
Isekai’d Into The Wrong World

[Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry] —————————————————— After sacrificing his life to save another’s, 24-year-old Ryan Ray is catapulted into a new world, freed from the monotony of his old life. Tasked(Forced) by an angelic spirit, he embarks on a journey to save a world on the brink of destruction. With newfound abilities and allies, Ryan must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and uncover the truth behind the looming threat. Will he succeed in his mission and bring hope to a desperate world, or will the in-world and out-of-world forces prove too powerful to overcome? Probably, he’s just a human after all.

Veritas_ · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Ch10 - Physical Training pt2

Jared didn't look very similar to James, apart from their hair colour: black, as well as their age, both probably around eighteen. It seemed like they couldn't be further from brothers. Jared had a thin face, a long nose, and a slim body, while James had a strong face with a short nose and a built body.

"Different fathers," James said, knowing what Ryan was thinking.

"Alright, you four! Back here!" Shouted Sir Clifford.

The four trainees waddled over, resigned to their fate.

"Now that I've seen how terrible you all are, it's time to start training for real," said Sir Clifford.

That training we had 5 minutes ago was not "for real?" Ryan nearly cried out.

"We'll start with your stances! I want all of you to get into your Ox Guard stances."

Eleanor, Jared, and James quickly went into their Ox stances while Ryan clumsily tried to copy them.

"Perfect! All of you… except Ryan!

Keep the wooden long sword pointed straight, knee bent further, and at least, have the proper grip!" Screamed Sir Clifford

Ryan made an attempt to adjust according to Sir Clifford's orders, but all he received in return was further berating.

"Keep the long sword steady!"

"Raise your arms higher!" Shouted Sir Clifford, spit flying out of his mouth.

"I have a small dick!"

Ryan made up that last quote.

At last, the large clock on the training hall wall turned to 14:00, marking the end of today's training session.

"Ryan, if you aren't in the training hall by 6:00 tomorrow morning, you will not be leaving at 14:00, but get a personal session!

I think this lesson was already personal enough…

Ryan wasn't even able to respond to Sir Clifford's torrent of words; he was unbelievably tired.

Sir Clifford walked off, seemingly happy with himself, leaving Ryan standing and about to collapse.

I'm so tired that I'm barely able to think.

James, standing right in front of him, had to snap his fingers to gain Ryan's attention.

"HEY! Great, you zoned out for a minute, Come with me, and I'll bring you to the mess hall.

"Mhrm" was all that Ryan could squeak out, slowly trailing after James.

By the time the duo reached the food hall, Ryan was passing out; thankfully, Toris, who was already eating, hopped up to help and rushed over to Ryan.

"Rejuvenis," said Toris, who touched Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan felt a warmth course through him from the spot that Toris touched.

"Thank you, Toris."

"My pleasure, but why didn't Clifford use this spell on you? He is an Acolyte mage."

"That fu-"

"Careful what you say about higher-ranking soldiers, Ryan; although you will be excused due to your status, you don't want to make a unnecessary enemy."

"It seems I already have, and I'm not even sure why." Replied Ryan.

Toris sighed, "It's probably because every other hero that has come to this world has been a psycopathic bastard: the elf hero, Jacky, murdered and raped Sir Clifford's family. So he doesn't have a great opinion of you right now, on top of already being a tough trainer to normal trainees."

"HERO? Ryan's a hero?" Shouted James, barely containing his excitement.

"Ah, it seems it hasn't spread around the camp completely. Yes, Ryan is the first human hero." Toris said, extremely casually.

"It's an honour to be with you, sir; you will be the turning point in this war!" Said James, bowing his head awkwardly.

"Enough of that, though; time to eat," said James, realising that Ryan just wanted him to shut up so he could eat.

As Toris, James, and Ryan entered the heart of the food hall, the comforting aroma of cooked meals enveloped them, offering a brief respite from the day's trials. The hall itself, though plain in its construction with rocky walls like the rest of the fortress, was bustling with activity. Toris led Ryan to a vacant table in the dead centre, where they claimed some chairs.

The food hall was alive with the sounds of clinking cutlery and lively chatter, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Toris wasted no time in filling his plate with an assortment of dishes, while Ryan followed suit, his hunger outweighing his weariness.

Huh, the food looks pretty similar to Earth's,

Observed Ryan.

As they began to eat, James joined them at the table, his own tray laden with food, and greeted Ryan with a smile, even friendlier than before.

An awkward silence took over the table as Ryan scoffed down tonnes of food, and James simply watched him eat.

Mhmm, this world will not be so bad in the end if I get to eat this every day.

Suddenly, as if James just couldn't stop himself, he started asking question after question: "So how did you become a hero? Oh, and what were the divine like? What was your last life like, whe-"

"That's enough questions, James; Ryan has enough to worry about, being in a new world and all." Interrupted Toris.

Toris glanced at Ryan with concern, noting the fatigue etched on his face. "You look like you could use another rejuvenis," he suggested, reaching out to touch Ryan's shoulder.

"No, I'm all good" physically. How the hell do you two expect ME to fight a psychopathic elven hero who has been on this world, most likely, far longer than I have. Thought Ryan.

"Good." Said Toris monotonously