
is three really a crowd

DaFirstqueenOfLo · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Blue is her favorite

The sky was a dull gray, the steady drops of rain soaked the street and sidewalks. The layers of water painting the ground in its wet, cold sheath. A single street light standing in the park. The glow from the light reflecting off the oddly colored toys soaked in the rain.

On the swing that was placed right under the street light. Rested a young woman, her waisted length crinkly black hair drenched and heavy from the water it carrying. The pink sweater half-heartedly draped over her frame also heavy and full of rain.

Her honey mocha complexion held a yellow shine curtisy of the street light above. Her cheeks held a slightly visible pink hue. Her eyes held a cloudy apperence, as the waterfall of tears cascades down her plump cheeks and down her chin.

After feeling a chill run through her body she stood up. Taking a deep breath, to calm herself. She whipped the extra tears on her heavy soaked sleeve. Taking a quick glance around the empty park before trudging home.

She jogs slowly along the sidewalk, seemingly aware of its slickness. Using her fit build, she makes it to her destination in time in five minutes as it was seemingly an apartment down the street two blocks from the park.

She rummages through the back pocket of her old, non-fitting worn-out pale blue jeans. Yanking out some keys, she then proceeds to unlock the door and zip inside. Twisting to turn the lock and zoom inside past the living room.

She runs up the stairs toward a blue purple painted door. She walks in and shuts the two toned door, walking twords the white covered bed. Rummaging through her other pockets, she tossing her phone and wallet. stumbled toward the conjoined bathroom.

Laying her soaked top layers in the sink as she stripped down to her birthday suit. Turning to glance in the mirror at her green swollen eyes and puffy freckled cheeks

She sits in the tub silently, the thoughts jumbled, her confusion on how to proceed causes a headache to form. Sighing loudly as she sinks lower in the warm water. She jumps at the sound of her ringtone.

The sound filling her with dread the feeling filling her stomach and clogging her throat. She stares at the bathroom door as the ringtone echoed through her room.

"What am I going to tell her?" Was all she said, stepping out the tub and walking to a side, grabbing a towel, drying off, and lazyly tying it around her body to walk out and reach for a tank-top and shorts.

Charging her phone and laying her wallet on the side dresser.lying down and letting sleep consume her.