it's bad then I'm sorry and I'll try to improve them

zzzyooi · LGBT+
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27 Chs

chapter 18: stupid rumours

Aiden has finally made his return to school today. After hearing the reason why he's being kicked out, my parents took a consideration and let him stay with us. Right after we entered the school lobby, many eyes were on us, specifically on Aiden. A girl suddenly shouted Aiden's name which attracted many other girls' attention. They all rushed towards Aiden to question his condition. I looked at Aiden and he's smiling and nodding to every question asked by the girls.

I decided to leave him on his own, let him deal with his own problems because I have my own problems to be faced. Thankfully the hallway is not that very crowded as a lot of people went to the lobby to see Aiden. I can feel that some students are continuously staring at me, probably trying to figure out why I look a little different today. Honestly, I feel like running so that I'll arrive at the class as soon as possible. My breath feels kind of short and my anxiety slowly starts to kick in. However, I refused to be a loser, I refused to keep being a coward to face irrelevant people's opinions. I took a deep breath and reminded myself of Aiden's comforting words, I managed to keep my head up and continue to walk down the hallway.

"I'm so proud of you Han..." I told myself with a smile.

When I thought that I wouldn't be receiving letters for the upcoming weeks because of my decision to go to school bareface, I was wrong. It made me feel relieved when I realized that some students still do like me. It's my medicine to my insecurities.

"Han, I actually like you... I know you don't like me back but, can you please accept this letter. Just by reading it already enough to me" a junior gave me a letter. For some reasons, I don't find my juniors attractive. Although some of them are handsome, with their tight, thin shirts, secretly trying to show off their body. I don't really find myself drooling over them, maybe,I am straight!

"Sure, I'll read it. Thank you for your poetic writings. I'll treasure this letter" I gave him a tap on his shoulder before continuing my walk. I'm such a hypocrite, I hate Aiden for leading me on, for constantly giving me hopes that he actually also has a crush on me, even though he already made it clear to me that he likes a girl. Yet I did lead people on by doing silent flirts.

I opened the envelope to read the letter while walking up to the second floor of my class. In the middle of my reading, Aiden quietly walked beside me, silently reading my letter. I turned my face to my left because it felt like someone was standing next to me. I immediately stop walking and close the letter.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"That was so poetic, 'a captivating flower with sweet scent of its petals called you'.... Who gave you the letter?"

"The principal..."

"Really? Didn't know that our principal is a girly pop. He used pink coloured paper and a rainbow coloured pen!"

"You asked as if you aren't used to our morning school routine"

"A boy gave it to you wasn't it?" He asked. I just replied to him with a nod.

"Why did you read it? Why don't you just throw it away? What if you catch your feelings towards them?" Him with his repetitive questions.

"Aiden, these boys sometimes spent hours trying to think of large amounts of figurative language to convey their feelings. They used more metaphors than Taylor Swift did in 'Timeless'! If I already decided to reject them, then, the least mean thing I could do is to read them." I explained to Aiden. He just stayed silent for a few seconds before making a new topic to talk about.

"You're so mean for leaving me alone with the girls." He pouted. Oh dear god...

"There's no reason for me standing there like a fool. It's your problem, deal with it yourself. I have helped you deal with, at least, third quarter of your problems." I scoffed

"I'm pretty sure it's only been half but still, you did help me so I should still be thankful" he smiles.

"But the girls really do exhaust my energy though..." He added

"Then you have to see your drawer. It's full of pinks" I said. Five days being absent, just because he's absent doesn't mean the letters will stop coming. After saying that, Aiden suddenly stops and groans louder.

In the class a lot of people gather around Aiden asking about his condition. Saff and Harvey also seem happy to see their best friend is back. Thankfully no one was speculating a thing between me and Aiden when they saw us walking in the class together, except the person who I'm sitting with.

"You guys are dating isn't it?" He smirked. I just scoffed and pushed him slightly.

The day goes by normally, class, chatting. During the break I spent the time with my circle as usual. Joking at the cafeteria, it was fun. Without us realizing it, it's already time to go back to class.

"Oh yeah Han, you'll have to walk to class alone. I've to meet Miss Clara." Fadly informed.

On my way to the class, suddenly someone hugged me from behind while whimpering. I was stopped by him and turned my head to see who it was.

"Are you crying Saff?" I asked. He just nodded and rested his face on my shoulder.

"Why? Aren't you embarrassed crying at school? What are you? Primary student?"

"I confessed to her last night and she left me on read and today she's absent!" He cried even louder. I sighed and asked him to stand up while facing me.

"She must have been avoiding me..." Saff said.

"Sarah is a student who cares about her studies very seriously, she refuses to be absent unless her sickness limits her. She was once rumored shitted in her pants however on the next day she still went present. I'm pretty sure, the reason why she's absent today is because she's sick or sudden family matters, okay?" Saff turned to look at me after staring at the floor only. His crying sounds gradually stop.

"You think so?" He asked

"Yes. Now stop crying, you'll lose your coolness." I wiped the tears on his face.

Lately I have been seeing a lot of other people's weak side. Although Saff is the most not dramatic one, it's nice and refreshing to see that all people have a side that they don't just show.

"But she didn't reply to my text and just left me on read..."

