
Isekai Restaurant

A boy gets an unusual system and worlds change. Watch as he explore worlds and make friends all over and gets a family of his own. Harem. Multicross. Support Me on: https://www.p@treon.com/crossedge

CrossEdge · Tranh châm biếm
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37 Chs

Chapter 3 Part 4

- Sona -

Just what was wrong with today?

First Rias somehow defeats her in a challenge and she has to accompany her in sneaking out while her sister is in a meeting.

Then they become minders to a miniature version of Serafall. It still chilled her spine to think that there were more people like her sister out there in the world.

She was around 80 percent sure that her sister was pranking her somehow or would be if this woman hadn't appeared out of nowhere.

And now this.

She looked at the brown haired, glasses-wearing woman flying in the sky in front of them. The most prominent feature about her would be her ten devil wings behind her.

A Satan Descendant.

"I came to this Satan forsaken country to look for the mysterious Lucifer but look what I found here. The siblings of the fakes, loitering around in the human world, pretending to be lowly humans? How disgusting."

"Who are you? Why have you stopped us?" Rias went to the front and shouted out loud while Sona checked if she could send any messages to her sister. The communication magic was blocked.

They will have to find a way to distract her so that they can escape the barrier first. That would be quite difficult.

"Hey, who is this annoying woman? She reminds me of another guy whom I find quite annoying. Can I beat her up?" Milim spoke up and all of them froze.

"Hahahaha is this how much the names of the original Satans have been desecrated by the fakes that even insolent filth like this dare to insult us. Very well, let the world be reminded who the rulers of the Underworld are. Let those fakes suffer."

A giant dragon made of water arose from behind her and raced towards them. All four of them erected a barrier but looking at the size of the attack, she doubted the barriers would be able to hold it back.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw Milim walking towards the front of the barriers. "Milim GET BACK!"

Milim faced the water dragon and took a punching stance. "Milim Punc…."

The scene around her as if slowed down and she could see the massive dragon racing towards the young girl who reminded her of her own sister, their images overlapping with each other for just a moment but before she could move, another water dragon came from behind them and crashed into the first one, destroying each other before they could hit the barrier.

Another one?

"Who?" The brown haired woman looked around in surprise.

She looked back and a guy with black hair landed behind them.

Devil Wings.

"SIL!" Milim shouted as she looked back and then raced into the boy.

"Barely on time." She heard the boy whisper as he held Milim in his arms and then flicked her forehead. "Why did you leave the Game Centre?"

"Ah! I was tricked. I was going to beat that guy up but they beat him up first and then we were going to come to the Game place but then we ate crepe and then this meanie stopped and attacked us. Hold on a minute, let me just beat her up in a moment."

He flicked her head again and then bowed towards the woman who was eying him cautiously. "I don't know what they have done to offend you but I would like to apologise for them. They are still young, so can you please forgive their mistake and let this matter go? If I can compensate you in any way, I will try to do my best."

"Apologise? Compensate? And how are you going to compensate us, by handing over the thrones which rightfully belong to us? Are you making fun of me?" The woman got angrier instead. Water rose around her, forming multiple water dragons similar to the first one.

"Look miss, I really don't like fighting. I am sure whatever happened to you cannot be the fault of these people so please don't blame them for the deeds of their elders." The boy tried to reason politely but the woman was enraged but didn't even pause before sending five of those water dragons, tearing through the surroundings towards them.

- Silas -

Five minutes.

I went to the toilet for just five minutes and this happened.

My heart almost jumped to my throat when I saw Milim about to punch. I was not exactly worried about the woman who now clearly appears to be an insane bitch but I was kinda worried about the city and the country and probably half the continent which might accidentally get erased if Milim decided to punch seriously.

As soon as I found out that Milim was missing, I went out to search for her. The barrier-like spell appearing in the city out of nowhere was a big sign and thankfully I arrived here right on time.

