
Entering a New Generation

"I shouldn't be awake right now but I have to finish this book." Claudine yawned as she opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water. It was the middle of the night, Erika's house was silently dark, everyone is asleep, including the specialist, and Claudine was the only one that is awake. She's been persistent on finishing this book today but her body wants her to lie on a bed and sleep blissfully and wake up the next morning but her stubborn human-like brain wants her to be awake.

She headed back to her room and continued her reading. She used to sleep in the same room with Yoake but since Leaf is with them, Claudine offered her place in the room instead. She was fine that the two would sleep together since reconciliation was a must for them, and she knows that Yoake is known to snore very loudly.

"Now, time to finish this chapter and sleep afterward." Claudine closed the door of her room, headed to her bed, placed the bottle of water on top of a desk, grabbed her book, and continued reading.

For her, training is very important, it's her best form of exercise and mastering her skills but she doesn't want to train all day like the newly received Kubfu Yoake got. Earlier on, Kubfu was very stubborn, ignoring Yoake's orders, and persisted in training despite how Yoake was very tired.

'That's the life.' Claudine sighed as she flips the page and continued reading.


A loud ruckus of the explosion echoed through the distance.

"What the heck just happened?" Claudine cussed as this explosion echoed in her head. She looks around and saw everything was fine, there was no tremor or displacement of her surroundings.

"Was that just in my head? But I felt like it happened?" Claudine thought as she touched her forehead. She was panicking as she has no idea how to handle this.

She begins to feel raw power sliding through her arms as it enters her body, this sort of power was something she has never felt before. This form of energy slowly slides in her veins, as if something was giving her a boost to a new dimension that she has never heard of.

Even though this power was a boost, it was unknown to her, she was afraid that something is wrong with her. She stood up and tried to walk herself to the door but she felt like gravity was pulling her to the bed, she wants to call out for help but she doesn't want to wake up everyone.


She fell to the floor and was fainted to the ground. Lying there unconscious with no one to call for help as this power slowly fills her to the brim and slowly blends into her psychokinetic energy.


"Explosion in what?!" A man shouted as he heard the latest news.

"There was an explosion near the Kanto-Johto border sir. We believe that this has something to do with an experiment in a laboratory nearby." the other one said.

"If our info is correct, this explosion might cause a gate from Galar to Kanto, a gate that Kanto might have to adjust." he continued.

They were in a room filled with personals and ITs looking at a screen as a photo of the northern part of the Kanto-Johto border being blazed with an azuring red flame. The man began to think about what they should do as this might mean many symbols for the current relations between Kanto and Johto.

"Okay. We need to tell this to the Prime Minister. Get Goldenrod on the phone, this is an imminent emergency. If the gates to Galar are true, then send this news to Wyndon, right now." The man said as the other two people he was talking to, nodded and quickly left to tell this urgent news.

"A gate to Galar, but how?" The man asks as he looks at the photo on the screen.

"It's a failed experiment, sir. Professor Pol, the head scientist of the laboratory was experimenting on mobile Pokemon centers, which he hoped that Pokemon trainers will use one day as a way to ease out stress from Pokemon centers and cure Pokemon right away. However, there was a huge miscalculation, there was a huge amount of energy being stored in the mobile centers, which we believe might cause the creation of artificial 'Galar Particles'." A woman said as she handed a tablet to the man. The tablet shows the info and background of Professor Pol.

"Galar particles?" He asked in a confusing tone.

"The particles that can cause the effect of Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing in Galar." A cold voice echoed through the room. Everyone looked around to find the origin of the voice until they realized that their visitor is there.

"Ga- Commander?" The man realized that the person he was looking at was none other than the commander of Team Rocket. Their blue eyes were looking at the man with a serious stare as they know how imminent this was.

"Call the Indigo League Champion. This is a very important matter for both Kanto and Johto." The commander ordered the man, he nodded as a reply and called out his secretary to call the champion as soon as possible.

Later on, a meeting was held. The Prime Minister of Kanto (KPM) alongside the cabinet, they were having a meeting with the champion, and the Prime Minister of Johto (JPM). They weren't sure if this was an attack of some sort but either way, it's a huge topic to discuss as the commander of Team Rocket urged to have talks between sides as this would forever change the fate of both nations.