"I'm pretty sure there is a reason why, don't worry, I'm sure Sarah likes you also." Saff left out a warm smile from his face and hugged me again. We walked to the class together and class continued.


"Where do you want to eat today? My parents aren't home tonight and I'm too lazy to cook so why don't we eat outside?" I asked Aiden.

"Where's mum and dad?" He asked.

"They're going to dinner with their friends. Don't worry I have money, let's go."

We went to eat at this not so fancy restaurant. It's not really a place that I would go but since Aiden wants to eat here so why don't?

"Oh I forgot, whose car did you use when you sent me home the other day?" I asked

"My papa. You should be thankful, okay? He went mad at me when I arrived home that day."

"Yah! As if it was my fault. I'm okay with walking all the way home, you're the one who forced me." I argued. He just laughed and continued to eat.

We went back home after finished eating and went straight to our bed. Yes, our bed. Although I have already told Aiden about the guest room, he keeps insisting that he prefers to sleep in one room as I do. Sometimes I would purposely ask him why he didn't use the guest room so that he would say that he wants to sleep with me and feed my fantasies.


On the next day I have to meet Miss Clara in the morning to discuss something.I told Aiden in advance just in case it takes longer and I miss the first period because I arrived at school pretty late than usual.

At the class, when I walked in, I could hear my classmates whispering about me. I can't hear them clearly, but I can hear a little of what they were saying. Something about 'dating' so I assumed it was about me and Aiden. I chose to ignore them because it's not something new. However when I looked at Aiden he had a displeased face when looking at me. He smacked the table before leaving for the toilet. It questions me how quickly his mood swings. Literally today he happily made me and my parents breakfast and now he's mad?

I take a look in my drawer to see the letters I have received today because even if I didn't get any in the hallway, there would be some in my drawer. To my surprise there's none. Literally zero, not even a single letter. I assumed it was because of my bold decision yesterday and just sigh, although it was very unusual to not receive at least a letter. Suddenly I remembered about Aiden's behavior and decided to ask Fadly.

"Why does he like that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because of the 'dating rumor' I guess." Fadly replied.

It hit me so much when I realized that Aiden is actually annoyed with our dating rumors. I was right when I said that Aiden will be disgusted with the rumors of us dating. I felt like crying but I know that I can't or I will make a big scene. I also can't excuse myself to the toilet or I will encounter Aiden. It will make him even more annoyed to see my face. During the break at the cafeteria, I also heard students whispering about my dating rumors. I can't help but feel guilty and bad towards Aiden, he must be so disgusted and annoyed right now.

"Don't mind them Han. Real or not we support you." Samuel said.

"These dating rumors are getting annoying. How can people shift from shipping you with Aiden to Saff?" Kim said. Even Kim is annoyed with my dating rumors with Saff. Wait what?

"Wait what?" I was confused.

"Three juniors saw you and Saff hugging while on your way to class. They saw Saff romantically resting his head on your shoulder while his hands around your waist they said." Kim explained.

"They also said that you sweetly wiped his tears." Fadly added. I thought it was between me and Aiden, turns out it was between me and Saff. I left out a big laugh. So big that I'm sure some boys suddenly find me unattractive.

"Oh my god... Now, Saff and I are just friends. At that time he was just feeling down because his crush left him on read." I explained. I find it ironic that he comes to me to talk about his lover and people speculate I'm dating him.

"So you're not dating him?" Samuel asked

"No hunny." I sipped my tea


[Author P.O.V]

"Why do you seem so relaxed about the dating rumor?" Aiden asked in a cold tone. The cold sharp eyes he shows adding tension to the already intense air filled with silence.

"Why should I be so scared about it?" Saff laughed.

"You have a crush on Sarah. What if she heard about this rumor and thought of you as gay? She will be so uninterested in you."

"I have already confessed to her the day before this whole thing started. All that is left for me to do is to wait for her answer." Saff explained. Aiden continues to stare at Saff with his sharp eyes, not even blinking. No words were being said until Aiden finally asked him the main question.

"What about Han?" Aiden asked


"What would Han feel when he heard these stupid rumors?"

"He's all fine when people said he's dating you so I'm sure he's fine with me too"

There is silence between them. After a minute, Aiden broke the silence.

"You seem to be enjoying this rumor so far." Aiden said with his mouth a little open and his right corner mouth slightly upper than the other side. He left out a sarcastic scoff. Saff looks at him with a smirk on his face before replying.

"I mean, it's Han that I'm rumored to be with. Of course I don't mind. In fact, I'm proud of it. Being rumored to be dating Han doesn't seem like a trophy to you?"

His face dropped after he heard what Saff said. Aiden suddenly came closer to Saff with his fist clenched, the vibe he set was dark. There's no emotion on that face. They were so close to each other that they probably even could see each other's tiny little bumps on their foreheads.

"Han doesn't like you. Stop getting your hopes up or using him as a trophy because he's not yours. Don't make me do crazy things, Saff."

Aiden said and walked away. Saff just stands at the corner with hands in his pockets, feeling unthreatened. He watches the scene of Aiden walking away with a smile on his face.

"This is interesting..."

guess what? I actually lost this account. Fortunately I managed to get it back. Thank you so much for the supports toward this story so far, I really appreciate it<3

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