I looked at the water dragons and the thought that came to my head was….why? What is the use of using extra energy to make them shaped like dragons? Isn't that a wastage of energy? The move I used a moment ago made it clear to me that the shape doesn't exactly provide any kind of mystical power to the attack, so what was the purpose of using such fancy looking moves?

To look cool?

What is this, an anime?

Sage had already broken down the components of the spell at a single glance. It was a very basic kind of spell with a lot of power behind it.

I looked at the water dragons approaching me and let out a sigh. "Why do I get caught in these situations?"

In the next moment, I controlled the water on the ground and the nearby fountain and compressed it to the utmost limit, shaping it in the shape of a simple blade and slashed them towards the dragons.

My new Unique Skill: Flood, made my water spells over a hundred times stronger. It wasn't even a comparison as the dragons were torn apart from between, breaking the magic controlling them as they fell to the ground in a shower of water.

The woman was shocked but in just a moment that shock turned into anger as she looked at me hatefully.

What's with the hate, Lady?

Should I just let myself be hit by those inefficient, slow moving dragons just to soothe your pride? Grow up.

"Look Miss. I really don't like fighting. I just like and want to live my life in peace. Can't you just let it slide today? Whatever problems you have, solve it another day. There are a lot of people in the surrounding areas. They will get hurt and there will be a mess. It's too troublesome to deal with that. So why don't we both be reasonable adults and take a step back instead?"

"You….black hair, blue eyes. Water magic. A condescending tone and that face which reminds me of that traitor who dares proclaim herself with my rightful name. Who are you?"

Oh, come on. Now she is superimposing someone else on me? Get a doctor for your unresolved PTSDs, don't hit random people with giant water dragons. Can this day get any worse?

"Hahahaha Silas is my little brother and I am the Onee-chan, Maou Milim Nava. Get beaten up meanie." Milim laughed before making a face at the already incensed woman.


Murphy….thou art a heartless bitch.

I closed my eyes and facepalmed.

The woman became quiet for a second and then let out a shriek of anger as dozens of water dragons rose in the air. This time what looked like Magic Circles forming several weapons of magic accompanied them and they were numbered in hundreds.

It was like a mini tsunami up there.

"You know what? I'm done." I whispered as I turned back and held Milim's hand so that she wouldn't run around anywhere again. "Frost."

The sound behind me stopped instantly.

I faced the girls and bowed lightly. "I'm very thankful to you for helping my sister out. If we meet again someday, I will treat you all to something good but today I am in a bit of a hurry so I apologise."

And with that said, I took Milim in my arms and flew away.

- Ajuka -

Sitting down on the couch, he noticed a bunch of what looked to be some children's novel lying on the table.

Sirzechs and Serafall called him over to Sirzechs' place to question their sisters and their queens about the attack of Katerea Leviathan and the mysterious Devil who killed her.

The children were quite shocked by the incident and were getting ready before they arrived so Ajuka picked up a book to entertain himself.

He read through the books at his normal pace, having nothing better to do to pass the time but didn't think that a children's book would catch his attention.

But he got interested….surprisingly.

A few minutes later, Sirzechs and Serafall entered the room, followed by their little sisters and parents. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Ajuka. We were worried and the girls needed to go through some medical checkups first."

"It's fine. I just arrived." He laid aside the book and looked at the shaken up girls.

"Rias, go on. Tell us what happened there." Sirzechs asked his sister, giving her a light push and she came forward and replayed the story.

The other three came after her and filled in the holes.

"So, Katerea Leviathan attacked you out of nowhere."

Serafall's sister slowly nodded and ice started to gather on the glasses of the room.

"Control yourself, Serafall." Sirzechs spoke, attracting her attention, causing the ice to recede.

"She said that she was there trying to find a Lucifer." Sirzechs offered.

Ah, that mysterious Lucifer who overturned the table because some foolish magicians decided to poke the hornet's nest.

Even after around two months, they found nothing about this person. It was understandable that the Old Satan faction would want someone like this who could clear an entire country of selected people on their side.

