
Isle of warriors

A prince that didn't grow up with the love of a father he's only hope is finding power and and become useful in his father's eyes but he's quest for power is a deadly one

Emmy_Rex · Võ hiệp
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There are different tales on how you are given the talent to be a knight there.some says you got to train really hard and some other says

You might be given the gift of power of magic or talent of the sword that it takes over you and your entire existence you're bare

Humanity will be taken away from you your eyes will see the most unspeakable things I'm the isle and you will never be the same again

All you will ever know is war strategies, and winning battles that's all you will ever think about day after day every second you will taste for war and blood

You will have no memory of the past before going to the isle of warriors some said the first and only man that have truly went there had lost everything during the war of the six kingdoms

He lost his family and friend's he lost absolutely everything to the war and had nothing to live for it is said that he blamed himself for not being able to protect his family because of his lack of knowledge to willed a sword and defend the one's close to his heart

He came across the isle of warriors when he was running away from his kingdom well some said the road to the isle of warriors will come to those who have nothing to loose

What t took place in the isle of warriors is still unknown to all and when he came.back he was a new man dressed in a red armor he just went straight into the battle field and defeated all their enemies the whole warriors fighting for the kingdom of Emeries could only stop

And look at him with fear because no one knew who he was his skill was unmatched he was fast so said he was fast as lightning itself that the whole atmosphere was cold and

Came to a stand still the enemies could only run for their lives he was like a plague of darkness to his opponent he was one of the major reasons why the war came to an end

News about him spread out through out the land like wild fire and men were afraid to go to fight against him he was a slayer a conqueror a beast without emotions he felt no pain when he is called to battle he becomes happy,he only looks forward to blood shed it was like he's only happiness

But after war Is peace and that was supposed to be a good thing but with a a knight that only lives to kill it became a problem the king of Emeries became afraid of him because

He was unstable a treat he might actually wake up an start killing everyone in plane sight just to start a war and satisfy his urge so the king summoned the wizards at his


And had them.look for a spell that can keep the knight asleep to avoid any war between the kingdom there was no telling what this knight might do

So they had successfully made a spell that will keep this knight as asleep but it was not a perfect spell the spell came with a prophecy

That for told a royal blood that would be born in every generation that would be born with the power to wake the knight and use him for evil or save the entire kingdom and this was a dilemma that has been faced every kingdom

Wanted their heir to get married with the chosen one to stand a chance at controlling that power the chosen one is always born with eyes as red as the flames and dark silk hair

And so the king's made it their outmost responsibility to keep the chosen one safe and always protected even the identity of the chosen one is kept secret it's been and in other to keep the identity of the chosen more safer to the world they would ask the wizards to

Conjure up a potion that will not let the true eyes of the chosen one to the ordinary eyes but to the one they will end up with and that is why the kingdom of emeries is feared till this very day

And as for the knight he is hidden in the city of Emeries and it's location Is only known to the royal family alone, getting into the kingdom of emeries is even hard you'll have

To go through so many processes and it's wildly known that they don't treat kindly to their visitors and criminals even worse well who will blame them

Right now the kingdom has three princesses all of them all beautiful it is said that if any man lays eyes on them he will forget this purpose of visiting the kingdom they a have so many suitors not because of beauty but for the power that lies in one of them

I know for a fact that our king would want one of his son's to get married to the chosen one but not that prince Damien the king looks at him like a stain In his name he would kill him if he wasn't his son he likes the other prince and would want one of them to get married to the chosen one

Am having a hard time with the names of places and characters,alot is going to surface on this novel help with named guys cos it's gonna be a roller coaster

Emmy_Rexcreators' thoughts