

The drive was silent which was alright because it would be more awkward talking about one thing and then suddenly not having anything to talk about afterward. As Matthew drove inside the dormitory parking lot, he parked near the entrance and went out to open the door for me. As cliché as it sounds, I was also surprised that there were any gentlemen nowadays. Not that there was never any, it was just surprising to meet one in person. Almost all the guys I've met didn't go out of their way just to do these small acts of chivalry.

He got my bags out of the trunk and helped me bring them up to the third floor. Hilary, my roommate, was waiting outside of our room with some of the school's dormitory staff. She turned around and saw me approaching, her eyes widening. I was confused as to why she looked so surprised. And then I realized she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at Matthew who was still walking behind me, carrying my bags because he didn't want to let me carry them up myself. When we arrived in front of our room, I quickly went in to check if my box was stolen and this wasn't another one of Hilary's pranks. I threw my sheets up on my bed and reached underneath. When I couldn't feel my box underneath, I gave up and just sat there, crying. Why did things always have to mess up at the last minute? This was an important day for me and I was looking forward to spending Christmas with the people I love. Instead, I'm stuck here, having to deal with heartache all over again because I lost the one thing that was keeping me altogether. That box was why I was able to get through the past five years. I couldn't believe this was happening to me right now. Out of all the days, why did it have to be today?

I heard footsteps approaching me and I immediately curled up into a ball, pulling my knees close to my chest and buried my face in between my knees. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for what happened. I wish there was something I could do."

Matthew tried to comfort me but my tears just keep falling and my chest kept tightening. Hilary came inside the room a few minutes later and hugged me. I hugged her back and continued to cry on her shoulder. She rubbed my back and kept whispering, "It's alright. We'll do everything we can to get your box back."

For a moment, I felt reassured. It was as if I was full of hope that my box will be returned to me. It wasn't like me to feel hopeful considering what I've been through for the past years. But just this once, I wanted to be. It was the only way I could think straight and of a solution. I needed to get that box back no matter what it took.


The dormitory staff talked to me and after what seemed like hours, I was done being questioned about the box. They asked so many personal questions that I wasn't ready to answer so all I said was, "It's just very important. More important than any expensive material thing I own."

They told me to calm down and so I chose to walk to the nearest bakery to get myself some brownies. Eating brownies always calmed me down and helped me make decisions during difficult situations like this. I continued munching on my brownies when I saw Hilary walk into the shop and sit in front of me. She still looked worried.

"Hey, I am sorry for what happened. I should've stayed in the room and kept an eye on our things," Hilary said with a sad tone.

I shook my head and replied, "Hilary, this isn't your fault. Besides, we'll be able to get it back, right?"

"Yeah. We'll do our best to get your box back." I smiled. I was so lucky to have met such a thoughtful roommate.

"So, how long have you and Matthew known each other? How come you've never mentioned knowing him before?"

I placed the brownie I was currently holding in my hand back on the plate and said, "I accidentally bumped into him at the airport. And no, I haven't been talking to him, not until the incident this morning." Hilary just smirked and stood up to order some hot chocolate. While she was waiting in line, I got a text message from my dad.

"I know you're busy and have been working hard ever since you started college but I just want you to know that I'm always proud of you and it's okay to take breaks now and then. Make sure you don't skip any of your meals and keep safe, sweetheart. Dad loves you! Merry Christmas, kiddo."

I sank in my seat after reading my dad's text. I couldn't believe I'd let them down again. I wanted to see them for the holidays this year. This has to be my worst day yet.

Hilary finished ordering and was walking back to her seat when Matthew sat down in front of me before Hilary could arrive at our table. He smiled and gave me a paper bag then left. Hilary rushed over and asked me what was inside. I reached inside and pulled out a burger perfectly wrapped and still warm to the touch. It was from my favorite fast food. I smiled at Matthew's generosity and ate it right away.

"Ooh, Matthew bought you your favorite comfort food," Hilary said in a teasing tone.

"Wait a minute. How did he know you loved eating this specific burger at the specific fast food you always went to when you felt sad?"

I shrugged and just continued eating. It didn't bother me at all. At least I got to eat.

After finishing my burger, Hilary suggested we go to the police station just like what the dormitory staff insisted we do. I agreed with her and so we went out of the bakery and walked back to the parking lot in school.

Hilary turned to me looking confused. "Hey, by the way, where is your car? I thought you drove to the airport this morning?"

My eyes went wide when I remembered I took a ride with Matthew on the way back to school and so I left my car without even realizing it. I gasped and started to panic.

"It's still at the airport."


"I left it there because Matthew offered to drive me back to the dorm. My wrists were swollen and he suggested that I let him drive. It slipped my mind."

"So, what are we going to do now?"

I looked around hoping Matthew was still nearby and hadn't left so we could ask for a ride to the police station. Just as I was about to walk back into the building, Matthew called from behind us, waving from his car window.

"Hey, Gwen! Need a ride?"