
It's all just a Dream

Eadyth · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs


Sienna looked at the man. His figure is desirable for most women. The kind people think of a stereotypical CEO-type character.

Fit, neat suit, professional, along with an aura of overwhelming power and suffocating superiorness.

The one thing that had Sienna put off was the face.

Their faces...

The man and the kids...

She couldn't see their faces! It's like looking at a low-quality picture. She couldn't make out their features.

She hesitantly kissed back and said an awkward "Hey" before turning around to face the stove. The kids ran towards the table and were chatting about their little performance.

'This is really strange... I can't see their faces...' Sienna stressed in her mind. 'Maybe it's because I'm dreaming? Who knows.' She shrugged it off.

'The man is hot though-' Sienna fangirled to herself. 'Oh wait- I can't see his face- What if he's actually ugly' Sienna was hit hard by the train of thought.

'Nahh, knowing me I wouldn't se-' Sienna was thinking to herself till she was cut off by her own mind. 'Is that really what I'm concerned about right now- I just got kissed by a random man on the lips and a bunch of kids called me mom!'

'Not to mention I saw 8 kids in the paintings- If this were in real life I should be in a wheelchair by now-'

She was so deep in her own thoughts that she didn't notice a shadow pass by the window in front of her.

Then blur.

It all became blurry.

By the time she came to, the man was snapping his fingers in front of her to get her attention.

"Honey? Are you there?" Sienna looked at him. Her vision was back.

She was now at the table eating with the man and the two kids, who were now looking at her with worry evident in the atmosphere.

"Are you okay Mommy?" Elijah asked. "You can go rest now if you're not okay..." Ellenoir continued.

"Oh- yeah. Uhm, I don't know what happened there. I probably spaced out or something. Don't worry I'm okay." Sienna told the family.

The man stood up and went behind Sienna. He placed his hands on her shoulders in a comforting manner. "Are you sure? We can head back first if you want."

"Yeah mommy, we can show you your present tomorrow if you're not feeling good..." Ellenoir said with worry.

Sienna shook her head. "I'm fine don't worry."

"Anyway, what is this performance I keep hearing from the three of you?" Sienna asked with a smile.

The family was having a lovely time during dinner. Meanwhile, outside the window, a figure was looking at them with an unreadable expression.

It smiled.