
Chapter 3

After everything they showed me things and things like (operation room, boss office, cafe, storage unit and so on) finally when we were done with the tour I went to the cafe and I meet a girl I was like

"Hey how are you"

I'm fine how are you doing"

I'm good"

"Okay do I know you"

"No I'm new here"

" Ooo so you are the new girl"

" Yeah 😜"

" My name is Yang Min 


" I'm Like Na" 

" What a nice name

Can we meet later in the night,in a bar, just to chat and get along"

--"should I say no or yes you know I'm not a party girl but seeing her smiling face I couldn't refuse her.

"Ok we will meet there later"

After lunch I left there and went to assist my senior in the operation room and after that I packed my things and went home.After reaching I dressed wore my normal clothes and went straight to the bar to meet Yang Min