
Isn’t This Fun?

There exist many powerful beings throughout the various realms and dimensions. Any being within reason would find itself drowning in riches for it and the future generations of its family if it were to catch the eye of even the most insignificant being amongst those in control. These beings go by quite a few different titles, some of which include: Celestial, Divine, Behemoth, Demon, God... Amongst these grand titles, only one really reigns as most accurate - Calamity... (This humble author is hoping to post chapters with at least 1000 words)

iappo · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


The middle-aged man watched with fear in his eyes. Surely that was his full power, I don't know if my heart can handle anything more. "Young master... perhaps you should control your strength to a significant degree once we set off on our journey," the middle-aged man spoke with concern laced in his words.

Stepping out of his stance, the young man spoke, "do not worry, little lizard. This prince knows the appropriate amount of strength he should showcase, I have done this more than a few times after all." The young man spoke with his nose raised high.

The middle-aged man seemed to have choked on his own words as he coughed, "then this humble one shouldn't worry. Ah! We should get down there soon, young master. It seems the caravan I have chosen is going to be leaving soon." The middle-aged man spoke hurriedly.

The young man's eyes snapped onto the middle-aged man, "then what are we waiting for, let us embark on our adventure, little lizard." With excitement in his voice, the young man spoke once more, "lead the way, little lizard. I shall leave various matters to you and any equipment we may need will be handled by me."

The middle-aged man grasped in the air with both hands and in his palms appeared two axes. These axes weren't very large, nor were they small, they were larger than most hatchets but smaller than a woodcutters ax. With a swift motion, the two axes were placed in two holsters at the waist of the middle-aged man.

As if he realized something the middle-aged man spoke up, "we seem to have forgotten to decide what you shall wear, young master." The voice of the middle-aged man carried hints of guilt.

The young man waved his hand, "I have looked around and simple cultivator robes appear to be a good fit, but more importantly what name would suit me?" The young man had a pensive look in his eyes as he asked.

The middle-aged man froze, "as our appearance is that of common knighted families from the Kingdom of Knights and the crest I fabricated for this identity is a lightning dragon, perhaps a simple name... How does the name Alexander sound, young master?" The middle-aged man had a worried tone as he answered.

The young man licked his lips, "You'd be a great butler, little lizard. For these next 3 years, I shall be referred to as Alexander-" As if hit hard by reality, the young man's expression froze, "I need a family name, little lizard... Ah, this is quite an issue."

The middle-aged man puffed up his chest, "worry not, young- Alexander. This humble one has created an identity for you. This humble one spent a few years with this alternate identity in the various kingdoms and have even formed a clan. With my identity as the founder, it is but a simple matter to give you the position of heir. This humble one's clan goes by the name of Bolt in this world, it would be an honor to have you in it."

The young man rubbed his chin in thought, "Alexander Bolt... Perhaps a bit too much of a mouthful, how about we go with just Alex. Now that that is sorted out, how should I refer to you, little lizard?"

The middle-aged man grinned, "this humble one's name there is Lightning." The middle-aged man spoke with pride in his choice of name.

The young man stopped his thoughts, "how did you manage to come up with such a good name for me when yours is so... How do I say this, accurate?" The young man laughed as he spoke.

The middle-aged man choked on his pride as he weakly replied, "I worked hard on this one, young master..." The Lightning seemed to have gained a few years following this comment by a Great One.

The young man smirked, "worry not, old man. It is a very fitting name for you. Now lead the way, it would be quite awkward to miss the caravan."

The Lightning let out a soft sigh in response as he descended on the world along with his heir Alex. Their destination was a kingdom composed of both knights and mages, a rare occurrence in this world of ideals. The kingdom was commonly referred to as Utopia by its residents as it was the home to one of the strongest warriors on the planet and his clan.

This man was unsurprisingly the prideful lightning dragon. This man, Lightning Bolt, had numerous legends surrounding him as his various feats resounded throughout circles of those in the know. While he wasn't thought of much by commonfolk, the various powers of the world had taken notice of him through tracing results of his battles back to him.

While this man was an enigma, the clan he had created seemed to almost be picture perfect. A clan of warriors, knights, mages, and even cultivators. This clan did not seem to have any strict rules for professions and even encouraged variety, many thought of this to be odd.

When this mysterious man disappeared, he left only 3 rules for his clan; do not discriminate, do not bully, and get stronger. Other than this being carved onto the statue of him in the clan courtyard, there was a simple note left at his desk, "I will return."

These ambiguous words left many with hope for the future of their relatively small clan. While none of the members were actually related to Lightning, he allowed anyone to join so long as they were willing to cast aside their previous life and to abide by his rules. Many members even speculated that he had finally found a woman to settle down with, while most simply assumed he had fallen in battle as a true warrior.

Many were sad and hoped for his return, but more were happy with being a part of this clan that welcomed them with open arms.