"Quite the evening isn't it?" KPM remarked to JPM.

"It is quite the evening. An explosion a few kilometers away from a festival in Blackthorne city. We believe that there was a failed experiment, yes?" JPM said.


"I see. We both know the huge vow between our constitutions that both Saffron and Goldenrod must have transparency on both sides. Since our recent info suggested that there was a huge leak of these called 'Galar particles' that are floating throughout the airspace between Blackthorne city and Pewter City. It is concerning on how disperse these particles are." JPM continued.

"Do we have any info on what 'Galar particles' are?" JPM asked KPM.

"I have, mister prime minister." The commander raised their hand.


"From our current info from Wyndon. Galar particles are particles that were leaked by a Pokemon called 'Eternatus' after the battle between it and Zacian and Zamazenta. These particles can allow Pokemon to distort space to increase their size. We've already had a file that contains all of the Pokemon that can change their appearance entirely with these particles…" The commander stated as some members of the cabinet looked through the files and saw the image of a Machamp, Lapras, and Cooperjah.

"It's coined as Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing for special Pokemon."

"Does Dynamaxing has the same effect as Mega Evolution?" Karen asked the commander.

"In a way, yes. However, Dynamaxing only lasts for a few moves. While Mega Evolution only works within battles, Dynamaxing can work outside and inside of battles. Mega Evolution only works for specific Pokemon but Dynamaxing can work for every Pokemon."

"So you're telling me that Dynamaxing is just Pokemon becoming very big and releasing a huge amount of power temporarily?" Karen asked. The commander nodded as an answer.

"I see. This will heavily change the grand scheme of Pokemon competitively, huh?" Karen guessed.

"It will." The commander said in a cold tone.

"Mister Prime Minister, do you know what that means? We might bring back Pokemon training in Kanto. Think about it, people are getting tired of Mega Evolutions, if we introduced Dynamaxing in both Kanto and Johto, people might bring back their excitement." One of the cabinet members suggested.

"That is a good idea. We've been dealing with so many changes of Kanto far too long we forgot what made Kanto on the map in the first place, Pokemon battles." KPM stated.

"Indeed. Johto Pokemon battles have been stale for quite a while. How about we make a joint venture in Dynamaxing?" JPM asked KPM.

"I like that idea," KPM stated with confidence.

The commander decided to walk out from the conference, pulled out his phone, and called out an important person, Anzu. She picked up the phone immediately.

"Anzu, status report." The commander stated.

"He's alright sir, he's fainted but fine. Our doctors claimed that there was a surge of dopamine in his body. We aren't sure if there was a correlation between the explosion but we hypothesized so." Anzu stated.

"Okay. I'm on my way. Make sure he's fine." The commander said as he ended the call. He looks around and saw the nearby bodyguards standing on the door near the conference room.

"Tell the Prime Minister that Team Rocket has huge support on their joint adventure. I'll be leaving early." They said.

"Yes, sir." The guard said as the commander left alongside his grunts.

'It better hope it's not the burger he ate earlier the day.' The commander sighed as they left.

Meanwhile, Claudine slowly opened her eyes to see both Leaf and Yoake looking at her with a concerning look. It was 6 am. She was lying on her bed, confused about what happened she asked the two.

"What happened?" Claudine asked.

"Erika heard a loud thump last night. She saw you lying down on the floor. She woke us up and helped her carry you back on the bed. What happened to you?" Leaf told the Pokemon. Yoake looked around and saw the book beside her.

"I don't know, I was about to finish a chapter but all of a sudden, I was getting dizzy, tried to call for help but I just went unconscious," Claudine explained. Yoake sighed as he was worried about Claudine.

"Well, we don't know if that might happen again. How about you stay here for now while Leaf and I head back to Pallet City to get my starter?" Yoake suggested.

"What? No! I want to come with you guys. I'm fine, maybe I couldn't sleep and my body just went for autopilot." Claudine argued with her trainer. Leaf tilt her head as a sign that she was supporting Claudine's explanation.

"Fine. Let's eat first then head back to Pallet CIty." Yoake sighed.

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