What... What's going? I was watching a video while crossing the street... Did someone hit me? I feel so light... What's that sound? Follow my adventures as I live my new life in a beloved game that has aged perfectly due to a wonderful and dedicated modding community.
"Anyway, the Champion's interference upset them, so they took it out on my family as an act of revenge. Generations of my family have been wiped out. Wives, husbands, and children. All gone. My mother and father? Dead, because of Purity's despicable acts of warfare. Now only Kasia and I remain." Marcus looks down depressed.
"And now they're back." I say, taking a drink myself.
"Gods, how long has it been? I never came face to face with Purity my entire life. They go dormant every decade or two, but they always come back. We thought my father had defeated them once and for all, but then the West Weald Massacre happened… Damn, I'm rambling again. Must be the old age, but I hope I satisfied your curiosity. I still have to tell you about that favor." Marcus says, returning to the origin of our conversation.
"I feel like you're not telling me the whole story though." I say feeling prompted by internal dialogue.
"Of course not, but time is of the essence. You don't need to know Euphoria Palace's connection to all of this or the time when the Champion ventured into Valhalla and… Oh, the favor! Right, right. Purity, or whatever merc group they've hired this time, is on their way. Jonestead simply isn't the safest place to be right now. There is a campsite north of Windhelm. It is in close proximity of a group of trusted friends. I need you to take Kasia there immediately." Marcus explains.
"I know of several long and circuitous paths to Windhelm, it will be a safe journey. I assure you." I tell him, thinking of which quests I can sneak into this surprise escort quest.
"Good, good, once camp is set up, she will need to wait there until I send word that it is safe to come back to Jonestead." Marcus agrees.
"What about the rest of town?" I ask.
"I'll warn Atulg, Bugdul, and Kristy to expect trouble. They seem to be the most capable fighters if the worst case scenario occurs. I'll have Walsh tell the others to stay inside and lock their doors. As for weapons… Let's say that word got around that a certain pair of Orcs may have stashed some axes beneath their house's floorboards. I promise that I'll try to have everything secured soon enough. But, you must promise me that no matter what. Happens, you'll protect my daughter." Marcus emphasizes.
"I promise, she will be safe and sound under my protection." I say, giving my word.
"Good. I'm counting on you, friend. Don't let me down. Now go, hurry away from here as soon as possible." Marcus implores.
I go upstairs, while my party remains by the downstairs main door, to speak with Kasia, who has donned so heavy furs.
"What did my father say?" Kasia asks while remaining crisscrossed on the floor.
"I'll tell you once we reach a campsite your father has pointed out. Is everything you need packed, we've got a ways to go." I ask looking around for any bags.
"Yeah. A campsite, huh? Fine. Lead the way." Kasia says reluctantly with a dower expression.
We head out of Kasia's house in silence, everyone else noticing Kasia's mood and deciding to remain silent. We are able to make it to the ruins of Helgan before the light fades and we're forced to set up camp.
The ruins have finally stopped smoldering and after slaying the bandits that had called it home it is eerily silent as we quietly set up the tents and a fire to heat up our cold rations.
I finally speak up after the silence gets to much for me to bare, "We should be able to make it to the Outpost tomorrow during which time Kasia will stay there for a day or two while I take care of some personal matters."
"Personal matters? Like what Silvy?" Sofia asks.
"She is curious too, Fluffy." M'rissi asks.
"Yes, my friend, anything we can help with?" Inigo offers while Kasia remains silent.
"I'm having to meet with several people across town and having to run a few errands. I need to be alone for some of them, so I'd appreciate if you all help Lokir with work on the trade outpost. The sooner that is done, the better I'll feel." I explain.
"Sure Silvy, we'll watch after her." Sofia says.
"She will stay with her." M'rissi says.
"You got it my friend!" Inigo exclaims, while Kasia remains quietly huddle into herself by the fire, just listlessly nodding along to our conversation.
"Good, now, you girls get some rest. Me and Inigo will do a quick patrol before taking turns on watch." I take Crimson from their swaddle on my back, much to their consternation as they try and fail to rip my ear of from disturbing their slumber.
"Now Crimson, you have to stay here and guard the camp." I tell them.
"Rawr?" Crimson questioningly rawrs.
"Because me and Inigo are going on patrol to make sure the area's safe." I explain.
"Rawr!" Crimson attempts to bellow what ends in a squeak.
"I don't care if you don't want to go, I said to stay here and guard the camp." I adamantly say.
"Grrrr..." They growl before turning away from me with their nose held high.
"That's okay, I guess any game we find will just go to us and the girls." I say turning away as well.
"Rrreewww?" I hear Crimson lowly growl, before coming up and bumping my legs while giving me sad cub eyes.
"Oh, so you're sorry now?" I ask with a smile.
"Rawr." Crimson says with a nod.
"Then I'll think about bringing you something back, but only if you wait here like a good cub, alright?" I say ruffling their ears.
"Rawr!" Crimson rawrs happily before plopping down and staring at me and Inigo as if willing us to leave and return quicker with food.
With that I laugh as me and Inigo start walking through the ruins and rubble of Helgan. The first stop on my journey in this new life I find myself in. After walking a few minutes Inigo breaks the silence.
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