Thankfully, the person himself was more of a recluse and didn't come out.

"Can you tell us something about the boy who fought her? Also, this little sister of his?"

"The boy was a Devil. His sister called him Sil. He had black hair, blue, almost purple eyes and looked like he was around twenty. He was extremely fast when using Water Magic. Actually, that woman thought he was related to Sitri because he looked a bit similar to Lady Serafall." He noticed the Serafall freeze momentarily at this, remembering the incident from eighteen years ago. What a mess that was? She had almost frozen half the underworld in her rage.

Lady Sitri looked frozen too. It was Lord Sitri's reaction which was odd. His eyes widened and his mouth opened a little. He probably knew something but controlled himself.

Rias continued. "He stopped the water dragon attacking us with a near identical attack and apologised to the woman, asking her to let go of the matter saying that he didn't like fighting. She was however offended and attacked but he easily countered."

She paused for a moment as if remembering the scene. "All those water dragons, all those attacks were easily cut off by him using water blades….instantly."

"I observed something odd about him." Sona spoke.


"He was not using any magic circles. From the start till the end, I didn't see any magic circles. It's like he could control all the water at will and he did so just by willing it."

"Oh! Anything else?"

"The woman got very angry when Milim made fun of her and attacked us. At this point, I heard the boy whisper that he was done and 'Frost.' Everything instantly turned to ice. All those hundreds and hundreds of water attacks, the woman attacking us….everything….just froze. He….was not even trying. He then just bowed to us and thanked us for helping his sister and took her and flew away."


A very uncomfortable silence settled over the room.

Katerea Leviathan was at the very top of the Ultimate Class, even a low Satan class if they pushed it and that was something in the world. The number of Devils stronger than her could be counted on both hands with fingers to spare.

And someone who could defeat her….so easily, Ajuka could only think of three such people, one of them being himself.

Even among the current Satans, Serafall and Falbium couldn't do it. Not that easily.

Serafall had personally checked the site of the battle.

Each of those water weapons were frozen still. The entire thing looked like a lifelike sculpture than anything else. And all of it was done instantly. In less than a second.

"Do you know of anyone like that, Lord Sitri?" Sirzechs asked and unlike the previous reaction the man denied it, still looking a bit out of it.

"Can you all remember anything, even a simple thing about the boy and his sister?"

"Umm, his sister….she was not a devil."

"Hmm? Explain."

"She was a child around ten or so and called herself Magical Girl Maou Milim Nava. It was because of this that the woman got angry with us. Also, she repeatedly called herself his elder sister. She had the habit of giving nicknames to everyone. We could only find out what we did about him because she talked a little about herself. She was there with her friends to visit the Comic-con and she was with her brother. Her brother is a chef and she called him Sil. They were not from Tokyo."


"That leaves us with even less than what we started with. First that mysterious Lucifer and now another unknown possible Super Devil out there that we don't know about. Why is everyone suddenly gathering in Japan?"

"And the Japanese Supernatural community is being quite tense about this too. We cannot make any strong moves there to search."

"Do you think they might be the same person?" Falbium asked.

He shook his head. "Highly unlikely. To master magic of that level of magic takes more than just affinity. Someone being attuned to several such elements is unlikely. Moreover, the guy didn't know Katerea at all. If he was a Lucifer with that level of power, he must have had some idea of who she was."

"Serafall, talk to the Japanese Supernatural communities and see if we can find out anything about these two. Ajuka, can you make a portrait from their descriptions?"

He nodded and created a magic circle and presented it towards the girls. "Think of the boy and his sister's faces and put a palm on the magic circle."

They did and slowly two faces appeared on the magic circle.

"Father….is he, maybe….one of yours?" Serafall asked and even Lady Sitri looked at the man.

"No. I don't know him." He denied.

Ajuka looked at another one of his magic circles and observed that his heart rate had increased, perspiration and breathing rate had slightly changed while one of his eyebrows shook. He was lying.

This was such a mess.