
Chapter 48: Emotions

Chapter 48: Emotions

~Albus POV~

Seeing the hotel of the Glass Unicorn interior I met the future antagonist of the RWBY series Cinder doing cleaning watched around from her evil step sisters as I see they are making it hard for her.

While I didn't like Cinder in the series because of her actions I can't exactly say I disapprove of them either considering what she's gone through.

Now I might sympathize with her but that doesn't mean she deserves help right now.

Sure, she might one day become one of this world's greatest terrors but then again that's only IF I allow her to follow this path when she finally gets to her breaking point.

I might not be a good guy but I'm sure as hell ain't a bad guy at the same time only when necessary.



As much as I don't like the idea of the cannon being ruined… I won't let her suffer her fate in Salem's hands.

Plus to do this, I get a very capable person under me if possible as well as owe a favor as well as cripple a member of the Salem faction down a member as well.

The only downside is I won't know much of canon…

Well, me being here already screwed it up might as well make it all in to fuck it up in my favor as much as possible.

Glancing at the people in front of me I used my Ultimate Eye to see the situation and their predicament.

Frowning I also saw these stepsisters are disgusting creatures that need to be put down like old yeller.

The Madam of the Glass Unicorn was also shown to have two biological daughters who acted as her assistants in managing and running their hotel alongside their mother and were the adoptive sisters to Cinder.

Yeah, that sounds more like a sick joke to me when I view their histories.

Similarly, to their mother, the Two Sisters were shown to be just as amoral, sadistic, and abusive towards their step-sister and greatly enjoyed tormenting her due to her situation as essentially being their personal slave.

This is seen where the two greatly enjoyed increasing Cinder's workload by purposefully making messes, laughing whenever she made mistakes or blunders and bullied and abusing her constantly.

The two were also shown having made point of trying to purposefully get her into trouble with their mother if anything happens as much as they can, implying that the two were aware of their mother's methods of punishing Cinder and were sadistically delighted by it.

The two were usually shown to typically have a haughty and arrogant look and demeanor in their faces when facing Cinder due to the difference in their status in their home.

It was implied that the two sisters were also somewhat responsible for keeping tabs on Cinder for their mother, with the two having implied to have either been spying on Cinder in her room or going through her things due to having found her recently gifted weapon from her mentor.

Eventually, their abusive behavior towards their step-sister got them killed after they found Cinder's sword and reported it to their mother and confronted her about it which they both deserve in the end.

In the show it was implied that they pushed Cinder to the edge and caused her to snap, killing them so that she'd no longer have to endure their abuse and as vengeance for their treatment of her before proceeding to kill their mother.

And this is why I prefer the Faunus to normal humans because of this type of shit like these.

To make matters worse though they have this superiority complex that makes them really think they can get away with what they're doing.

Walking towards Cinder ignoring the whores now scuffling away I began to talk to her in a friendly manner, "Yo. Are you one of the workers here?"

She flinched at that and replied with a nod.

Maybe I can use this chance to help her out as I began to ask her to show me around, "In that case can you show me around the place then?"

"That won't be possible."

Cinder flinched at that as that makes me frown seeing the blond idiots begin to come over as one goes over the bucket, "You see mister our 'step-sister' has to clean this area that she… missed right there."


The other one of the sisters 'accidentally' knocked over the bucket of water as I began to already look through the layout of this place through their histories she responds, "Yeah. Sorry, but she also has to clean the room as well."

Cinder's face pales at this.

"Really? In that case, it should sound simple enough."




Clapping my hands doing Alchemy style I began to reconstruct the hotel to my bidding as well as change things up from everything as I gathered the attention of everyone as they saw everything shift seeing the blue sparks of alchemy going off.

The two flinched back as now everything was spotlessly clean even the earlier stains on the bucket now gone Maria glanced at me as I talked back, "Ah. Now that everything is done how about you miss show me around the area?"

Cinder noticed this as the members of the household of the stepsisters stepped back as I actually got to see how malnourished Cinder really was and starvation to boot.

"What's going on here!"

Next came the big bad manager herself Madame.

Sometime in her past, the Madam had given birth to her two daughters and ran the Glass Unicorn, it was unknown if she was ever married or what happened to her husband if she had one.

However, due to needing more help to properly run the Hotel and likely not wanting to use her own wealth to pay for the wages of an entire staff, the Madam had apparently opted to instead procure an alternative method to acquire the needed help.

After introducing Cinder to her establishment and her two biological daughters, the Madam proceeded to explain to Cinder her new chores and duties to help run the Hotel before giving her a loaf of bread to eat on the floor and ordering her to hurry up in order to get started on her new duties.

During her time raising Cinder, it was evident that the Madam was incredibly sadistic, amoral, and abusive towards the young girl, with her having made a point of barely feeding her, making her do all the needed housework for the entire hotel singlehandedly, granting her subhuman conditions to live by only giving her an old abandoned store room as her bedroom.

To make matters worse she is forcing her to have literally forced to wear a shock collar disguised as a necklace in order to shock her as punishment for any mistakes or blunders she makes or simply due to the fact that it amused her.

The Madame was also shown to enable the bullying and abusive behaviors of her two biological daughters towards her step-daughter.


Seeing that she came in I merely smiled as I immediately got close to Cinder 'collar' and destroyed it completely to further enrage the lady, "Oh! So sorry there miss I 'accidentally' destroyed your necklace – hey what's with the scars?"

Oh, if fury has a form this lady would be glaring daggers at me as Maria came to glance at the situation with a bemused look on her face at my actions.

Albeit I did this out of the fly so this is me truly venting out against this person.


But Cinder realized this as she saw fragments of her 'necklace' out in the open as I opening go towards the Dust as I promptly stomp on it accidentally as the Madame makes her point of going to kick me out.


At this, I did a mock bow while I flip to her to fuck off as she took offense to that.

Maria was about to intervene as I shook my head as I casually walked away from the scene as she wanted me out, "Of course, miss bitch. And by the way, your way of child abuse is surely incredible to get some attention. But then again you have you're – "



Avoiding a vase to the back of my head she was glaring at me hastily as Maria took offense to that as she spoke out, "Hey bitch what's the big idea harming my Student in training!"

Oh, the cat fight is real as Maria got close to Madame's face wanting an explanation for that when I turned my back away as I dodged a vase to the back of my head as Maria is giving her a new one as I began to leave.

But in reality, though I'm going to Cinder's room to talk to her more in person I texted Maria I would find a place to stay the night as I get a few cold shoulders from the Huntsman and a few looks of concern for me.

Yeah, offending a person with connections to Atlas is not the smartest move.

Of course, it would be better if I didn't piss them off like that and save Cinder when it was night.

Nope, my human emotions were too riled up for that, and besides that.

I have time to search her room and steal all of her wealth to leave her and her sisters hanging to dry as Atlas won't punish her then I WILL.

The injustice we trust am I, right?

My mind did want to do worse like turn them to Philosopher Stones but that will be a great waste of time for me to do so as I don't want to stand aside with that filth.

Taking my leave outside I began to move around the area when no one was looking as I began to use my Alchemy to dig underneath the hotel concealing my entrance as it was time to beat this hoe.

But hot damn it felt satisfying pissing a bitch like her off.